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Course profile

Mathematics Honours Research Project (MATH6101)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 21/06/2025)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Mathematics & Physics School

Supervised project on research topic in mathematics, approved by Head, Mathematics. Student selects supervisor and project topic from advertised list, in negotiation with academic staff. Thesis to be written, and oral presentation to be given, on the research topic. Students commencing year-long project in Semester 1 enrol in MATH6100 for Semester 1 and Semester 2; students commencing year-long project in Semester 2 enrol in MATH6101 for Semester 2 and the following Semester 1; students completing project within one semester enrol in MATH6030 in Semester 1 or 2.

Students doing honours in mathematics enrol in MATH6101 if they are starting their thesis in Semester 2.ᅠStudents must enrol themselves in MATH6101 in consecutive semesters.

Course requirements

Assumed background

Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts degree of this University, or an Award recognized by the Executive Dean as equivalent.

GPA of at least 4.5 for at least 8 units (4 courses) from late year (level 3+) courses from theᅠBSc course list and considered by the Executive Dean and the Head of School to be relevant to the proposed programme of study. If you are in doubt about this, please ask at the School of Mathematics and Physics.

The Application Procedure for admission to Honours can be found from the School of Mathematics and Physics webpage Honours programs - School of Mathematics and Physics - University of Queensland (


Enrolment restricted to BSc(Hons) and BA(Hons) in Mathematics or BMath(Hons).

Course contact

Aims and outcomes

The aim of the honours project in mathematics/statistics is for the student to develop the following skills:

  • A comprehensive and well-founded knowledge of the topic of study and relevant research literature.
  • The ability to collect, analyse, and organise information, ideas, and, where relevant, experimental data and to convey those ideas clearly and fluently, through a written thesis and oral seminar.
  • The ability to interact effectively with supervisor, associates and peers in order to work towards a common outcome.
  • The ability to select and use the appropriate level, style and means of communication for the written thesis and oral seminar.
  • The ability to plan and carry out an independent project.
  • The ability to generate ideas and think creatively for solutions to problems posed within the project.
  • The ability to identify problems, create solutions, review research literature and apply knowledge to the project topic.
  • The ability to define and analyse problems arising through the project.
  • The ability to apply critical reasoning to issues relating to the project topic through independent thought, analysis of literature and informed decisions on project results.
  • The ability to evaluate opinions presented in research literature, make decisions on findings and to reflect critically on the justifications for decisions.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Be able to plan, develop and carry out an independent research project.


Obtain an in-depth knowledge of the specific topic area through a thorough literature review.


Develop research skills and be able to locate and use information sources.


Present results of research in a written thesis.


Present results of research in an oral seminar.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Presentation Mid-Year Review 10%

Week 2 of Semester 1 2025

Presentation Honours Project Presentation 10%

Week 13 of Semester 1 2025

Presentation Honours Project Defence 10%

Last Friday of Exam week 2.

Thesis Honours Thesis 70%

4pm, Wednesday of Exam week 1

Assessment details

Mid-Year Review

Activity/ Performance
Due date

Week 2 of Semester 1 2025

Task description

The mid-year review must be scheduled during Week 2 of Semester 1 2025. Please arrange a time with your supervisor(s) + second grader, and email the Honours Coordinator.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

See ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for extension and deferred examination information relating to this assessment item.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Honours Project Presentation

Activity/ Performance
Due date

Week 13 of Semester 1 2025

Task description

A public talk is to be scheduled during the last teaching week of Semester 1

Note that the "Honours Project" consists of three components:

  1. A public talk, to be scheduled during the last teaching week of Semester 1
  2. Thesis submission, due by the first Wednesday of exam week
  3. Thesis defence (closed door), to be scheduled with your supervisor(s) + second reader by last Friday of Exam week

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

See ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for extension and deferred examination information relating to this assessment item.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Honours Project Defence

Due date

Last Friday of Exam week 2.

Task description

The Honours Thesis defence (closed door) is to be scheduled with your supervisor(s) + second reader by last Friday of Exam week. The defence can be scheduled at any time after the submission of the Honours Thesis.

Note that the "Honours Project" consists of three components:

  1. A public talk, to be scheduled during the last teaching week of Semester 1
  2. Thesis submission, due by the first Wednesday of exam week
  3. Thesis defence (closed door), to be scheduled with your supervisor(s) + second reader by last Friday of Exam week

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

See ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for extension and deferred examination information relating to this assessment item.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Honours Thesis

Due date

4pm, Wednesday of Exam week 1

Task description

The Honours Thesis is due by the first Wednesday of exam week at 4pm.

