Course overview
- Study period
- Summer Semester, 2024 (04/11/2024 - 09/03/2025)
- Location
- St Lucia
- Attendance mode
- In Person
- Units
- 2
- Administrative campus
- St Lucia
- Coordinating unit
- Human Movement & Nutrition Sci
UQ's BExSS(Hons) & BClinExP(Hons) programs hold full accreditation statuswith Exercise and Sports Science Australia (ESSA).
Upon completion, students are eligible to apply and obtain Accreditation as an Exercise Scientist or Exercise Physiologist, respectively,ᅠwith ESSA.
Students are required to complete a minimum 140 hours of practicum experience across three exercise domains (exercise assessment, exercise prescription, and exercise delivery) for apparently healthyᅠpopulations.
The HMST3001 practicum is one of the three required practicums that contribute towards theᅠBClinExP(Hons) practicum requirements - all of which are mandatory for accreditation with ESSA as anᅠAccredited Exercise Physiologist (AEP).ᅠ
Note: In conjunction with meeting the course pre-requisites of EXMD3372 , students must demonstrate evidence the following requirements:
- Current and valid First Aid certificate,
- Current and valid CPR certificate,
- Successful completion of HaBS modules - defined as a pass rate above 80%.
Depending on your allocated placement you may be required to provide evidence of further requirements (for example, current and valid Blue Card) before you are able to attend your placement site.
First Aid, CPR certificates, and HaBs modules must be completed and uploaded to InPlace by the 14th of November 2024: Further information and support can be found here: Prepare for your HMST3001 placement.
Course contact
Course staff
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
Additional timetable information
Contact Hours/ᅠLocations:ᅠStudents will have regular contact with their nominated supervisor at the site of their practicum. Face-to-face contact with University course staff will occur at the introductory lecture and CEP only lecture. For assessment purposes or as-needed basis please make an appointment with the appropriate course staff member.ᅠFor logistical reasons, face-to-faceᅠattendance at intermediate assessments may not be possible for all students enrolled in the course.ᅠOnline communication is expected to occur regularly between the student and University staff (specifically, the allocated clinical educator) throughout the practicum duration (e.g. assessment feedback as well as notification of any concerns).ᅠ
Assessment summary
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Reflection | Professional Attributes Self-Assessment | PASS/FAIL |
Upon accrual of 48 placement hours |
Reflection | Critical Reflections | PASS/FAIL |
Upon accrual of 60 and 100 placement hours |
Reflection | Placement Consolidation Video | PASS/FAIL |
Upon accrual of 140 placement hours |
Portfolio |
Accreditation & Competency Assessments
Students as Practitioner Documents Logbooks: Due 5:00pm, Monday following each week of placement Record of Student Engagement (ROSE) form:
Professional Attributes Competency Assessments Professional Attributes Intermediate Assessment Due upon accrual of 70 to 80 placement hours Professional Attributes Final Assessment Due 5:00pm, Friday on last day of placement (Upon accrual of 140 placement hours) |
A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.
Assessment details
Professional Attributes Self-Assessment
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Reflection
- Weight
- Due date
Upon accrual of 48 placement hours
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06
Task description
As a student practitioner embarking on your first placement, you are required (and very strongly encouraged) to reflect on your own performance at the end of your first week of placement. During your reflections you are required to ‘self-assess’ and provide a rating of your performance, graded on a Likert scale (‘Not Meeting Expectations’, ‘On Track to Meet Expectations’, ‘Meeting Expectations’, and ‘Exceeds Expectations’). Your reflections are based on the following eight Professional Attributes:
- Professional conduct
- Client interaction/rapport (Client facing skills)
- Collaborative practice
- Communication
- Awareness of limitations and work-readiness
- Exercise prescription
- Exercise assessment, and
- Exercise delivery
Following this, student practitioners are required to develop three ‘SMART’ learning goals appropriate to their placement. These SMART goals will be tracked throughout your placement with your clinical educator often returning to these goals during your professional attribute’s intermediate assessment and your professional attributes final assessment.
You are encouraged to develop your critical reflective ability through this task. To support your self-assessment, your clinical educator will encourage deeper reflection on a range of professional attributes by providing excerpts derived from your logbook entries. Using these excerpts, questions will be posed to you to assist you in deeper exploration of the selected professional attributes.
