Course coordinator
Send me anᅠemail for any questions or to make an appointment.
Application of assisted breeding technology for the reproductive management of domestic animals, exotics and Australian native species.
Evidence of immunity to Q fever is mandatory for the In Person offering of this course. Refer to UQ Student Immunisation Requirements for more information.
The lectures and practical activities scheduled for this course can be modified or adjusted. Please, check the blackboard routinely for notifications regarding potential changes. When possible, changes in the program will be advertised as soon as possible. Thanks!
This course will examine the theory and practice of assisted reproductive technology and management in animals. We shall cover topics such as the evolution of farm animal biotechologies, oestrus detection including reproductive hormone analysis, oestrus synchronisation, multiple ovulation embryo transfer, oocyte pick-up, IVF, IVM, semen collection, semen evaluation, artificial insemination, gamete and embryo cryopreservation and pregnancy diagnosis/management. The negative impacts on reproductive function will be explored including an overview of congenital and infectious diseases of the male and female reproductive systems and a review of the contemporary contraceptive systems used in animal science. Students will also gain practical experience in a range of assisted breeding technologies in domestic animals.
This course has mandatory immunisation requirements for the in-person mode due to an increased risk of Vaccine Preventable Diseases (VPD) for students working with animals or in agricultural environments. In-person enrolled students will be asked to provide evidence of immunity to Q fever via my.UQ My Requests as a condition of enrolment in this course. Refer to UQ Student Immunisation Requirements for more information.
This course assumes that you have understood and successfully completed the introductory reproductive theory and practice equivalent toᅠANIM3019 or ANIM7219.ᅠ
Q-Fever vaccines are required for this course.ᅠPlease go to the Australian QFever Register ( to “Find a vaccinator” near you.
You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:
ANIM7620 or ANIM3019 or ANIM7219
We recommend completing the following courses before enrolling in this one:
In Person offering restricted to students who meet mandatory immunisation requirements.
This course is jointly-taught with:
This course shares content with ANIM7621 In person, with activities and assessments that may vary (online practical modules) to suit the mode and campus of study.
Send me anᅠemail for any questions or to make an appointment.
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
All practical components for the external mode will consist of files containing data and videos of the activities performed on campus, along with external online resources to complement the material. All timetabled in-person practicals have been identified as high-risk activities for Q-fever exposure (this also includes the non-timetabled oestrus synchronization activities). Thus, switching to in-person mode will require approval from the course coordinator and School of Agriculture and Food Sustainability.
If you have any concerns regarding your official timetable or course allocations, or there are no suitable class times available, contact Faculty of Science Timetable at for advice.
If you have any questions about missing class activities, please contact your course coordinator.
This course aims to provide students with a comprehensive knowledge and practice of applied animal reproductive biology across a broad range of taxa.
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
Enhance your proficiency in reproductive assessment by mastering techniques like oestrous detection, hormone interactions, and semen collection and evaluation.
Gain insight into advanced reproductive techniques for genetic management, including oestrous synchronisation, embryo transfer, in vitro embryo production, artificial insemination, gamete and embryo freezing, semen sexing, cloning technology, and contraception.
Cultivate an understanding of introductory reproductive pathology, encompassing congenital, chromosomal, and infectious aspects in both males and females.
Engage in hands-on experiences performing fundamental procedures in both animal reproductive laboratories and field settings.
Contextualise animal reproductive management in the animal industries.
Formulate a culturally relevant scientific research proposal in the field of assisted reproductive technology, tailored to align with your future career goals.
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Examination |
In-Semester Examination
30% |
16/04/2025 1:00 pm |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation |
Goat oestrous synchronisation report
20% |
23/05/2025 4:00 pm |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation |
Breeding Technology Research Proposal (EOI)
20% |
23/05/2025 4:00 pm |
Examination |
End-of-Semester Examination
30% |
End of Semester Exam Period 7/06/2025 - 21/06/2025 |
A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.
16/04/2025 1:00 pm
All lectures and practical activities delivered from week 1 to week 7 (including week 7) will be assessed. Closed Book no materials permitted.
The examination will be a digital (computer-based), invigilated exam, conducted online via Zoom during a scheduled session. Please have your UQ student ID card available for all exams. Students enrolled in external mode delivery must join the Zoom link and follow the instructions available on Blackboard to complete the exam under online invigilation.
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Planning time | 10 minutes |
Duration | 90 minutes |
Calculator options | Any calculator permitted |
Open/closed book | Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted |
Exam platform | Other |
Invigilation | Invigilated by Zoom |
You may be able to defer this exam.
