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Course profile

Latin Language and Literature 1 (LATN2230)

Study period
Sem 1 2025
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Historical & Philosophical Inq

The course teaches further Latin grammar and syntax, and studies selections from Latin authors. It involves both a literary and linguistic study of the writers concerned, together with their social and historical significance.
NOTE: Instruction by small group teaching.

LATN2230 continues the study of the grammar and syntax of classical Latin, with an emphasis on learning through reading. It is designed for students who have successfully completed (with a grade of 4 or above) LATN1110 and LATN2120 or students who have completed Latin to Year 12 level. If you are in doubt about your situation, please contact the Course Co-ordinator before enrolling. There are 3 hours of classes per week. Regular attendance at classes, preparation, revision and private study are essential for this course.

Course requirements

Assumed background

Students must have completed (with a passing grade) both LATN1110 (Semester 1) and LATN2120 (Semester 2) or equivalent before enrolling in LATN2230. Please note that these courses must be done in order.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

LATN1120, LATN2120 or Senior Latin


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:


Course contact

Course staff



The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Attendance is vitally important for all language classes, important and a supportive environment will be provided so that students can participate in readings, discussion and by asking and answering questions. Lines of translation will be assigned to students for class translation. Microsoft Teams will be used in this course for announcements and communication. Please ensure that you have access in Week 1.

Aims and outcomes

By the end of LATN2230 you should have acquired

- In-depth Knowledge of the majority of the forms, grammar and syntax of classical Latin;

- Effective Communication Skills by completion of the written assignments and oral translation in class;

- Independence and Critical Judgment in interpreting and translating the graded reading passages; and

- Ethical and Social Understanding of the social and cultural values of the Roman world as expressed through its language and literature.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Read and analyse the reading passages in Jones & Sidwell, Reading Latin: Text up to the end of Section 5F.


Demonstrate via exercises and parsing an understanding of the morphology and syntax of the accompanying material in Jones & Sidwell, Reading Latin: Grammar etc., up to the end of Section 5F.


Complete an authentic assessment assignment(s) to demonstrate the acquisition of advanced digital literacy skills in alignment with UQ's Employability Work Integrated Learning (WIL) and (CLD) Career Development Learning Goals.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Examination In Person Mid-Semester Exam
  • Identity Verified
  • In-person

11/04/2025 2:00 pm

The mid-semester exam will take place in class

Examination In Person Final Exam
  • Identity Verified
  • In-person

End of Semester Exam Period

7/06/2025 - 21/06/2025

Reflection, Translation/ Interpretation, Tutorial/ Problem Set Skill Building: Translation, Parsing and Grammar Assignments
Quiz Skill Building: Vocab, Grammar and Accidence
  • Online

See Blackboard for details

Assessment details

In Person Mid-Semester Exam

  • Identity Verified
  • In-person
Due date

11/04/2025 2:00 pm

The mid-semester exam will take place in class

Task description

Mid Semester Exam

Length: 50 mins

  • translation from Latin into English of passages from Sections 4Eii-5B of the Reading Latin Text
  • parsing to show your understanding of the grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the texts translated weekly in class, so it is important that you do your weekly translations and come to class to translate and engage in discussion
  • translation into English of sentences/passages based on the learning vocabulary and grammar of Sections Introduction-5B
  • grammatical exercises of the type covered in class and for assignments based on the Introduction- 5B, but concentrating on 4E-5B, designed to test your increasing knowledge of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary covered in these sections.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct

Marking criteria and/or marking rubrics are available in the ‘Assessment’ folder in Blackboard for this course

Exam details

Planning time no planning time minutes
Duration 50 minutes
Calculator options

No calculators permitted

Open/closed book Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted

pens, pencils, highlighters

Exam platform Paper based

Invigilated in person

Submission guidelines

The question paper, working paper, and answer booklet will be provided in class and collected at the conclusion of the exam

Deferral or extension

You may be able to defer this exam.

There will only be one date and time made available for a deferred mid-semester exam if a student is ill. This date and time will not be negotiable. All students must submit a request online and ensure that they are eligible (e.g. in the case of illness, a medical certificate will be required). Please note that course coordinators cannot approve deferred mild-semester exams via email, Microsoft Teams, or verbally.