A note on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- The accreditation and competency assessments evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Submit via ePortfolio.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 21 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
Late submission
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
As this task is Pass / Fail, students who submit beyond the specified due date/time without an approved extension, will fail this task.
Critical Reflections
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Reflection
- Weight
- Due date
Upon accrual of 60 and 100 placement hours
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05
Task description
Self-reflection is a vital skill to develop for understanding and evaluating experiences. This assessment piece is designed to support student's transition from theory to practice by promoting critical self-reflection. Students are required to analytically reflect upon a real-life ‘critical’ event, incident, activity or task that you experience on placement. A critical incident can be positive or negative. These are events or ‘light bulb moments’ which occurred during (or as a result of) your clinical development and have impacted you in an important (critical) way. A total of two written reflections need to be submitted throughout HMST3001 (upon the accrual of 60 and 100 placement hours, respectively). They should provide insight into how your professional skills and attributes improve, the challenges you overcome and identify, and the new training methods you’ve added to your professional ‘toolbox’. Content should follow the SEALER reflection structure.
A note on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- The Critical Reflections evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
- The Professional Attributes Intermediate Assessment is to be completed in-person. The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of AI may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Submit via ePortfolio.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 21 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
Late submission
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
As this task is Pass / Fail, students who submit beyond the specified due date/time without an approved extension, will fail this task.
Placement Consolidation Video
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Reflection
- Weight
- Due date
Upon accrual of 140 placement hours
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L05, L06
Task description
Students will reflect against their own practice and experiences gathered during their time on placement in video format. Students will be required to respond to four questions to promote their reflection and consolidation of their placement experience.
The questions are designed to focus your reflection in four domains:
- 'Where am I up to',
- 'How I got here',
- ''How am I progressing', and
- 'Where am I going'.
Note: There are no strict rules for structuring your video reflection given you answer the questions clearly and legibly. However the duration of video is capped at three to four minutes long to allow your clinical educator equal time to all students.
A note on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI):
- The Placement Consolidation Video evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
- Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Submit via ePortfolio.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 21 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
Late submission
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
As this task is Pass / Fail, students who submit beyond the specified due date/time without an approved extension, will fail this task.
Accreditation & Competency Assessments
- Hurdle
- Mode
- Product/ Artefact/ Multimedia
- Category
- Portfolio
- Weight
- Due date
Students as Practitioner Documents
Due 5:00pm, Monday following each week of placement
Record of Student Engagement (ROSE) form:
- Without supervisor signature: Due within 10 business days after the completion of your placement.
- With supervisor signature: Due within 20 business days after the completion of your placement.
Professional Attributes Competency Assessments
Professional Attributes Intermediate Assessment
Due upon accrual of 70 to 80 placement hours
Professional Attributes Final Assessment
Due 5:00pm, Friday on last day of placement (Upon accrual of 140 placement hours)
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L05, L06
Task description
In order for students to demonstrate meeting the ESSA Practicum Standards during their placement, a number of verification documents are required across two domains, focusing on Accreditation (Students as Practitioner Documents) and Competency (Professional Attributes Assessments), respectively.
Accreditation Domain:
Student as Practitioner Documents (including logbooks, and record of student engagement forms)
- Logbooks
- In order to prove that students meet ESSA Practicum Standards during their placement, a record of activities or 'logbook' must be kept, detailing all relevant practicum hours.
- For HMST3001, a minimum of 140 hours of practicum is required to be undertaken in a variety of activities to demonstrate attainment of competency in exercise assessment, prescription, delivery and 'other' AES scope of practice hours.
- Logbooks are to be submitted by 9pm each Monday and will be reviewed by your clinical educator.
- Logbooks must be submitted via InPlace.
- Feedback from clinical educators must be addressed in a timely manner, before the end of semester, in order to receive a passing grade.
- HMST3001 requires all assessment items to be graded to a satisfactory level to pass the course. Satisfactory level on InPlace is classified as having all logbook entries classed as “Finalised".
