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Course profile

Major Professional Experience (EDUC4005)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Human Movement & Nutrition Sci

This course requires pre-service teachers to undertake 60 days of full time professional experience teaching in Queensland secondary schools in health and physical education & science. Students are required to undertake a placement course in order to meet the program requirements and must obtain a "blue card" before they begin their placement in order to work with children and young people.

EDUC4005 is a course that provides professional development opportunities in the following areas:

Tutorialsᅠ- Supporting tutorials will be arranged at a time that is convenient to pre-service teacher and tutor.

School Professional Experience (60 days)- immerses the pre-service teacher in the life of a school, and particularly the responsibilities of the Health and Physical Education (HPE) Department.ᅠThe student actively participates as a staff member teaching HPE and Junior Science.

EDUC4005 alignsᅠwith the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers. EDUC4005 uses the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA) as its summative assessment, as well as theᅠQueensland Professional Experience Reporting Framework (QPERF) for judgements of pre-service teacher practice.

Course requirements


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

All first year BHSPE(Hons) courses + (EDUC3293 or EDUC3251) + (EDUC2009 or EDUC3012) + EDUC3006) + Lantite


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:

EDUC4003, HMST4204, HM430


BScApp(HMS-Ed); BHMS (Educ); BHSPE; BHSPE(Hon) students

Course contact

Aims and outcomes

EDUC4005 aligns with the AITSL Professional Standards for Teachers. EDUC4005 uses the Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA) as its summative assessment, as well as the Queensland Professional Experience Reporting Framework (QPERF) for judgements of pre-service teacher practice. The Learning Objectives listed below indicate the AITSL professional standards that pre-service teachers are assessed against via GTPA and/or QPERF.

EDUC4005 is a course that provides professional development opportunities in the following areas:

BHSPE Masterclasses - extend and refresh knowledge and proficiency in a range of teacher skills. Includes sessions from School of Ed's Professional Foundations Program which provides information and workshops enabling students to have a greater understanding of post-university employment and professional options.

School Professional Experience (60 days) - immerses the pre-service teacher in the life of a school, and particularly the responsibilities of the Health and Physical Education (HPE) Department. The student actively participates as a staff member teaching HPE and Junior Science.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Professional Standard 1.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students and how these may affect learning (AITSL 1.1; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 1.2 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of research into how students learn and the implications for teaching (AITSL 1.2; GTPA)


Professional Standard 1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of teaching strategies that are responsive to the learning strengths and needs of students from diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socioeconomic backgrounds (AITSL 1.3; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 1.5 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of strategies for differentiating teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities (AITSL 1.5; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 2.1 Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concepts, substance and structure of the content and teaching strategies of the teaching area (AITSL 2.1; GTPA)


Professional Standard 2.2 Organise content into an effective learning and teaching sequence (AITSL 2.2; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 2.3 Use curriculum, assessment and reporting knowledge to design learning sequences and lesson plans (AITSL 2.3; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 2.5 Know and understand literacy and numeracy teaching strategies and their application in teaching areas (AITSL 2.5; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 2.6 Implement teaching strategies for using ICT to expand curriculum learning opportunities for students (AITSL 2.6; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.1 Set learning goals that provide achievable challenges for students of varying abilities and characteristics (AITSL 3.1; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.2 Plan lesson sequences using knowledge of student learning, content and effective teaching strategies (AITSL 3.2; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.3 Include a range of teaching strategies (AITSL 3.3; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.4 Demonstrate knowledge of a range of resources, including ICT, that engage students in their learning (AITSL 3.4; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.5 Demonstrate a range of verbal and nonverbal communication strategies to support student engagement (AITSL 3.5; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 3.6 Demonstrate broad knowledge of strategies that can be used to evaluate teaching programs to improve student learning (AITSL 3.6; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 4.1 Identify strategies to support inclusive student participation and engagement in classroom activities (AITSL 4.1; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 4.2 Demonstrate the capacity to organise classroom activities and provide clear directions (AITSL 4.2; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 4.3 Demonstrate knowledge of practical approaches to manage challenging behaviour (AITSL 4.3; QPERF)


Professional Standard 4.4 Describe strategies that support students wellbeing and safety working within school and/or system, curriculum and legislative requirements (AITSL 4.4; QPERF)


Professional Standard 4.5 Demonstrate an understanding of the relevant issues and the strategies available to support the safe, responsible and ethical use of ICT in learning and teaching (AITSL 4.5; QPERF)


Professional Standard 5.1 Demonstrate understanding of assessment strategies, including informal and formal, diagnostic, formative and summative approaches to assess student learning (AITSL 5.1; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 5.2 Demonstrate an understanding of the purpose of providing timely and appropriate feedback to students about their learning (AITSL 5.2; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 5.3 Demonstrate understanding of assessment moderation and its application to support consistent and comparable judgements of student learning (AITSL 5.3; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 5.4 Demonstrate the capacity to interpret student assessment data to evaluate student learning and modify teaching practice (AITSL 5.4; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 5.5 Demonstrate understanding of a range of strategies for reporting to students and parents/carers and the purpose of keeping accurate and reliable records of student achievement (AITSL 5.5; GTPA & QPERF)


Professional Standard 6.4 Demonstrate an understanding of the rationale for continued professional learning and the implications for improved student learning (AITSL 6.4; GTPA)


Professional Standard 7.1 Understand and apply the key principles described in codes of ethics and conduct for the teaching profession (AITSL 7.1; QPERF)


Professional Standard 7.2 Understand the relevant legislative, administrative and organisational policies and processes required for teachers according to school stage (AITSL 7.2; QPERF)


Professional Standard 7.4 Understand the role of external professionals and community representatives in broadening teachers professional knowledge and practice (AITSL 7.4; QPERF)


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Thesis Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA)
  • Hurdle
Pass / Fail

2 weeks post-prac completion

Placement Professionalism Pass / Fail


Paper/ Report/ Annotation Teaching reports Pass / Fail

mid-prac & end-prac

A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.