In Person Final Exam

  • Identity Verified
  • In-person
Due date

End of Semester Exam Period

7/06/2025 - 21/06/2025

Task description

The Final exam will include the following:

  • Translation from Latin into English of passages from Sections 4Eii-5F of Reading Latin: Text; parsing and grammatical analysis to demonstrate understanding of the text covering all grammar and syntax studied up to and including 5F
  • translation into English of unseen sentences and passages of Latin based on the learning vocabulary from the Learning Vocabulary lists for LATN1110 and LATN2120 and the Learning Vocabulary in the Grammar Volume of Reading Latin sections 4Eii-5F inclusive
  • grammatical questions and exercises of the type covered in class during the Semester

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct

Marking criteria and/or marking rubrics are available in the ‘Assessment’ folder in Blackboard for this course

Exam details

Planning time 10 minutes
Duration 120 minutes
Calculator options

No calculators permitted

Open/closed book Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted
Exam platform Paper based

Invigilated in person

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to defer this exam.

Please note that course staff cannot approve requests for final exams via email, Microsoft Teams or verbally.

There will only be one date and time made available for a deferred final exam if a student is ill in the deferred exam period, as determined by UQ Examinations. This date and time is not negotiable. All students must submit a request online and ensure that they are eligible (e.g. in the case of illness, a medical certificate will be required).

Please also note that the only supplementary assessment for LATN2230 is an exam held in the Deferred Exam period.

Skill Building: Translation, Parsing and Grammar Assignments

Reflection, Translation/ Interpretation, Tutorial/ Problem Set
Other conditions
Time limited, Work integrated learning, Longitudinal.

See the conditions definitions

Task description

Students are required to complete five (5) Skill-Building Assignments. Each assignment will be averaged (i.e. each assignment will contribute equally) for the final grade of 25%.

The due dates are available under the assessment tab on the LATN2230 Blackboard site, and on the course Learning Map. Please note that ALL Five (5) assignments must be submitted to achieve a passing grade for this course. If you are having difficulty meeting a deadline, please consult with Dr McWilliam as soon as possible.

Assignments comprise:

  • translation from Latin into English of sentences and passages based on the learning vocabulary, grammar, and syntax studied in the week(s) preceding each assignment
  • parsing of words to show your understanding of the vocab, grammar, and syntax of the text
  • translation into Latin of some simple sentences and/or a short unseen passage based on the learning vocabulary, and grammatical exercises of the type covered in class using the learning vocabulary from LATN1110, LATN2120 and LATN2230.
  • All translations into English must demonstrate your understanding of the Latin

Assignments are designed to test your increasing and cumulative knowledge of the grammar, syntax and vocabulary covered during the course, and mastered previously in LATN1110 and LATN2120

It is important to read the feedback you receive each week, reflect on what you need to work on, and ask questions if you are still unsure.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Marking criteria and/or marking rubrics are available in the ‘Assessment’ folder in Blackboard for this course

Submission guidelines

Online via Turnitin on Blackboard by 14:00 (2pm) on the dates specified on Blackboard.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Please apply online following HPI guidelines.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Assignments submitted late will be marked. Please note that a genuine attempt at answering all questions must be made for all assignments. An assignment which is blank will not be counted as a genuine attempt.

Skill Building: Vocab, Grammar and Accidence

  • Online
Activity/ Performance
Due date

See Blackboard for details

Task description


EITHER 1236 uqlatin quizzes on UQ Extend OR 1 x timed blackboard quiz held in conjunction with the final exam

uqlatin quizzes:

Students must complete 3 genuine attempts at all the following types of quizzes on uqlatin, with their overall number of quizzes attempted equalling or surpassing 1236 (there are 412 quizzes in total) for all sections of the course 4E(ii)-5F(ii):

  • noun declension
  • adjective/pronoun declension
  • verb conjugation and identification
  • word matching/vocab
  • parsing
  • translation/identification of prepositions and idiomatic constructions

If you elect to take this option, you must start your quiz practice in Week 1 and plan your time wisely, or you will not reach the required number of quizzes by the end of semester.


Timed Blackboard Quiz

Students who do not complete the uqlatin quiz option must complete timed 10 min Blackboard Quiz held in conjunction with the Final Exam.

See the assessment section of Blackboard for details. Only one attempt is permitted.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Marking criteria and/or marking rubrics are available in the ‘Assessment’ folder in Blackboard for this course

Submission guidelines

online via UQ Extend or Blackboard

Deferral or extension

You may be able to defer this exam.

Please note that it is not normally possible to extend or defer the uqlatin quizzes unless you have been keeping up all semester, so please plan your time. If you have been granted a deferral for either of the written exams, please contact Dr McWilliam and she will provide access to the Blackboard Quizzes. If you have started but not kept up with the uqlatin quizzes, please take the timed blackboard quiz held in conjunction with the final exam

Late submission

Please see Blackboard for further details

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 24

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 1, Low Fail (0-24%), is generally awarded in cases where some assessment has been submitted, but it is of wholly unsatisfactory standard or quantity. In work submitted, however, there is no demonstrated evidence of understanding of the concepts of the field of study or basic requirements of the course. Work submitted will demonstrate a failure to master vocabulary, an inability to translate seen texts translated in class or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English and an inability to parse words or to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

2 (Fail) 25 - 44

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 2, Fail (25-44%),is generally awarded to work that exhibits deficiencies in understanding and applying the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study, and as such, does not satisfy the basic requirements of the course. Often, one or more major items of assessment will not have been completed. Work submitted will demonstrate a partial, faulty or clearly deficient level of vocabulary, an inability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and an inability to parse words or to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

3 (Marginal Fail) 45 - 49

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

Course grade description: Grade 3, Marginal Fail (45-49%), is generally awarded if a student has submitted work that attempts to meet the knowledge and skill requirements of the course, but is only able to demonstrate a superficial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. Students will usually have attempted all major pieces of assessment and show that they have an identifiable, emerging ability to apply basic knowledge and skills, and that they have attempted to use some of the conventions of the discipline to communicate appropriately. Work submitted will demonstrateᅠ a superficial knowledge of vocabulary, a basic but flawed ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into English, and a flawed but emerging ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

4 (Pass) 50 - 64

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 4, Pass (50-64%) is generally awarded where all major items of assessment have been submitted. An adequate knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study should be demonstrated and a functional skill level achieved. Work Submitted will demonstrate a functional knowledge of vocabulary and a functional ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a functional ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

5 (Credit) 65 - 74

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 5, Credit (65-74%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and a substantial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study have been demonstrated. Students must show that they are capable of doing more than drawing together the ideas of others; they must demonstrate some analytical skills and research initiative. Work submitted will demonstrate a proficient knowledge of vocabulary and a proficient ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a proficient ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 6, Distinction (75-84%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and substantial knowledge of the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been demonstrated. Students should also be able to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge and skills extensively and show their capacity for original evaluation and interpretation.ᅠWork submitted willᅠ demonstrate an excellent knowledge of vocabulary and a very good ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a very good ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Grade 7, High Distinction (85-100%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and there is evidence that the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been mastered. Students should also be able to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge and skills with originality and sophistication.ᅠWork submitted will demonstrate an exceptional knowledge of vocabulary and an excellent ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and an excellent ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

Additional course grading information

Skill Building: Vocab, Grammar and Accidence

Your quiz assessment task will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Ability to produce a succinct response to a directed question.
  2. Knowledge of vocabulary, grammar and syntax.
  3. Ability to employ relevant terminology.
  4. Ability to parse correctly.
  5. Ability translate correctly into English demonstrating that you understand the Latin.


Unlike formative assessment undertaken during your course (such as book reviews and essays), quiz answers are typically marked on right or wrong basis for multiple choice, single word and short answer questions. The overall grade achieved for a quiz is arrived at by totaling the marks for its constituent elements.

Skill Building: Translation, Parsing and Grammar: Assignments

Your performance in the Skill Building Assignments will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Your ability to translate from Latin into both idiomatic and more fluent English the texts covered in class;
  2. Your ability to parse words from the learning vocabulary in the readings and in questions on the assignment paper;
  3. Your ability to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions;
  4. Your ability to translate sentences made up with words from the leaning vocabulary using the grammar and syntax learnt to date into readable, idiomatic English.
  5. The depth of thought expressed in reflecting on the feedback you have received and the strategies you believe will help you either to improve or to maintain your current level if you received an excellent mark
  6. Your ability to demonstrate that you have begun to develop transferable workplace skills by completing authentic assessment task(s)


To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your Assignments should demonstrate that you have an exceptional knowledge of vocabulary and an excellent ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and an excellent ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback very carefully and thought very deeply about how to apply it in the future. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) should demonstrate that you have developed exceptional transferable workplace skills.


To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your Assignments should demonstrate that you have an excellent knowledge of vocabulary and a very good ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a very good ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback carefully and thought deeply about how to apply it in the future. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) should demonstrate that you have developed excellent transferable workplace skills.


To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65-74%), your Assignments should demonstrate that you have a proficient knowledge of vocabulary and a proficient ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a proficient ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback adequately and thought about how to apply it proficiently in the future. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) should demonstrate that you have developed proficient transferable workplace skills.


To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50-64%), your Assignments should demonstrate that you have a functional knowledge of vocabulary and a functional ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a functional ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback and thought adequately about how to apply it in the future. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) should demonstrate that you have developed an functional transferable workplace skills.


To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45-49%), your Assignments will demonstrate that you have a superficial knowledge of vocabulary and a have made a basic but flawed attempt to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into English. It should also demonstrate that although flawed, you have an emerging ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. To achieve a marginal failing grade, your Assignments must demonstrate that you have done enough work to show that you have an emerging ability to understand and use the vocabulary, grammar and syntax covered in the whole of the course. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback but not understood how to apply it. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) should demonstrate that you have begun to develop transferable workplace skills, but that you have not been able to demonstrate basic mastery in authentic assessment assignment(s).


To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your Assignments will demonstrate that you have a partial, faulty or clearly deficient level of vocabulary, that you have difficulty in translating or have failed to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and that you are unable to parse words and cannot recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Your reflection on your feedback will demonstrate that you have read the feedback but not thought about how to apply it, or that you have not read the feedback and just submitted something without any reflection. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) demonstrate that you have not adequately developed transferable workplace skills.


To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your Assignments will demonstrate that you have not mastered your vocabulary, that you cannot translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences and passages made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, that you are unable to parse words or recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. Reflection answers are answered with no reflection or no attempt will have been made to offer answers. Your authentic assessment assignment(s) demonstrate that you have failed to develop transferable workplace skills, or failed to offer answers to the questions.

In Person Mid-Semester Exam

Your performance in translation questions will be assessed on the following criteria:


  1. Your ability to translate from Latin into idiomatic English texts covered in class;
  2. Your ability to parse words from the learning vocabulary in the readings and in questions on the exam paper;
  3. Your ability to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions;
  4. Your ability to translate sentences, phrases and passages made up with words from the leaning vocabulary using the grammar and syntax learnt to date into readable, idiomatic English


To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your Mid-semester Exam should demonstrate that you have an exceptional knowledge of vocabulary and an excellent ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and an excellent ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your Mid-semester Exam should demonstrate that you have an excellent knowledge of vocabulary and a very good ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a very good ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65-74%), your Mid-semester Exam should demonstrate that you have a proficient knowledge of vocabulary and a proficient ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a proficient ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50-64%), your Mid-semester Exam should demonstrate that you have a functional knowledge of vocabulary and a functional ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a functional ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45-49%), your Mid-semester Exam will demonstrate that you have a superficial knowledge of vocabulary and a have made a basic but flawed attempt to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into English. It should also demonstrate that although flawed, you have an emerging ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. To achieve a marginal failing grade, your Mid-semester Exam must demonstrate that you have done enough work to show that you have an emerging ability to understand and use the vocabulary, grammar and syntax covered in the whole of the course.


To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your Mid-semester Exam will demonstrate that you have a partial, faulty or clearly deficient level of vocabulary, that you have difficulty in translating or have failed to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and that you are unable to parse words and cannot recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your Mid-semester Exam will demonstrate that you have not mastered your vocabulary, that you cannot translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, that you are unable to parse words or recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

In Person Final Exam

Your performance in the Final Exam will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  1. Your ability to translate from Latin into idiomatic English texts covered in class;
  2. Your ability to parse words from the learning vocabulary in the readings and in questions on the exam paper;
  3. Your ability to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions;
  4. Your ability to translate sentences, phrases and passages made up with words from the leaning vocabulary using the grammar and syntax learnt to date into readable, idiomatic English.


To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your Final Exam should demonstrate that you have an exceptional knowledge of vocabulary and an excellent ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and an excellent ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your Final Exam should demonstrate that you have an excellent knowledge of vocabulary and a very good ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a very good ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65-74%), your Final Exam should demonstrate that you have a proficient knowledge of vocabulary and a proficient ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a proficient ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50-64%), your Final Exam should demonstrate that you have a functional knowledge of vocabulary and a functional ability to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and a functional ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45-49%), your Final Exam will demonstrate that you have a superficial knowledge of vocabulary and a have made a basic but flawed attempt to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into English. It should also demonstrate that although flawed, you have an emerging ability to parse words and to recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions. To achieve a marginal failing grade, your Final Exam must demonstrate that you have done enough work to show that you have an emerging ability to understand and use the vocabulary, grammar and syntax covered in the whole of the course.