Due Date: 5pm Monday following each week of placement
- Record of Student Engagement (ROSE) Form
The ROSE form provides a summary of the activities you undertook on your HMST3001 placement (i.e. a summary of what was included in your logbooks) and a reflection on how this placement assisted you to develop the ESSA exercise science professional attributes (different to the ‘Professional Attributes’ used in your self-assessment, intermediate assessment, and final supervisor assessment) required for an Accredited Exercise Scientist.
A copy of the ESSA exercise science professional attributes is attached below and have also been made available on Blackboard.
There are two due dates for the ROSE form:
- Without supervisor signature: Complete and submit your ROSE form via ePortfolio without your supervisor's signature within 10 business days after completion of your placement. Your clinical educator will review and provide feedback before you obtain the signature.
- With supervisor signature: Following feedback from your clinical educator, obtain your placement supervisors signature and submit to ePortfolio within 20 business days (one month) after the completion of your placement. Your ROSE form cannot be finalised without a valid placement supervisor signature.
· Submission of a ROSE form after 20 business days (one month) after the completion of placement will result in a fail grade
Due Date:
- Without supervisor signature: Due within 10 business days (two weeks) after the completion of your placement.
- With supervisor signature: Due within 20 business days (one month) after the completion of your placement.
Note: Business days does not include weekends or public holidays.
Competency Domain:
Professional Attributes Competency Assessments (Including professional attributes intermediate and final assessment)
1. Professional Attributes Intermediate Assessment
Student practitioners will have their placement performance assessed by their practicum supervisor and their clinical educator when they have accrued between 70 to 80 placement hours. Performance is graded on a Likert scale ('Not Meeting Expectations’, 'On Track to Meet Expectations', 'Meeting Expectations', and 'Exceeds Expectations') and is based on eight professional attributes:
- Professional conduct
- Client interaction/rapport (Client facing skills)
- Collaborative practice
- Communication
- Awareness of limitations and work-readiness
- Exercise prescription
- Exercise assessment, and
- Exercise delivery.
Your clinical educator has provided you with excerpts pulled from your logbooks that match sub-skills listed in either the “Awareness of Limitations”, “Exercise Assessment”, “Exercise Prescription”, and or “Exercise Delivery” Professional Attributes. These can be found in your logbook feedback under “Exercising Insights: Intermediate Assessment”. You are strongly encouraged to reflect on these excerpts to better prepare yourself for the intermediate assessment.
- Intermediate assessments are conducted by the student's clinical educator and no submission is required from the student.
- Students are required to initiate communication with their practicum supervisor and clinical educator to ensure that this assessment is scheduled in week three of their placement.
- It is strongly encouraged that students email their clinical educator by the end of their first week of placement to arrange and book the intermediate assessment.
- Intermediate assessments will be conducted with all three parties (i.e. student, practicum supervisor and clinical educator) either face-to-face at the placement site or online via Zoom or Teams where appropriate.
- The purpose of the intermediate assessment is to provide students with an early indication of how they are performing, make sure they feel properly oriented and supported, and re-evaluate 'SMART' learning goals set during their self-assessment. In the case of any early difficulties, strategies for improvement can be implemented.
Due date: Upon accrual of 70 to 80 placement hours
2. Professional Attributes Final Assessment
Students will have their performance on placement assessed by their practicum supervisor on their last day of placement (or as close to this as possible, considering scheduling requirements). Performance is graded on a Likert scale ('Not Meeting Expectations’, 'Meeting Expectations', and 'Exceeds Expectations') and is based on eight professional attributes:
- Professional conduct
- Client interaction/rapport (Client facing skills)
- Collaborative practice
- Communication
- Awareness of limitations and work-readiness
- Exercise prescription
- Exercise assessment, and
- Exercise delivery
Final assessments are conducted by the practicum supervisor (clinical educator’s or the student are not required to be present). Students will be required to send the ‘final assessment’ link to their practicum supervisor. The final assessment link should be sent at least 7 business days prior to the students last day of placement.
Students are also responsible for providing their placement supervisor with a copy of their ‘professional attribute Intermediate Assessment’ outcomes. A “How-To” video has been made to support you in this responsibility. The video can be found on Blackboard within the “
Students are required to communicate with their practicum supervisor to ensure that the final assessment is completed before the end of their last day of placement. A “How-To” video has been made to guide you in sending the ‘final assessment link’ to your placement supervisor.