23/05/2025 4:00 pm
External students will have access to videos, pictures, and an Excel file with the data collected during our reproductive management of the UQ Gatton goat flock by comparing two/three oestrous synchronization programs. Students will be expected to participate online in all practical aspects of the semester-long program, which will include a breeding soundness evaluation of the buck, preparation of the does for oestrous synchronization, preparation of the buck for introduction to the does, and observing evidence of estrous behaviour. The program results will be written up in a report format (20%). Total maximum word count: 2000 words + figures + tables + references. You can start working on this report as soon as we start performing the oestrous synchronization program. As external students, you are expected to engage with all available communication channels to stay informed about campus activities. Remember to ask any questions via the discussion board or email the course coordinator to remain up to date
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Translation (MT) are emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AI and/or MT in completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI or MT in each instance.
A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
You must submit your Assessment task, in Blackboard, via the Turnitin link by the submission deadline. You should also retain an electronic copy of every piece of assessment you submit.
Legal Declaration
By submitting your work via this website, you formally declare that (1) it is your own original work, and no part of the work has been copied from any other source or person except where due acknowledgement is made; (2) no part of the work has been previously submitted for assessment in this or any other institution; and (3) you have read the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy ( and understand its implications.
You may be able to apply for an extension.
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Assessment deadlines are firm and must be met. Late submission without permission or non-submission of assessable work will result in penalties being applied. Late submission of assessment will only be granted for documented medical reasons, accident, bereavement, jury service and other circumstances allowed in the UQ Policies and Procedures Library (PPL).
Submission of an Extension of Assessment Due Date (EADD) should be completed online through your My Requests tab via my.UQ Dashboard before the due date of the assessment item.
23/05/2025 4:00 pm
Students will develop a two-page Expression of Interest (EOI) scientific research proposal, accompanied by a one-page reference list, on a topic of their choice within the field of animal breeding technology. This task simulates the process of submitting a grant research proposal, providing students with practical experience in scientific grant writing. The EOI should align with the student's future research or career interests. Detailed guidelines will be provided on Blackboard (BB). Students are encouraged to begin working on this proposal from Week 1 to ensure adequate preparation time.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Translation (MT) are emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AI and/or MT in completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI or MT in each instance.
A failure to reference generative AI or MT use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
You must submit your Assessment task, in Blackboard, via the Turnitin link by the submission deadline. You should also retain an electronic copy of every piece of assessment you submit.
Legal Declaration
By submitting your work via this website, you formally declare that (1) it is your own original work, and no part of the work has been copied from any other source or person except where due acknowledgement is made; (2) no part of the work has been previously submitted for assessment in this or any other institution; and (3) you have read the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy ( and understand its implications.
You may be able to apply for an extension.
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Assessment deadlines are firm and must be met. Late submission without permission or non-submission of assessable work will result in penalties being applied. Late submission of assessment will only be granted for documented medical reasons, accident, bereavement, jury service and other circumstances allowed in the UQ Policies and Procedures Library (PPL).
Submission of an Extension of Assessment Due Date (EADD) should be completed online through your My Requests tab via my.UQ Dashboard before the due date of the assessment item.
End of Semester Exam Period
7/06/2025 - 21/06/2025
All lectures and practical activities not evaluated in the In-Semester exam will be evaluated (week 8 till week 13). Closed Book no materials permitted
Have your UQ student ID card available for all your exams. Students enrolled in External delivery must attend the exam in-person, either on campus OR at an approved off-campus exam venue as organised through UQ Examinations. Please refer to your personalised examination timetable.
This assessment task is to be completed in-person. The use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of AI or MT may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Planning time | 10 minutes |
Duration | 120 minutes |
Calculator options | Any calculator permitted |
Open/closed book | Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted |
Exam platform | Paper based |
Invigilation | Invigilated in person |
You may be able to defer this exam.
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Grade | Description |
1 (Low Fail) |
Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 0% - 34% |
2 (Fail) |
Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 35% - 46% |
3 (Marginal Fail) |
Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes Course grade description: 47% - 49% OR a failure to meet the identified assessment hurdle below. |
4 (Pass) |
Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 50% - 64% |
5 (Credit) |
Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 65% - 74% |
6 (Distinction) |
Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 75% - 84% |
7 (High Distinction) |
Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: 85% - 100% |
Course Grading Rules and Assessment Hurdles
If a student obtains an overall percentage greater than the cut-offs set to achieve a 4 or higher for the course based on marks from a combination of progressive assessment and examinations and the student does NOT score a passing mark in the combined result for the In-Semester and End-of-Semester examinations, they are unable to achieve a grade higher than a 3 (failing grade) for the course.