Note that the "Honours Project" consists of three components:

  1. A public talk, to be scheduled during the last teaching week of Semester 1
  2. Thesis submission, due by the first Wednesday of exam week
  3. Thesis defence (closed door), to be scheduled with your supervisor(s) + second reader by last Friday of Exam week

Submission guidelines

An electronic copy of the thesis must be submitted to each of the following people: (i) the project supervisor(s); (ii) the second reader; (iii) the honours coordinator; (iv) the school administration

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

See ADDITIONAL ASSESSMENT INFORMATION for extension and deferred examination information relating to this assessment item.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Description
1 (Low Fail)

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Fails to demonstrate most or all of the basic requirements of the element. Students who obtain a final mark of less than 20% will obtain a grade of 1.

2 (Fail)

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Demonstrates clear deficiencies in understanding and communication and/or lack of care. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 20%, and less than 45%, will obtain a grade of 2.

3 (Marginal Fail)

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

Course grade description: Demonstrates superficial understanding; occasional inappropriate or unsupported arguments associated with addressing the element. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 45%, and less than 50%, will obtain a grade of 3.

4 (Pass)

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Addresses the criteria for the element, but major improvements would be required to achieve its stated aims. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 50%, and less than 65%, will obtain a grade of 4.

5 (Credit)

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Addresses the criteria for the element, but significant improvements would be required to achieve the stated aims. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 65%, and less than 75%, will obtain a grade of 5.

6 (Distinction)

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Addresses the criteria for the element, but improvements would be required to achieve the stated aims. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 75%, and less than 85%, will obtain a grade of 6.

7 (High Distinction)

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Covers each of the criteria for the element, with just minor and/or occasional improvements needed. Students who obtain a final mark of at least 85% will obtain a grade of 7.

Additional course grading information

The bullet points indicate the standards for the highest grade.Whenever the word “appropriate” is used, it refers to the publication standards of the sub-discipline (e.g. for research papers or books).

Depths and breadth of understanding and originality (30)

To obtain a good mark in this category it is not necessary to have a publishable thesis, though this will certainly be looked at favourably. Writing the details of a dense and complex proof could, for example, originality. The following issues will be considered:

  • The author has done a superb job understanding the intricacies of a deep subject.
  • The mathematics in the thesis is correct and there are no loose ends. This could mean, in particular:
  • If a result requires a proof, a correct and precise proof is written, or a precise reference is provided.
  • If a model is derived or explained an appropriate level of justification is provided.
  • The computations or the algorithms have been rigorously checked.
  • All the material in the thesis ties together to give a coherent picture of the problem at hand.

Quality of writing (20)

  • The progression of the material is logical.
  • The information is correct and is explained very well.
  • The material has been appropriately broken into several chapters, sections, and subsections in an organised way. Each chapter and section has its own introduction, setting the stage for what comes next.
  • There are very few mathematical, or grammatical mistakes. Moreover, equations are included appropriately in the text.
  • Notation is clear and consistent.
  • The writing is very tight, e.g., there are no redundant sentences.
  • The document is focused on what is important.
  • The difficulty and importance of the individual components of material is reflected in the weight it is given in the thesis.

Synthesis of literature (10)

  • The author has had to draw from several research papers and books to put together the document.
  • The author has developed a fundamental understanding of the subject, going beyond simply paraphrasing statements from other sources.
  • The thesis will be useful for other students trying to learn the subject.

Introduction (10)

  • The beginning of the introduction is accessible to a wide range of mathematicians.
  • The history and importance of the topic has been appropriately addressed.
  • The introduction efficiently summarises progress in the field and clearly states what was done before, and what is done in this thesis.
  • The introduction lays down how different approaches undertaken in the thesis or in the literature relate to each other.

Presentation (10)

  • The talk is well planned.
  • The presentation is clear and audible.
  • The slides or handwriting is legible.
  • The presentation is aimed at a wide range of students and academics.
  • The material is well organised and flows well.
  • The mathematics is presented clearly and questions are addressed appropriately.

Defence (10)

  • For the thesis defence, the student has prepared a short (e.g. 3-4 minutes) thesis presentation.
  • The student demonstrates an excellent level of understanding through addressing questions and concerns of the committee members.

Mid-Year Evaluation (10)

The student is to hand in one chapter or section of the thesis to the supervisor and the second reader by the Wednesday of the second week of the second semester. This section may or may not include a literature review. It should include significant mathematical content, for example, derivation or proof of a significant result, explanation of an important component of a model, or preliminary code/numerical results. It does not need to contain everything in the thesis that will ultimately come before it.

The assessors (that is the supervisor and the second reader) assign a grade of 10 based on the following criteria:

  • Level of understanding and originality.
  • Quality of writing.
  • Synthesis of references.
  • Ten minutes presentation for the supervisor(s).

The format of the presentation is up to the assessors. The supervisor is to send the results of the mid-year evaluation to the Honours Coordinator by the end of the second week.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Should you fail a course with a grade of 3, you may be eligible for supplementary assessment. Refer to my.UQ for information on supplementary assessment and how to apply. 

Supplementary assessment provides an additional opportunity to demonstrate you have achieved all the required learning outcomes for a course.  

If you apply and are granted supplementary assessment, the type of supplementary assessment set will consider which learning outcome(s) have not been met.  

Supplementary assessment in this course can take any form, for example, an oral or a written exam. To receive a passing grade of 3S4, you must obtain a mark of 50% or more on the supplementary assessment. 

Additional assessment information

Artificial Intelligence

The assessment tasks in this course evaluate students’ abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Applications for Extensions to Assessment Due Dates

Extension requests are submitted online via my.UQ – applying for an extension. Extension requests received in any other way will not be approved. Additional details associated with extension requests, including acceptable and unacceptable reasons, may be found at my.UQ.

Please note:

  • Requests for an extension to an assessment due date must be submitted through your my.UQ portal and you must provide documentation of your circumstances, as soon as it becomes evident that an extension is needed. Your application must be submitted on or before the assessment item's due date and time.
  • Applications for extension can take time to be processed so you should continue to work on your assessment item while awaiting a decision. We recommend that you submit any completed work by the due date, and this will be marked if your application is not approved. Should your application be approved, then you will be able to resubmit by the agreed revised due date.
  • If an extension is approved, you will be notified via your my.UQ portal and the new date and time for submission provided. It is important that you check the revised date as it may differ from the date that you requested.
  • If the basis of the application is a medical condition, applications should be accompanied by a medical certificate dated prior to the assignment due date. If you are unable to provide documentation to support your application by the due date and time you must still submit your application on time and attach a written statement (Word document) outlining why you cannot provide the documentation. You must then upload the documentation to the portal within 24 hours.
  • If an extension is being sought on the basis of exceptional circumstances, it must be accompanied by supporting documentation (eg. Statutory declaration).
  • For extensions based on a SAP you may be granted a maximum of 7 days (if no earlier maximum timeframe applies). See the Extension or Deferral availability section of each assessment for details. Your SAP is all that is required as documentation to support your application. However, additional extension requests for the assessment item will require the submission of additional supporting documentation e.g., a medical certificate. All extension requests must be received by the assessment due date and time.
  • An extension for an assessment item due within the teaching period in which the course is offered, must not exceed four weeks in total. If you are incapacitated for a period exceeding four weeks of the teaching period, you are advised to apply for Removal of Course.
  • If you have been ill or unable to attend class for more than 14 days, you are advised to carefully consider whether you are capable of successfully completing your courses this semester. You might be eligible to withdraw without academic penalty - seek advice from the Faculty that administers your program.
  • Students may be asked to submit evidence of work completed to date. Lack of adequate progress on your assessment item may result in an extension being denied.
  • There are no provisions for exemption from an assessment item within UQ rules. If you are unable to submit an assessment piece then, under special circumstances, you may be granted an exemption, but may be required to submit alternative assessment to ensure all learning outcomes are met.

Applications to defer an exam

In certain circumstances you can apply to take a deferred examination for in-semester and end-of-semester exams. You'll need to demonstrate through supporting documentation how unavoidable circumstances prevented you from sitting your exam. If you can’t, you can apply for a one-off discretionary deferred exam.

Deferred Exam requests are submitted online via mySi-net. Requests received in any other way will not be approved. Additional details associated with deferred examinations, including acceptable and unacceptable reasons may be found at my.UQ.

Please note:

  • Applications can be submitted no later than 5 calendar days after the date of the original exam.
  • There are no provisions to defer a deferred exam. You need to be available to sit your deferred examination.
  • Your deferred examination request(s) must have a status of "submitted" in mySI-net to be assessed.
  • All applications for deferred in-semester examinations are assessed by the relevant school. Applications for deferred end-of-semester examinations are assessed by the Academic Services Division.
  • You’ll receive an email to your student email account when the status of your application is updated.
  • If you have a medical condition, mental health condition or disability and require alternative arrangements for your deferred exam you’ll need to complete the online alternative exam arrangements through my.UQ. This is in addition to your deferred examinations request. You need to submit this request on the same day as your request for a deferred exam or
  • supplementary assessment. Contact Student Services if you need assistance completing your alternative exam arrangements request.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.