The purpose of the final assessment is to provide students with an indication of how they performed on placement to inform future placements and/or practice.
Due Date: 1pm Friday on last day of placement (Upon accrual of 140 placement hours)
Hurdle requirements
Submission of a ROSE form after 20 business days after the completion of placement will result in a fail gradeSubmission guidelines
Submit via ePortfolio.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 21 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
Late submission
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
As this task is Pass / Fail, students who submit beyond the specified due date/time without an approved extension, will fail this task.
Course grading
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Pass/Fails | Description |
P |
Course grade description: Completes all assessment tasks to a satisfactory level. |
F |
Course grade description: Fails to completeᅠone or moreᅠof theᅠassessment tasks to aᅠsatisfactory level. |
Additional course grading information
This course contains hurdle assessment item, specifically the ROSE form. Submission of a ROSE form after 20 business days after the completion of placement will result in a fail grade.
Supplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Additional assessment information
1. Missed attendance for compulsory workshop, seminar or placement:
Students must complete theᅠSchool of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciencesᅠabsentee formᅠavailable from the HMNS website (or see link below) and submit via email to their course coordinator (Refer to section 1.3 of ECP for email details) no later than five (5) business days after the date the original class was held. Students whom for medical reasons are unable to attend prac for 2 or more consecutive days and/or single days more than twice during the scheduled practicum, must provide certification as per below and organise directly with their supervisor to make-up these hours where convenient for the site.ᅠStudents are expected to communicate any unavailabilityᅠwith their prac site in a timely manner, at least 24 hours in advance of any absence (or as otherwise requested by their practicum site).
- Absences on medical grounds:ᅠ The absentee form must be accompanied by a medical certificate signed by a medical practitioner or registered nurse and stating that the student was unfit to attend on the relevant day. Students are required to confirm, by signing the School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences – absentee form, that the medical practitioner is NOT a near relative or close associate. (Examples of near relatives are partner, child, brother, sister, or parent. Examples of close associates are close friends, neighbours and partners or children of colleagues.)
- Absences on non-medical grounds: The absentee form must be accompanied by a signed document (Statutory Declaration) detailing the grounds for the application supported by any corroborating information.
- Absentee Form:ᅠ
2. Assessment Re-sit/Re-submission
Students must complete all items of assessment to a satisfactory level, to the discretion of the course coordinatorᅠto be eligible to pass the course overall. There is no re-sit or re-mark available for placement.ᅠStudents who fail this component are at risk of failing the course. Students who perform unsatisfactorily on any other components of course assessment may be given the opportunity to resubmit the assessment item once as per the marking rubrics (excluding logbooks, which may be resubmitted multiple times, at the discretion of the course coordinator).
What is TurnitIn?
Turnitin is an electronic assignment submission tool. The tool provides your Course Coordinator with:
- a record of the exact submission time of an assignment
- an originality report indicating the percentage of your work that is an exact match of existing materials within the Turnitin database.
Instructions on how to submit an assignment using Turnitin are located on the UQ Library websiteᅠSubmit your Turnitin assignment - Library Guide
When submitting, to check that you have chosen the correct file on theᅠPreview Submissionᅠpage and click on theᅠSubmit to Turnitinᅠbutton. ᅠ
Remember to download yourᅠdigital receiptᅠin yourᅠAssignment inboxᅠto confirm successful submission.
If a submission cannot be successfully completed, email a copy of the assessment task to the Course Administrator. For contact details refer to section 1.3 of the course profile.
Learning resources
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Library resources
Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.
Additional learning resources information
- HMNS Practicum Website
- HABS Placement Ready Website
- Materials on Blackboard
- InPlace
Learning activities
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Please select
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Not scheduled |
Lecture |
Course Orientation - Introduces the course objectives Learning outcomes: L01, L02 |
Multiple weeks |
Placement |
Healthy Populations Practicum Students to organise and complete 140 hours of practicum in an appropriate setting providing exercise delivery for apparently healthy individuals Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06 |
Lecture |
CEP - Clinical Practicum Preparation - Preferencing and Allocation Process Learning outcomes: L06 |
Policies and procedures
University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:
- Student Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure
- Assessment Procedure
- Examinations Procedure
- Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and Procedure
Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.
School guidelines
Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course: