Course overview
- Study period
- Semester 1, 2025 (24/02/2025 - 21/06/2025)
- Study level
- Undergraduate
- Location
- St Lucia
- Attendance mode
- In Person
- Units
- 2
- Administrative campus
- St Lucia
- Coordinating unit
- Business School
Globalisation, technology change, economic uncertainty and changing expectations of employers, employees and consumers have placed enormous pressures on organizations, but have also presented opportunities. Organizations have responded to this context in many ways including changing business models, disrupting other¿s business models, outsourcing, automation, changing traditional employee-employer relationships, restructuring and, in some cases, ceasing operations. This course focuses on building an understanding of the complexity of navigating these changes in organisations for healthy and productive workplaces and sustainable outcomes for the organisation, their stakeholders and society as a whole. Topics covered will include classic and contemporary approaches to managing change and designing organisations, critical evaluation of alternatives, ethical and wellbeing perspectives, and the application of practical tools in facilitating effective processes. We will develop skills in working with leaders, employees and other stakeholders to diagnose change issues and opportunities, design effective intervention strategies and then implement, evaluate, adjust and support these strategies in practice to sustain the change over time.
Organisational design refers to organizational structures, processes,ᅠand systems, and employee, team, and departmentalᅠroles, responsibilities, and relationshipsᅠwithin those structures and systems.ᅠ Understanding organisational designᅠhelps us to understand how organisations work and to diagnose problems that emerge when they are not as effective as they might be, or need to change.ᅠChange management is aboutᅠplanning, preparing, implementing, and monitoring strategiesᅠto guide organisations through change, whether as the result of an internal, planned, strategic choice or an external, unplanned, eventᅠsuch as the COVID-19 epidemic.
Some say that 70% of all change initiatives fail. ᅠWhile that figure is debatable, implementing sustainable change in an increasingly volatile and complex business environment is not easy. ᅠOur job this semester is to understand some of the fundamental theories and frameworks covering organisational design andᅠchange management, and how these can be applied in the real world to shape better outcomes. ᅠMore effective organisations and more sustainable change leads to healthier, more productive workplaces.ᅠ This is a benefit to all stakeholders: employees;ᅠshareholders;ᅠcustomers;ᅠand society as a whole.
Why is this important for you? Because the work environment you will enter after graduation is constantly changing, and you may already be experiencing this.ᅠ Building your understanding of the many factors that influence and shape change efforts and organisational effectiveness within the workplace will benefit youᅠas an employee.ᅠ As an HR professional, a manager or an entrepreneur, you will need to apply the tools that we will learn to optimise organisational designs and manage change in your own organisations.
Organisations today expect graduates to be able to translate theories learned at university into meaningful every day practice. This course has been designed to give youᅠexperience in applying your learning to practice through a business case study,ᅠandᅠworking in a team toᅠpresentᅠa consulting proposal to your peers. You will also haveᅠthe opportunity to reflect upon your own learning and develop as a change agent.
The potential impact of change on people and economies is significant. On the plus side, change can produce enormous opportunities for growth and development. On the negative side, ineffective change processes can derail organisations or teams,ᅠdecreaseᅠorganisationalᅠcommitment and engagement, and reduceᅠinnovation. Poorly conceived or led change can also have disastrous economic effects on the organisation. This course will help you understand how to best navigate the challenges asociated with change and change inititiaves within organisations.
Course requirements
Assumed background
Before attempting this course, you are advised that it is important to complete the appropriate prerequisite course(s) listed on the front of this course profile. No responsibility will be accepted by UQ Business School, the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law or The University of Queensland for poor student performance occurring in courses where the appropriate prerequisite(s) has/have not been completed, for any reason whatsoever.
Companion or co-requisite courses
You'll need to complete the following courses at the same time:
MGTS2604; PLAN1101 for BRTP and BRTP(Hons) students
You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:
Quota: Minimum of 35 enrolments
Course contact
Course staff
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
Additional timetable information
Please note: Teaching staff do not have access to the timetabling system to help with class allocation. Therefore, should you need help with your timetable and/or allocation of classes, please ensure you email from your UQ student email account with the following details:
- Full name
- Student ID
- Course Code
Aims and outcomes
The aim of this course is to provide a solid foundation in the principles and practice of organisational design andᅠ change management. Through a variety of activities, you will ᅠcritically evaluate a number of important elements in the design of organisations andᅠ change management ᅠframeworks and approaches, and apply what you have learned to your own experience andᅠ relevantᅠ case scenarios.
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
Apply diagnosis frameworks to critically evaluate organisational designs and change strategies in context, drawing on both classic and contemporary theories and evidence.
Propose evidence-based recommendations as part of a real-world organisational (re)design or other change strategy to overcome identified issues and barriers to change.
Justify proposed intervention strategies, considering feasibility, cost, ethics, sustainability, and stakeholder perspectives.
Work within a multi-disciplinary team and effectively communicate analysis and recommendations to stakeholders.
Assessment summary
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation | Industry Change Management Case Study | 20% |
19/03/2025 1:00 pm |
Presentation, Reflection |
Organisational Design Consulting Presentation
40% |
Group recorded video presentation Group peer review & feedback on two other presentations (5%) Week 7 - Week 8 Group reflection on feedback from peer reviews received (5%) Week 8 - Week 9
Recorded video presentations = 30%, with peer factor weighting. Group peer review of each other's presentations = Pass/Fail; 5%. Reflection on peer review and feedback in Week 8 tutorials = Pass/Fail; 5% |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project |
Organisational Design Consulting Report
40% |
9/06/2025 1:00 pm |
Assessment details
Industry Change Management Case Study
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Paper/ Report/ Annotation
- Weight
- 20%
- Due date
19/03/2025 1:00 pm
- Learning outcomes
- L01
Task description
INDIVIDUALLY you will apply relevant frameworks, theory and evidence to a change management case study.
AI Statement:
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Via Turnitin
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
Late submission
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Organisational Design Consulting Presentation
- Team or group-based
- Online
- Mode
- Activity/ Performance, Product/ Artefact/ Multimedia
- Category
- Presentation, Reflection
- Weight
- 40%
- Due date
Group recorded video presentation
Due 3pm (30%) 11/04/2025Group peer review & feedback on two other presentations (5%) Week 7 - Week 8
Group reflection on feedback from peer reviews received (5%) Week 8 - Week 9
Recorded video presentations = 30%, with peer factor weighting.
Group peer review of each other's presentations = Pass/Fail; 5%.
Reflection on peer review and feedback in Week 8 tutorials = Pass/Fail; 5%
- Other conditions
- Peer assessment factor.
Task description
In a GROUP of no more than 4 you will collaboratively prepare a 10 minute presentation based on a real industry case study presented by our partner organisation.
As a group, you will diagnose the organisational design issues present in the case study, and use relevant frameworks, theories and evidence from the literature to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based, diagnosis and recommendation plan. Each member will need to present.
ALL GROUPS are required to upload their recorded video presentation and supporting documents by 3pm (AEST) Friday 11th April (Week 7) via Blackboard. You are also required to complete a Buddycheck peer evaluation of the participation and contribution of each member of your group by this deadline. The results of the peer assessment will be weighted and could impact your individual final mark for this assessment.
In your Week 8 tutorial, your group will be given two other group presentations to watch/review. You will grade them according to the rubric provided AND provide constructive written feedback which your group will submit via BB at the end of the tutorial (Pass / Fail).
In your Week 9 tutorial, you will reflect with your group on the feedback received about your video presentation from the two other groups, and consider how to apply this feedback to your next assessment item, A3. You will upload this group reflection to BB at the end of the tutorial (Pass / Fail).
AI Statement:
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Submission on Blackboard.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
Late submission
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Organisational Design Consulting Report
- Team or group-based
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project
- Weight
- 40%
- Due date
9/06/2025 1:00 pm
Task description
This GROUP report will involve you working in your groups to create a written report based on the real industry case study. You will use relevant frameworks, theories and evidence from the literature to provide a comprehensive, evidence-based, intervention and recommendation plan.
You are also required to complete a Buddycheck peer evaluation of the participation and contribution of each member of your group by this deadline. The results of the peer assessment will be weighted and could impact your individual final mark for this assessment.
AI Statement:
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Via Blackboard
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
Late submission
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Course grading
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Grade | Cut off Percent | Description |
1 (Low Fail) | 0 - 29 |
Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. |
2 (Fail) | 30 - 46 |
Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. |
3 (Marginal Fail) | 47 - 49 |
Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes |
4 (Pass) | 50 - 64 |
Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes. |
5 (Credit) | 65 - 74 |
Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes. |
6 (Distinction) | 75 - 84 |
Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes. |
7 (High Distinction) | 85 - 100 |
Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes. |
Additional course grading information
Grades will be allocated according to University-wide standards of criterion-based assessment.
Supplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Learning resources
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Library resources
Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.
Learning activities
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Please select
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Week 1 |
Lecture |
Introduction to the course General overview of the course and assessments. An introduction into organisational design and change management, why it's important to study, and the change context. Learning outcomes: L01 |
Week 2 |
Tutorial |
Introductions Getting to know each other Learning outcomes: L01 |
Lecture |
Frameworks for the change process Introducing key change process frameworks and theories Learning outcomes: L01 |
Week 3 |
Tutorial |
A1 rubric jam Working with an example A1 assessment and applying it to the rubric. Learning outcomes: L01 |
Lecture |
Diagnosing what to change in Organisations Understanding the diagnosis process and introducing the Nadler-Tushman model for diagnosing organisations. Learning outcomes: L01 |
Week 4 |
Tutorial |
Working in groups Getting into your A1 groups; thinking about how you want to work together as a group for success; setting up a group work contract. |
Lecture |
Australian Retirement Trust present a real industry case study for your assessment A deep dive into a real industry case study by our industry partner. This session is compulsory as it forms the basis for assessments 2 and 3. Everyone must attend. |
Week 5 |
Tutorial |
Working with your assessment industry case study Working in your groups to apply diagnosis frameworks to the real industry case study presented by our industry partner. |
Lecture |
Working with stakeholders in change PART 1 The role of change agents, exploring stakeholder responses to change, understanding resistance to change |
Week 6 |
Tutorial |
Working with stakeholders Working with our industry case study and thinking about different stakeholder perceptions and motivations for change. Learning outcomes: L03 |
Lecture |
Working with stakeholders in change PART 2 Managing resistance to change, processes of change, communicating change |
Week 7 |
Tutorial |
A2 group consults in your tutorial As a group, meet with your tutor during your tutorial to discuss how you are going with A2 and any concerns you may have. Continue with your A2 group work. |
Lecture |
Types of planned change interventions Exploring different types of interventions for implementing change and how they work |
Week 8 |
Tutorial |
A2 Group peer review and feedback This tutorial is essential to attend as it is part of your A2 assessment. It is Pass/Fail and worth 5%. In your groups, you will watch uploaded A2 recordings from another group(s) and provide constructive feedback that will be passed onto those groups. Good Friday Public Holiday - Friday 18 April 2025 - Check Blackboard for announcements about affected classes. |
Lecture |
Organisational change and culture Understanding the role and impact of culture and power in organisational change |
Mid-sem break |
No student involvement (Breaks, information) |
In-Semester Break |
Week 9 |
Tutorial |
A2 group reflection on peer feedback This tutorial is essential to attend as it is part of your A2 assessment. It is Pass/Fail and worth 5%. In your groups, you will reflect on the feedback you received on A2 from other groups. This reflection will be critical for helping you move forwards with A3 in a timely fashion and will set you up for success. |
Lecture |
Emergent change in organisations Understanding emergent change and how it differs from planned change, how it can be used to create change in organisations, and the benefits and challenges. |
Week 10 |
Tutorial |
A3 group work In your groups you will work on A3 supported by your tutor. Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 5 May 2025 - Check Blackboard for announcements about affected classes. |
Lecture |
No lecture No lecture due to the public holiday. Use the time to get ahead with A3. Labour Day Public Holiday - Monday 5 May 2025 - Check Blackboard for announcements about affected classes. |
Week 11 |
Tutorial |
A3 group work In your groups you will work on A3 supported by your tutor. |
Lecture |
Department of Justice Industry Talk An industry talk from the department of Justice This talk will give you a critical insight into real examples of change management within an organisation. This will help you with your thinking for A3. It is essential that you attend. |
Week 12 |
Tutorial |
A3 consults with your tutor In your groups, meet with your tutor during your tutorial to discuss how you are tracking with A3. This is an opportunity to ask questions and seek guidance where necessary. |
Lecture |
Australian Retirement Trust and Career Workshop Workshop with our industry partner. Some groups will have the opportunity to present to the industry partner and receive feedback from them. A career workshop will be part of the session, enabling you to reflect on the skills, knowledge and abilities you have developed over the course and how they apply to your potential career. |
Week 13 |
Tutorial |
Self directed learning Self-directed work on your group report which is due at the end of this week. |
Lecture |
Self-directed work on your group report which is due at the end of this week. We will bring together our learning on the course and think about how you can apply your knowledge and skills to your career. |
Additional learning activity information
Self-directed work on your group report which is due at the end of this week.
Policies and procedures
University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:
- Student Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure
- Assessment Procedure
- Examinations Procedure
- Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and Procedure
Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.