To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your Final Exam will demonstrate that you have a partial, faulty or clearly deficient level of vocabulary, that you have difficulty in translating or have failed to translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, and that you are unable to parse words and cannot recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.


To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your Final Exam will demonstrate that you have not mastered your vocabulary, that you cannot translate seen Latin passages covered in class and/or unseen sentences made up from the learning vocabulary into readable, idiomatic English, that you are unable to parse words or recognize and explain grammatical and syntactical Latin constructions.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Additional assessment information

Please note that the supplementary assessment for this course is an exam held in the deferred exam period. The time and date are set by UQ Examinations.

  • Failure to submit all major assessment items (those worth 15% and above) will result in a maximum grade of 2 (Fail).
  • By submitting work through Turnitin you are deemed to have accepted the following declaration: ‘I certify that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted, either previously or concurrently, in whole or in part, to this University or any other educational institution, for marking or assessment’.
  • All students must ensure that they receive their Turnitin receipt on every submission of assessment items. YOU MUST CHECK THAT THE RECEIPT CONFIRMS THAT SUBMISSION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
  • A valid Turnitin receipt will be the only evidence accepted if assessments are missing.

Without evidence, the assessment will receive the standard late penalty, or after 7 calendar days, will receive zero. In the case of a Blackboard outage, please contact the Course Coordinator as soon as possible so that they can confirm the outage with ITS.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are submitting assessment items on a device that is capable of the task, and that appropriate internet bandwidth and speed is available. If you cannot be sure that your device or internet will enable you to complete or submit an assessment task, you must come onto campus and use one of the University Computers in the Library or Computer Labs.
  • Plagiarism, and asking or paying someone else to do your work is cheating and constitutes academic misconduct. See ECP Section 6.1
  • Feedback against the assessment criteria in the form of comments on your script will be provided through Turnitin or on your script directly.
  • For information on assessment remarks see:

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Own copy required

You'll need to have your own copy of the following reading resources. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Item Description
Book Reading Latin: Grammar and Exercises
by Jones; P. V.; Sidwell; Keith C. - 2016
Edition: Second edition
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107632264; 9781139540704; 9781316372104
Book Reading Latin: Text and vocabulary
by Jones; P. V.; Sidwell; Keith C. - 2016
Edition: Second edition
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9781107618701; 9781139540728

Additional learning resources information

Unfortunately, is not available for this course, but a workaround has been provided on UQ Extend. Please contact Dr McWilliam if you do not have access,

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

Filter activity type by

Please select
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Learning period Activity type Topic
Week 1

(Week 1)

Grammar Section 4E

Ablative absolute, cum + subjunctive, pluperfect subjunctive

Texts 4E(ii)-(iii)

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 2

(Week 2)

Grammar Section 4F and Texts Section 4F(i) & 4F(ii).

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 3

(Week 3)

4G Grammar & Texts Section 4G(i)& 4G(ii)
Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 4

(Week 4)

Grammar H. Text 4H
Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 5

(Week 5)

Grammar Section 5 and Texts 5A (i)-(iii)

Week 6

(Week 6)

Grammar 5B and Texts 5B(i)-5B(iii)

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 7

(Week 7)

Wednesday & Friday  finish 5B(i)-(iii) Texts Start 5C Grammar

Friday 11th, Mid Semester Exam

Week 8

(Week 8)

Grammar 5C Cont Texts 5C (i)- (iii).

Please consult blackboard: No Classes on Friday April 18th (Good Friday)

Week 9

(Week 9)

Grammar 5D and Texts 5D (i)-(iii)

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 10

(Week 10)

Grammar 5E and Texts 5D(iv) 5E(i)& 5E(ii).

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 11

(Week 11)

Grammar 5F; Text 5F(i) & 5F (ii).
Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 12

(Week 12)

Finish Grammar 5F; and any unread texts

Please have your texts translated at the beginning of the week and be prepared to translate and discuss in class, particularly on Fridays

Week 13

(Week 13)


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