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Please note the following when writing assignments
You must not re-use past work from previous assessments in your assignments.
Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
All reported work must be done by the individual student. Assignments that look and sound alike will be reported as plagiarism – a serious offence at UQ. Please note the university’s policy on academic integrity and plagiarism which can be accessed at Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy.
Assignmentsᅠthat are required to be submitted throughᅠTurnItIn, mustᅠonlyᅠbe uploaded to the assessment specific Turnitin link on the relevant course Blackboard site. If you submit any version of your assessment item to any alternative Turnitin link, this is considered cheating and you will be held liable for this action.
Practical class attendance
External students are not eligible to attend practical classes for this course. All required materials will be available online.
Release of marks
Unless specifically indicated by the lecturer involved,ᅠevery attempt will be made to haveᅠthe results for progressive assessment tasks available within 3 weeks of submission. For items of assessment submitted in the last 2 weeks of the semester, the results will be available before the day of your end of semester examination in the course, unless otherwise indicated by the Course Coordinator. Results and feedback availability will be advised to you by email or announced via the course Blackboard site.
The course coordinator is available to give one on one feedback in person or online via zoom. Please send your request to:
Re-mark Applications – refer to theᅠUniversity's Re-mark Policyᅠto check your eligibility
Before applying for a remark, students should consider the following:
Remark applications will not be considered without first having contacted your course Co-ordinator.
Deferred and Supplementary assessment (including Deferred In-Semester Examinations)
Deferred and Supplementary information can be located on theᅠmy.UQᅠwebsite
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.
Item | Description | Further Requirement |
ANIM7621 Course Blackboard Site | Blackboard is the main method of communication for this course. | |
ANIM7621 Course Profile | Provides details of specifications, rationale, aims and structure of the course. It also informs you of the assessment for this course, including weighting and due dates. |
ANIM7621 has its own Blackboard site - students should consult this site for further access to learning resources relevant to this course. All lectures will be recorded and be available as Echo or Zoom recordings and uploaded to the Blackboard website. Lectures will be supplemented with a learning guide and links to additional papers/reviews and websites.
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Multiple weeks From Week 1 To Week 13 |
Lecture |
Lecture series Please refer to the full timetable in the course Blackboard site. All lectures will be available as pre-recorded lectures. Sub-activity: Course outline and introduction to ART in animals - Dr. Andres Gambini Semen collection technologies - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Semen evaluation - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Oestrous cycle and AI introduction - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Oestrous cycle characterisation and synchronization - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Artificial insemination and Pregnancy diagnosis - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Semen Preservation Technologies - Dr. Andres Gambini Oocyte to embryo transition - Dr. Andres Gambini Embryo Transfer Technologies and Reproductive Hormones - Dr. Andres Gambini Review Lectures for In-Semester exam - Dr. Andres Gambini Oocyte collection technologies and In vitro fertilization technologies - Dr. Andres Gambini Gene editing and Nuclear transfer technologies - Dr. Andres Gambini Stem cell technology - A/Prof Dee Whitworth Contraceptive technology - A/Prof Stephen Johnston Reproductive Pathology - Dr. Gry Boe-Hansen (SVS) An industry view of Breeding Technologies - Dr. Andres Gambini Review Lectures/Pract - Feedback for Report and Research Proposal - Dr. Andres Gambini Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L05, L06 |
Multiple weeks From Week 2 To Week 13 |
Practical |
Practical Series Some practical activities conducted on campus will be recorded, and videos, images, and collected data will be made available on Blackboard, along with videos and additional resources from previous years to complement the material. Please engage with the online resources and interact through the discussion board, online/workshop sessions, or by email. Sub-activity: Oestrus synchronization 1: introduction and CIDRs insertion - Dr. Andres Gambini AV preparation and semen collection in horses - Dr. Andres Gambini Semen collection and field evaluation - Dr. Andres Gambini and A/Prof Stephen Johnston Oestrous synchronization 2 (second Injection PG, removal of CIDR, introducing buck) - Dr. Andres Gambini Semen evaluation (laboratory deep evaluation and CASA) - Dr. Andres Gambini Semen cryopreservation - Dr. Andres Gambini Oocyte collection and evaluation - Dr. Andres Gambini Laboratory for In vitro embryo production 1 - Dr. Andres Gambini Laboratory for In vitro embryo production 2 - Dr. Andres Gambini Epididymal semen recovery - Dr. Andres Gambini Pregnancy diagnosis - Dr. Andres Gambini Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06 |
University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:
Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.