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Course profile

Integrated Structural Design (CIVL3390)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Civil Engineering School

Projects involving conception, analysis, design and drawing of practical structures in reinforced concrete and steel.

CIVL3390 consolidates and extends students' knowledge of design loading,ᅠstructural analysis, material behaviour and structural design of building elements through application and extension of this knowledge in undertaking the design of complete reinforced concrete and steel structure.

This will be achieved by undertaking a team-based integrated structural engineering design project.


  • Students will form design teams of FOUR or FIVE members. Teams are invited to self select, but all teams must use Blackboard to nominate team members by 5 pm Thursday WEEK 1.
  • Students not in nominated teams by this time will be placed into teams by the Course coordinator.
  • Teams with fewer than FOUR members will not be permitted
  • Teams formed fewer than FOUR members can expect to have unallocated students added to their team - so, if you want to be in charge of who is in your team, form a team of four.
  • Teams with fewer than FIVE members will NOT be given any modification to the submission requirements, nor will they have marks scaled on a pro-rata basis.

Except in the case of late enrolments, changes to design teams after submission on Blackboard (apart from removing unauthorized students) will be denied - so make sure you are happy before submitting.

Course requirements

Assumed background

This course is intended for students in their 3rd year of study. It is assumed students will have sound background in structural mechanics and the structural analysis and design of reinforced concrete and steel structures to Australian Standards.ᅠ

It is essential that all students have completed the pre-requisite courses. It is expected that students will be familiar with the relevant Australian Standards related to loading and design for reinforced concrete and steel structures.

Incoming study abroad and exchange students require the permission of the Course coordinator before they can enrol. These students will have to provide evidence that they have completed courses at their home University that are comparable to the pre-requisites for CIVL3390. This includes a working knowledge of the relevant structural design codes in their home country.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

(CIVL2340 or CIVL3380) and (CIVL2360 or CIVL3360) and CIVL3340


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:


Course contact

Course coordinator

Professor Rebecca Gravina

For general course queries please use This email is monitored by Prof. Gravina, A/Prof Blackwell, Dr Mahdi and Mr Yeow.

For personal/sensitive emails please email

Course staff



The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

(A) It is expected that students will fully utilise the scheduled weekly tutorial/workshop times for consultation with the teaching team (academic staff and tutors).

Students should NOT expect to be able to consult with the teaching team outside the scheduled weekly tutorial/workshop times, however Blackboard Discussion Board will be monitored to provide out of class contact with the teaching team.

(B) It is expected that ALL students will attend the lecture/briefing every week. The teaching team will not spend time during tutorials/workshops repeating briefing information from the preceding lecture/briefing to individual design teams.

(C) It is expected that each design team will have additional mutually agreeable contact and meet outside the scheduled class time to complete the work required.

Aims and outcomes

The aim of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to consolidate and extend their knowledge of material behaviour, structural analysis and design in reinforced concrete and steel through application of this knowledge to the conceptual and detailed structural design of a practical engineering project.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Effectively communicate design solutions for steel & reinforced concrete building structures using drawings, reports and presentations.


Conceive and then execute in detail the design of a functional, practical and efficient structural system applicable to a design brief. Interpret the National Construction Code and the most common Australian Standards relating to structural design in steel and reinforced concrete.


Plan the execution of a structural design project as part of a group to organise, undertake and satisfactorily complete set tasks on time.


Apply knowledge of structural systems and material characteristics with applicable loading and design code requirements to generate creative and elegant structural solutions to practical building design problems.


Develop team-work skills


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Reflection Peer Assessment of Group Work
Formative Compulsory - Online submission via Blackboard

22/07/2024 - 21/10/2024

Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project Carpark Concept Design Report
  • Team or group-based

23/08/2024 4:00 pm

Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project Carpark Detailed Design Report - Concrete
  • Team or group-based

20/09/2024 4:00 pm

Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project Carpark Detailed Design Report - Steel
  • Team or group-based

25/10/2024 4:00 pm

Examination Final Exam
  • Hurdle
  • Identity Verified
  • In-person

End of Semester Exam Period

2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.

Assessment details

Peer Assessment of Group Work

Activity/ Performance
Formative Compulsory - Online submission via Blackboard
Due date

22/07/2024 - 21/10/2024

Other conditions
Peer assessment factor.

See the conditions definitions

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Task description

The design submission marks will be moderated by a peer assessment factor (PAF) to determine an individual team member's result for each submission.

The Course Coordinator will moderate the peer assessment to ensure that the marks are indicative of your performance; over estimation of your own contribution and/ or clique-type assessment (where individuals are unfairly penalised or rewarded) will be removed.

The Course Coordinator may seek the input of other teaching staff to this moderation process as required.

Immediately after submission of each of the design reports, you will be asked to assess your peers again and this mark will be used to scale each individual's team marks for that specific deliverable.

PAFs are capped at 1.1 which means that you can potentially receive an additional 10% of the team marks but that no student will be overly rewarded for effort in place of marks for the other CIVL3390 learning objectives. PAFs of 1.1 or less will be directly applied to the mark for each of the design submissions (e.g. if you receive a PAF of 0.8, you will get 80% of the team mark).

There is no MINIMUM PAF. Students who fail to submit their PAF by the due date will have their own PAF reduced by 5%. For example, If your PAF was 1.0 but you did not submit your PAF scores, your new PAF = 0.95 * 1.0 = 0.95. If the course coordinator requests, you will be required to present your workbook for review as part of the Peer Moderation process.

Submission guidelines

Online via Blackboard

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Carpark Concept Design Report

  • Team or group-based
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project
Due date

23/08/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Task description

The requirements for the Carpark Concept Design Report will be posted on Blackboard.

The scope and level of detail in the design brief will be commensurate with industry standards for consulting briefs.

Refer to Grade Descriptors on the Course Profile.

Refer to assessment details posted on Blackboard

Submissions with unsigned cover-sheets will be returned to the team for signature. This may result in a late submission.

UQ Students: Please access the profile from Learn.UQ or mySI-net to access marking criteria held in this profile.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Assessment must be submitted through the course BlackBoard site

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

A maximum of 14 days extension only as Student groups require project solutions to progress to next project stage. Group issues, individual performance issues, or member illness are generally not considered sufficient grounds for an extension of a group assessment item. These issues should be actively managed by the group as appropriate.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Carpark Detailed Design Report - Concrete

  • Team or group-based
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project
Due date

20/09/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Task description

The requirements for the Carpark Detailed Design Report - Concretewill be posted on Blackboard.

The scope and level of detail in the design brief will be commensurate with industry standards for consulting briefs.

Refer to Grade Descriptors on the Course Profile.

Refer to assessment details posted on Blackboard

Submissions with unsigned cover-sheets will be returned to the team for signature. This may result in a late submission.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Assessment must be submitted through the course BlackBoard site

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

A maximum of 14 days extension only as Student groups require project solutions to progress to next project stage. Group issues, individual performance issues, or member illness are generally not considered sufficient grounds for an extension of a group assessment item. These issues should be actively managed by the group as appropriate.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Carpark Detailed Design Report - Steel

  • Team or group-based
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project
Due date

25/10/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Task description

The requirements for the Carpark Detailed Design Report - Steel will be posted on Blackboard.

The scope and level of detail in the design brief will be commensurate with industry standards for consulting briefs.

Refer to Grade Descriptors on the Course Profile.

Refer to assessment details posted on Blackboard

Submissions with unsigned cover-sheets will be returned to the team for signature. This may result in a late submission.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Assessment must be submitted through the course BlackBoard site

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

A maximum of 14 days extension only as Student groups require project solutions to progress to next project stage. Group issues, individual performance issues, or member illness are generally not considered sufficient grounds for an extension of a group assessment item. These issues should be actively managed by the group as appropriate.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Final Exam

  • Hurdle
  • Identity Verified
  • In-person
Due date

End of Semester Exam Period

2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024

Other conditions
Time limited.

See the conditions definitions

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L04

Task description

The final exam will include written questions.

This assessment task is to be completed in-person. The use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of AI or MT may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Hurdle requirements

To receive an overall grade of 4 or more, a student must achieve at least 40% on the final exam.

Exam details

Planning time 10 minutes
Duration 120 minutes
Calculator options

(In person) Casio FX82 series only or UQ approved and labelled calculator

Open/closed book Open Book examination
Exam platform Paper based

Invigilated in person

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to defer this exam.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 19.99

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Fail.

2 (Fail) 20 - 44.99

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Fail. The student fails to demonstrate sufficient knowledge or understanding of the underlying concepts. Much of the information provided is inaccurate and irrelevant.

3 (Marginal Fail) 45 - 49.99

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

Course grade description: Fail. Falls short of satisfying all basic requirements for a Pass.

4 (Pass) 50 - 64.99

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: The student demonstrates sound knowledge and at least partial understanding of the underlying concepts. Has some correct and some incorrect information. Demonstrate the ability to complete a compliant (safe) design of major elements of a multidisciplinary civil engineering project in accordance with the appropriate standards and codes. Demonstrate an understanding of engineering principles in simple terms. Understand the purpose and use of conceptual and preliminary design.

