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Course profile

Management Frameworks (MGTS7801)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
Brisbane City
Attendance mode

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 31/08/2024)
Study level
Postgraduate Coursework
Brisbane City
Attendance mode
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Business School

This course will introduce students to the MBA and provide specific areas of foundational knowledge and skills to build on throughout the degree program. These areas will include generalist as well as specific management abilities. Building capability begins with a thorough self-assessment of capability and identification of professional goals that can be achieved through completion of the program.

Management Frameworks is the gateway course for the 24 unit MBA program. The course introduces current managers and future leaders to a range of perspectives for understanding and addressing individual, group and organisational challenges around managing and leading people. The course provides specific areas of foundational knowledge, skills and insights that will be built on throughout the MBA. The course is taught in two components, which aim to develop management and leadership capabilities at two levels of analysis. At the individual level, the focus is on enhancing awareness of personal frameworks to develop managerial performance, career development and self-understanding. At the organisational level, the focus is on developing knowledge and skills in applying frameworks for understanding and analysing organisations and their environments, and for solving organisational and societal problems.
  1. Organisational level: Four frames for analysing and taking action in organisations.
    Students are introduced to Bolman and Dealメs four organisational frames for understanding, analysing and solving organisational problems. These comprise the structural, human resource, political and symbolic frames. Collectively these frames demonstrate how leaders can operate effectively to achieve goals within a context influenced by current laws and legislation, organisational structures and cultures, power and politics, and increasing demands around corporate sustainability. The strong links between theory and practice that are made, are essential for the development of leaders and managers within todayメs global context.
  2. Individual level: Personal Mental Models and the Personal Development Plan.
    Frameworks at an individual level of analysis can operate at an unconscious level and require surfacing for examination. Surfacing is done through reflection on practice and also through analysis of self assessment instruments. Managing oneself involves in-depth knowledge of strengths and weaknesses and understanding personal values and beliefs that underpin behaviour. Self development includes not only new knowledge but also skill in learning how to learn. A learning styles inventory is used to facilitate greater understanding.
Students will also draw upon theory, research and their work-related experiences as stimuli for reflective learning that aims to increase their self-awareness and self-knowledge. Cross links are made to gain insights into connections among individual values, ethics, attitudes and actions that define effective management and leadership behaviour.

Self assessment becomes more valuable when results can be compared with feedback from others. The UQBS Leadership Capabilities Framework was designed to focus studentsメ attention on areas of leadership competence at the beginning of their MBA program. Seven key areas of leadership capability are assessed with a view to identifying a gap analysis between current situation and studentsメ future goals that can be achieved through and beyond completion of the program.

Peer coaching is introduced as a concept and a practice. Coaching triads are established in this gateway course to emphasise the value of relational learning that facilitates leadership development. These triads provide a forum for students to discuss their learning from both formal and informal experiences, to critically evaluate theory and to uncover personal implicit theories about management and leadership at work. In the peer coaching triads students share individual learning goals for their MBA program and thus provide and obtain additional support among peers to achieve their aims.

Course requirements


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:

(MGTS7000 + 7095)



Course contact

Course staff



The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Please note: Teaching staff do not have access to the timetabling system to help with class allocation. Therefore, should you need help with your timetable and/or allocation of classes, please ensure you email from your UQ student email account with the following details:

Full Name

Student ID

Course Code

Aims and outcomes

As the gateway course for the 24 unit MBA program, this course aims ᅠto provide a foundation base of knowledge and skills that will be built on throughout the MBA. Students are introduced ᅠto a range of perspectives and frameworks that can be used at an individual level of analysis or at a broader organisational and societal level to address global challenges in managing and leading people. This includes developing understanding of the structural, HR, political and symbolic frames for diagnosing and analysing organisational problems. In this course, a ᅠkey focus ᅠis individual career situations and current leadership capability. As such, several leadership assessment instruments are used to focus attention and raise awareness of the current reality. Future visioning then leads to a gap analysis and the development of an action plan for growth and development, and peer coaching is introduced and practised to support students achieveing their goals.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Recognise personal strengths and weaknesses.


Design a personal action plan that relates to development in the MBA demonstrating professional and effective writing skills.


Engage in structured reflection as a way to leverage personal learning.


Conduct peer coaching conversations.


Demonstrate appropriate and professional collaboration skills in a team setting towards the presentation of ideas, analysis and conclusions.


Discuss ethical implications of decision making.


Analyse personal and organisational situations from multiple perspectives and demonstrate a detailed understanding of social responsibility.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Presentation Team presentation (in class) 20%

24/08/2024 5:00 pm

Group presentations will run throughout the day.

Essay/ Critique Four frames case study analysis 40%

30/08/2024 2:00 pm

Paper/ Report/ Annotation Personal development plan 40%

4/10/2024 2:00 pm

Assessment details

Team presentation (in class)

Activity/ Performance
Due date

24/08/2024 5:00 pm

Group presentations will run throughout the day.

Learning outcomes
L03, L07

Task description

Students will present in teams on a topic (self-allocated by your team in class) using a four frames analysis. Topics can include any reasonably well known success or more likely, business failures, catastrophies or disasters, which can be reviewed using the four frames. The presentation cannot use traditional business presentation methods such as PowerPoint, but rather must use novel role-play, vignette or other mediums. Both topics and media for presentation will be thoroughly elucidated in class. Presentations will be in-class however remote students will participate either through pre-recoding or livestream methods.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. 

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You may be able to defer this exam.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Four frames case study analysis

Essay/ Critique
Due date

30/08/2024 2:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L06, L07

Task description

The primary purpose of this assignment is to develop your skills and understanding in applying the four organisational frames, as well as other relevant models and concepts from the Management Frameworks course, to analyse and solve organisational problems. The assignment will also further develop your written communication skills.


  • To develop skills in organisational diagnosis and analysis
  • To develop a deeper understanding of, and skills in applying, the four organisational frames and related course concepts
  • To develop written communication skills

Your Task:

Use the four organizational frames and related concepts and literature to identify, analyse and offer a solution to an organisational issue that you have personally experienced . It is recommended that you choose an issue or problem which is complete (even if it was never successfully resolved), and which you see there is scope for learning by reflection. For example, you may have been involved in a change management process (e.g. a restructure, change of strategy, merger, acquisition etc), that did not work well, or you may choose an ongoing problem or issue that has never been successfully addressed (e.g. high turnover). Note: you are free to choose the issue.

You will need to:

  • Clearly describe the issue and the organisational context.
  • Critically analyse and evaluate the issue from the perspective of each of the four organisational frames: structural, HR, political and symbolic. In so doing, identify which frame(s) were dominant.
  • Draw on your knowledge of the four frames to make specific recommendations for how the issue or problem could have been more effectively addressed or resolved.
  • Support your analysis and demonstrate your insight into your issue by integrating relevant academic literature.
  • Consider how you can support your claims and key points by using examples or data. Data could include for example, informal interviews or brief surveys with key players or archival data (e.g. company statistics, reports, employee opinion polls, organisational charts etc).

Format for the report: The report should not exceed 2,000 words. Appendices and the reference list are not included in the word count.; however you cannot assume that the appendices will be read in detail. Please put a word count on the front page of your assignment and ensure that you reference appropriately. Assignments exceeding the word limit by more than 10% will be penalised. All referencing should follow either the APA guidelines (available through the library) or the AMJ guidelines (available at

Confidentiality: The report is for educational purposes only and will be treated as confidential.

Optional Progress report

The objective of the progress report is to ensure you’re on track with the assignment and have chosen an appropriate issue. The progress report is recommended but is optional and not assessed. It need be only a brief description (one page maximum) of the following;

  • A clear description of the issue (e.g. high turnover), the organisational context and the focus of the analysis (e.g. analysis of the causes and consequences of high turnover)
  • A brief, bullet point analysis indicating critical aspects of the issue from the perspective of each relevant frame. This will indicate whether your selected issue is scoped appropriately for a frame analysis.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. 

Submission guidelines

The assignment must be submitted electronically through Turn-it-in in the Blackboard Assessments link.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 7 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Personal development plan

Paper/ Report/ Annotation
Due date

4/10/2024 2:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06

Task description

You have recently enrolled in an MBA program and this is an ideal time to reflect on what you want to achieve from the program to derive maximum benefit. In addition to gaining functional knowledge and skills in a range of subject areas, what do you hope to achieve both personally and professionally? What is your vision for your future? How is your overall sense of direction aligned with your vision? How will you assess your progress during and at the end of your MBA program?

The purpose of this assignment is to write yourself a comprehensive development plan that references the relevant academic literature. There are a range of capabilities that you might consider (in addition to knowledge). For example, leadership capability including a deeper understanding of your personal style and personality preferences, your strengths and weaknesses, your values and beliefs, managing yourself and relating to others, becoming a more effective communicator with a range of people from different backgrounds and with different styles, learning effectively, and managing your own career. There are many more.

You will read peer reviewed scholarly articles in quality journals to ascertain not only the value of developing such a plan, but also to understand the cutting edge thought related to the area(s) you have selected for your own development.

This assignment which also has a 3000 word limit, is in five parts as follows:

Part One: Introduction

An introduction provides the reader with some insight into the topic (of leadership development) and an overview of the assignment. Let the reader know what to expect and which aspects of development are relevant to you.

In a second paragraph provide a plan of your assignment to guide the reader’s expectation of what follows. Often this is written last and will constitute 10% of the total word count of the assignment.

Part Two: My current reality

In this section, you will provide a snap shot of your current role and non-work commitments. Then report on your analysis of your current reality that you have drawn from the self-assessment and 360-degree instruments used on this course and your personal career experience.

  1. Briefly identify the key points from each instrument (do NOT describe the instrument, just your key results), either that were new learning for you or reminders of elements that you may have forgotten or overlooked. You can reference literature that supports the value of the instruments or the way that they may contribute to leadership development.
  2. Identify the major themes that emerge from your overall perspective on these results. When possible insert examples from your experience to provide evidence for your claims.
  3. What are the implications of these themes - particularly in terms of your work experience and career aspirations that may heighten your wish for development in a particular area to achieve your future reality. The detail will be explored in the next section.

Part Three: Working towards my future reality

In this section, begin with a brief description and meaning associated with the photo you selected to illustrate your future reality. How does it portray your vision for your future and your leadership?

  1. Identify the key areas that you need to develop in order to achieve your vision. Examples may include emotional intelligence, change management, self-esteem and confidence, negotiation and conflict management, strategic thinking etc.
  2. Demonstrate your understanding of the key themes from relevant and contemporary academic literature that supports your focus on the selected areas.

Part Four: My action plan

In this section you will draw up a table

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. 

Submission guidelines

The assignment must be submitted electronically through Turn-it-in in the Blackboard Assessments link.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 7 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 29

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

2 (Fail) 30 - 46

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

3 (Marginal Fail) 47 - 49

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

4 (Pass) 50 - 64

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

5 (Credit) 65 - 74

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Additional course grading information

Grades will be allocated according to University-wide standards of criterion-based assessment.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

Learn (Blackboard)
All courses are supported by the UQ Learning Management System, Blackboard Learn, which provides an interactive environment for the students and teachers. This is accessible via PC or Mac or Mobile (Apps) environment.
To log on to Blackboard, go to

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Week 1

Organisational Analysis: The four frames

Saturday 10 August - Sunday 11 August 2024

Introduction to the course including an overview of the essential reading, cases and self-assessment tasks. Introduction to Bolman and Deal's four frames as an analytic tool for understanding organizations and solving organizational problems. Students will analyse situations from multiple perspectives including structural, political, symbolic and HR frames. Case analysis to integrate and apply frames.

Learning outcomes: L05, L06, L07

Week 2

Group Presentations

Saturday 24 August 2024

Group presentations on four frame analysis. Leadership and the Frames. Introduction to the PDP Process.

Learning outcomes: L05, L06, L07

Week 3

Personal Development Planning

Saturday 7 September - Sunday 8 September 2024

Peer coaching and the Personal Development Plan. 360 degree Leadership debrief; Executive Coaching.Course integration and conclusion.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L07

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.

School guidelines

Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course:

  • Business School site
  • Exams and assessment advice
  • Program and course advice