Assessment details

Graduate Teacher Performance Assessment (GTPA)

  • Hurdle
Pass / Fail
Due date

2 weeks post-prac completion

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L26

Task description

Your GTPA is due 2 weeks after you finish prac.

The GTPA is an authentic assessment that connects your academic study and your professional experience. It is an integrated project that demonstrates your ability to plan, teach, assess and reflect on your impact on students’ learning.

Students are required to pass at least 4/5 practices in the GTPA to pass overall. If students pass 2/5 or 3/5, they will be granted 1 opportunity to resubmit. If students pass 1/5, they will fail the GTPA and will not be able to resubmit this task.

Hurdle requirements

Students must successfully complete GTPA thesis to receive a passing grade for this course.

Submission guidelines

Submit via Blackboard

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Late submission

You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.


Activity/ Performance
Pass / Fail
Due date


Learning outcomes
L26, L27, L28

Task description

Demonstrate a high level of professionalism at all times throughout EDUC4005. This includes full attendance and active engagement in the masterclasses and school professional experience.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Late submission

You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.

Teaching reports

Paper/ Report/ Annotation
Pass / Fail
Due date

mid-prac & end-prac

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L27, L28, L29

Task description

EDUC4005 uses the Queensland Professional Experience Reporting Framework (QPERF).

You must demonstrate (at least) Graduate Level achievement across all indicators of the teaching report. This will be judged by your supervising teachers.

These are for HPE and Science.

If you receive a "Developing" or "Below" achievement on your final report in any of the indicators, you will fail the professional experience. At-risk protocols will be immediately implemented and support provided if your supervisor alerts us to an issue with your performance.

The full report and the at-risk processes are available in the Professional Experience Guide in Blackboard.

Submission guidelines

Email from school supervisor directly to

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Late submission

You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Pass/Fails Description

Course grade description: Successfully completes GTPA thesis and achieves (at least) "Graduate Level" on all indicators of final prac report (QPERF). Full details are available in your Professional Experience Guide and on Blackboard.


Course grade description: Does not successfully complete GTPA thesis or does not achieve "Graduate Level" on all of the indicators of the final prac report (QPERF). Full details are available in your Professional Experience Guide and on Blackboard.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is not available for this course.

Additional assessment information

GTPA and the use of AI

This task has been designed to be challenging, authentic and complex. ᅠWhilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance.

A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

To pass this assessment, students will be required to demonstrate detailed comprehension of their written submission independent of AI tools.


1.ᅠ I am absent from a day of professional experience?

Pre-service teachers are required to complete 60 days during this professional experience. Therefore, any absence during their time on professional experience will need to be completed at the end of the professional experience.ᅠIf you are absent for 2 or more consecutive days you will require a medical certificate. Single day absences do not require a medical certificate. All lesson planning and requirements, however, will need to be submitted to the school supervisor in alignment with each school's teacher absence policy.

Students must complete theᅠSchool of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences - absentee formᅠavailable from the HMNS website and submit via email to the Course Coordinatorᅠno later than five (5) calendar days after the date the original class was held.

  • Absences on medical grounds:ᅠᅠThis form must be accompanied by a medical certificate signed by a medical practitioner, registered pharmacist or registered nurseᅠno later than two (2) calendar days after the missed classᅠand stating that the student was unfit to attend on the relevant day.ᅠ
  • Students are required to confirm, by signing theᅠSchool of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences – absentee form, that the medical practitioner is NOT a near relative or close associate (Examples of near relatives are partner, child, brother, sister, or parent. Examples of close associates are close friends, neighbours and partners or children of colleagues.)ᅠ
  • Absences on non-medical grounds:ᅠThis form must be accompanied by a signed document (Statutory Declaration) detailing the grounds for the application supported by any corroborating information.


Graduate Teacher Performace Assessment Taskᅠ(GTPA)ᅠisᅠto be submitted via Turnitin.

Queensland Professional Experience Reporting Frameworkᅠ(QPERF) - Final Prac Report, is to emailed toᅠ

Reports need to be signed by the School's Pre-Service Teacher Coordinator and the Supervising Teacher.

If students experience difficulties submitting assessment tasks, they should (by the due date/time):

  • Email a copy of the assessment task to the Course Coordinator. For contact details refer to section 3 of the course profile.
  • Include a screenshot of the error message.

What is TurnitIn

Turnitin is an electronic assignment submission tool. The tool provides your Course Coordinator with:

  • a record of the exact submission time of an assignment
  • an originality report indicating the percentage of your work that is an exact match of existing materials within the Turnitin database.

Instructions on how to submit an assignment using Turnitin are located on the UQ Library website Submit your Turnitin assignment - Library Guide


When submitting, to check that you have chosen the correct file on the Preview Submission page and click on the Submit to Turnitin button. ᅠ

Remember to download your digital receipt in your Assignment inbox to confirm successful submission.

If a submission cannot be successfully completed, email a copy of the assessment task to the Course Administrator. For contact details refer to section 3 of the course profile

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

Filter activity type by

Please select
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Learning period Activity type Topic
Not scheduled


Workshops will be scheduled at times suitable to pre-service teachers.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22, L24, L26, L27, L28, L29

Multiple weeks

TERM 3 & 4 School Professional Experience

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L11, L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22, L23, L24, L25, L26, L27, L28, L29

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.

School guidelines

Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course: