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Course profile

Animal Nutrition & Technology (ANIM7240)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
Postgraduate Coursework
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
Coordinating unit
Agriculture and Food Sustainability School

The nutrition of domestic and wild animals; nutritional ecology, nutrients, digestion and nutrient supply, food evaluation and quality, regulation of food intake, quantitative nutrition.

Evidence of immunity to Q fever is mandatory for this course. Refer to UQ Student Immunisation Requirements for more information.

Animal Nutritionᅠand Technology ANIM7240ᅠfocuses on digestion, absorption, and metabolism of feed and how the different dietary components/nutrients are assimilated into products or used to maintain life. In order for a feed to be utilised by an animal, it has to be palatable to be consumed, digestible to be broken down into small units, absorbable to enter the body and metabolisable to be utilised into energy and structural components.ᅠYou will develop anᅠunderstanding of this series of events in order to be able to feed your animals whether production, pet or wild. While covering a broad range of animalsᅠ(domestic, wild, ruminants and simple-stomached), we will explore feed prehension methods, digestion and how this affects the types of nutrients which animals absorb into their bodies, nutrient requirements and how these are influenced by production type and rate, and the environment, and how to process feed so that it is safer, more palatable and more nutritious. This courseᅠprovides coverage of the fundamental aspects of chemical composition of feeds and the constituents of feed that supply nutrients to the animal. We then build on this to examineᅠhow to feed animals to achieve desired outputs.

This course has mandatory immunisation requirements due to an increased risk of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) for students working with animals or in agricultural environments. Students will be asked to provide evidence of immunity to Q fever via my.UQ My Requests as a condition of enrolment in this course. Refer to UQ Student Immunisation Requirements for more information.

Course requirements

Assumed background

It's assumed that you have a reasonable knowledge of organic chemistry and intermediary biochemistry, animal biology; animal behaviour, handling & wellbeing, and agricultural microbiology and gene technology.


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:

ANIM2053 (co-taught)


Restricted to students who meet mandatory immunisation requirements.

Jointly taught details

This course is jointly-taught with:

This course shares content with ANIM2053 In Person and External, with activities and assessment that may vary (Residential School sessions for External mode) to suit the mode and campus of study.

Course contact

Course staff


Guest lecturer

Dr Vikas Kumar


The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

For In Person mode of ANIM7240,ᅠit is compulsory for students to attend all practical sessions and to hand in the practicals worksheet/assessments/reports. Student attendance at lectures is highly recommended as questions from final exam will be covered in the content and online polls (theᅠweekly online quizzes are not assessable).