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Course profile

Food & Fibre Case Studies III (AGRC3000)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
Coordinating unit
Agriculture and Food Sustainability School

Through a project focused on a major strategic issue, this course integrates material drawn from discipline based courses and utilises the knowledge and skills developed through Food and Fibre Case Studies I and II. Students in this course complete a semester-long research assignment for a 'client' firm or organisation which is linked to agricultural, pastoral or horticultural industries. This is the capstone course of the Agribusiness degree program.

This course will be last offered in external mode in 2024.

Being one of the core courses in the University of Queensland (UQ)’s Bachelor of Agribusiness program, this course serves as a ‘capstone course’ providing opportunities for you to apply key conceptual frameworks, analytical tools, and knowledge of food and agribusiness that you have acquired throughout your agribusiness study into a realistic consultancy-type project. It has a strong emphasis on developing your ability to workᅠautonomously and as a team. At the start of the Semester, you will be asked to state your preferred clients from a list of client organisations and, then,ᅠbe allocated to a project and a group.ᅠYour group will get support from a mentor and have regular meetings.ᅠ

Course requirements

Assumed background

It is assumed that students have learned and will continue to develop during this course the following: market research design and delivery; common agribusiness techniques; professional communication with clients; professional team working;ᅠreport writing and presentation;ᅠand project management and problem-solving skills.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:



BAgribus or BAgribus dual degree students

Jointly taught details

This course is jointly-taught with:

  • Another instance of the same course

As detailed above.

Course contact

Course coordinator

Dr Risti Permani

Please email me if you require an in-person or Zoom consultation.

Course staff



Mr Arif Syaifudin


The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Given that this is a four-unit course, you should allocate approximately 20 hours per week toᅠthis course. You will have scheduled lecture hours, weekly group meetings with your mentor, additional group meetings with your group members, and regular contact with your client.ᅠIn-person attendanceᅠand participation areᅠessential for internal studentsᅠand will be recorded and considered for assessment marking.