5 (Credit) 65 - 74.99

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: The student demonstrates sound knowledge and sound understanding of the key concepts. Presented in a clear and professional manner. Demonstrate an understanding of the general engineering principles incorporated into the design project. Convey the design information with clear neat sketches. Ad-hoc but satisfactory communication and defence of the design proposals.

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84.99

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Key concepts are understood. There is a demonstrated ability to solve previously unseen problems. There are only minor factual inaccuracies and there is little irrelevant information. Convey an understanding of the engineering theory incorporated into the design and the ability to apply these to the design project. Concise and effective communication and defence of the design proposals.

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Key concepts are understood and can be used to solve previously unseen problems. There is evidence of critical analysis and an ability to synthesise information from different aspects of the subject. There are insignificant factual inaccuracies and there is very limited irrelevant information. Understand the theoretical basis of the codes of practice and design standards. Demonstrate an understanding of design philosophy and the general requirements of a design. Clear, concise and effective communication and defence of the design proposals. Ability to tackle previously unseen design problems.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Other course materials

If we've listed something under further requirement, you'll need to provide your own.


Item Description Further Requirement
Australian standards AS/NZS 1170.0:2002 Structural Design Actions - General principles; AS/NZS 1170.1:2002 Structural Design Actions - Permanent, imposed and other actions; AS/NZS 1170.2:2021 Structural Design Actions - Wind Actions; AS1170.4:2007 Structural Design Actions - Earthquake Actions in Australia; AS3600 2018 Concrete Structures Code; AS4100 2021 Steel Structure Code; AS/NZS 2890.1:2004 : Parking facilities - Off-street car parking; AS/NZS 2890.6:2006 : Parking facilities - Off-street parking for people with disabilities. These can be downloaded via the Library own item needed

Additional learning resources information

Refer to Blackboard


National Construction Code 2019 or 2022, Volume 1

Note: NCC 2019 Volume 1 is in legislative effect until 1 May 2023, NCC 2022 Volume 2 is in legislative after this date.

Go to the Australian Building Codes Board (ABCB) web page to download a pdf copy of the NCC latest version.   

If you don't have an account you will be prompted to register & set up an account (this is free).

T36 - Guide to Long-Span Concrete Floors by C&CAA

Guide to Long-span Concrete Floors (

T48 - Guide to Industrial Floor and Pavements by C&CAA

Guide to Industrial Floors and Pavements (

CIA Detailing Handbook

Available either

For purchase via Standards on line


Free from Course Blackboard Site

BCC Transport Access Parking & Servicing (TAPS) Policy

Recommended Text

Foster, Warner & Kilpatrick (2021)- Reinforced Concrete Basics - Analysis and design of reinforced concrete structures

Warner, Rangan, Hall & Faulkes, 1998. Concrete structures , Longman, South Melbourne . (Call Number:TA681 .C67 1998)

J J Orr, M Cooke, T J Ibell, C Smith & N Watson. (2021). Design for Zero. Institute for Structural Engineers, London, UK.

Gorenc, B., Tinyou, R. & Syam, A., 2005. Steel Designers Handbook, 7th edition, UNSW Press. (Call Number: TA685.G6 1996)

Trahair, N.S. & Bradford, M.A., 1998. The behaviour and design of steel structures to AS 4100, 3rd edition, E & FN Spon, London. (Call Number: TA684.T712 1998)

Woolcock, S.T., Kitipornchai, S., Bradford, M.A. & Haddad, G.A., 2011. Design of Portal Frame Buildings, 4th edition, AISC. (Call Number: TH1611.W66 2011; TH1611.W66 1999)

Australian Steel Institute,

One Steel, Hot Rolled & Structural Steel Products, now know as Sustainable steel - InfraBuild

Stramit, Purlin Design Manual,

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Multiple weeks

From Week 1 To Week 13
(22 Jul - 27 Oct)



Structural concept & detailed design as a process. Functional & structural design of a multi-storey reinforced concrete carpark: site planning for traffic requirements & planning for structural concept: Detailed reinforced concrete and steel design

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05



The start of each weekly workshop will be used for design briefing and introduction of tasks associated to each of the project phases, structural concept, detailed reinforced concrete design and detailed steel design.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04

Additional learning activity information

Design Project

Students work in design teams to complete the structural design of a practical engineering project during the semester.


Series of lectures/briefings cover structural design principles that provides directed guidance to work through the design project.


Weekly tutorial/workshop sessions provide a student driven open and interactive learning environment for guidance and feedback as the design project is completed.


Australian Standards are available to Engineers electronically via the library.

Please ensure that standards are complete with the latest amendments.

Most standards have an associated commentary, also available electronically via the library. The commentary is usually called "Supplement 1 [followed by the standard's number]". These are an excellent learning resource.

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.

School guidelines

Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course: