Course coordinator
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 or email for an appointment.
This course will be discontinued from 2025. Students should enrol into MINE4126.
This course presents a systems approach to the principles, design and application of the major surface and underground mining methods together with the associated equipment, services and infrastructure. Furthermore, the course provides an introductory overview of automation and its diverse applications in both surface and underground mining contexts.
This course provides an in-depth exploration of major mining methods, the associated equipment, and essential support infrastructure. Students will gain the skills and knowledge to:
By the end of the course, students will be equipped with a comprehensive understanding of mining systems, enabling them to make informed decisions that promote sustainable and responsible mining operations.
While there are no specific prerequisites, a basic understanding of engineering principles and/or geology, mining, environmental science, and project management concepts would be beneficial for students enrolling in this course.
Wed 13:00 - 14:00 or email for an appointment.
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
The aim of this course is to provide students with the capability to select the appropriate mining method, together with its associated equipment, services and infrastructure, for a given deposit as well as comprehend the technological developments in mineᅠautomation.ᅠ
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
Appreciate mining methods and associated deposits - Identify the major parameters that govern the selection of mining method (i.e. surface or underground, and choice therein) for a given deposit;
Appreciate mining methods and associated deposits - Assess the suitability of a range of mining methods for a given mining project;
Appreciate mining methods and associated deposits - Select the mining method most appropriate for a deposit in the presence of a limited set of constraints.
Appraise mining methods with respect to metrics - Calculate productivity of loading and hauling equipment given averaged utilisation and availability data;
Appraise mining methods with respect to metrics - Estimate and compare the short- and long-term productivity and efficiency of mining methods with moderate precision;
Appraise mining methods with respect to metrics - Contrast the relative safety, sustainability and risk of a range of mining methods for a given mining project.
Describe and illustrate major mining methods - Recall the major geotechnical and mechanical components of a range of common mining methods, along with their supporting infrastructure;
Describe and illustrate major mining methods - Draw schematic diagrams of a range of common mining methods, highlighting their major features and components;
Describe and illustrate major mining methods - Identify the key performance drivers and constraints of a range of common mining methods.
Understand a systems approach to mining - Understand the basic principles (i.e. processes, sub-systems and their interconnection) of systems engineering;
Understand a systems approach to mining - Interpret mining methods and operations in the context of systems engineering;
Understand a systems approach to mining - Identify the aspects of mining methods and equipment that best represent inputs, outputs, key drivers and constraints.
Recognise major technological trends in mining - Appreciate the changing role of technologies such as data science and automation in mining projects.
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Tutorial/ Problem Set |
20% |
1/08/2024 - 24/10/2024 |
Quiz | Quiz I - Surface Mining Systems | 20% |
29/08/2024 9:00 am |
Quiz | Quiz II - Underground Mining Systems | 20% |
10/10/2024 9:00 am |
Examination |
Final Exam
40% Hurdle Rate: 40/100 |
End of Semester Exam Period 2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024 |
A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.
1/08/2024 - 24/10/2024
Students are to submit their tutorial exercises at the end of each weekly tutorial session. The first 10 minutes of each tutorial will be used to discuss the previous tutorial’s solutions.
The total mark for this assessment will be comprised of ten tutorials (20%).
Submit to the tutor at the end of the tutorial session.
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 7 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
Feedback is provided to students following 7 calendar days. Answers to the previous week's tutorial questions are discussed.
A Student Access Plan (SAP) can only be used for a first extension. Extensions based on an SAP may be granted for up to seven (7) days, or the maximum number of days specified in the Electronic Course Profile (ECP), if it is less than seven (7) days. Any further extensions will require additional supporting documentation, such as a medical certificate.
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
Submission occurs at the conclusion of the tutorial.
29/08/2024 9:00 am
Services and infrastructure, surface mining systems and systems engineering.
You may be able to defer this exam.
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
Quizzes are time limited and completed within the tutorial session.
10/10/2024 9:00 am
Underground mine access and development, and underground mining systems.
You may be able to defer this exam.
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
Quizzes are time limited and completed within the tutorial session.
End of Semester Exam Period
2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024
End of semester examination. Exam questions will cover all content presented in the course with questions in both short answer and problem solving format.
The exam will be closed book and include a hurdle rate of 40%. This means that you will need to score at least 40/100 on the final exam to pass the course.
Planning time | 10 minutes |
Duration | 120 minutes |
Calculator options | (In person) Casio FX82 series or UQ approved , labelled calculator only |
Open/closed book | Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted |
Exam platform | Paper based |
Invigilation | Invigilated in person |
You may be able to defer this exam.
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Grade | Cut off Percent | Description |
1 (Low Fail) | 0.00 - 29.99 |
Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: Fail: Overall grade. |
2 (Fail) | 30.00 - 44.99 |
Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: Fail: Overall grade 30.0 to 44.99%. |
3 (Marginal Fail) | 45.00 - 49.99 |
Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes Course grade description: Fail: Falls short of satisfying basic requirements for a Pass. Overall grade: 45-49.99% or less that 40% in the IVA requirement explained below. |
4 (Pass) | 50.00 - 64.99 |
Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: Pass: Satisfies all of the basic learning requirements for the course, such as knowledge of fundamental concepts and performance of basic skills; demonstrates sufficient quality of performance to be considered satisfactory or adequate or competent or capable in the course. Overall grade 50-64.99% and a minimum score of 40% in the IVA requirement explained below. Students must obtain at least 40% in the final exam to receive a passing grade. |
5 (Credit) | 65.00 - 74.99 |
Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: Credit: Demonstrates ability to use and apply fundamental concepts and skills of the course, going beyond mere replication of content knowledge or skill to show understanding of key ideas, awareness of their relevance, some use of analytical skills, and some originality or insight. Overall grade 65-74.99 and a minimum score of 40% in the IVA requirement explained below. Students must obtain at least 40% in the final exam to receive a passing grade. |
6 (Distinction) | 75.00 - 84.99 |
Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: Distinction: Demonstrates awareness and understanding of deeper and subtler aspects of the course, such as ability to identify and debate critical issues or problems, ability to solve non-routine problems, ability to adapt and apply ideas to new situations, and ability to invent and evaluate new ideas. Overall grade 75- 84.99% and a minimum score of 40% in the IVA requirement explained below. Students must obtain at least 40% in the final exam to receive a passing grade. |
7 (High Distinction) | 85.00 - 100.00 |
Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: High Distinction: Demonstrates imagination, originality or flair, based on proficiency in all the learning objectives for the course; work is interesting or surprising or exciting or challenging or erudite. Overall grade 85 - 100% and a minimum score of 40% in the IVA requirement explained below. Students must obtain at least 40% in the final exam to receive a passing grade. |
Grading Criteria
Specific grading criteria will be provided for each assessment item. These are available on Blackboard in the assessment folder.
Identity verified assessment.
Identity verified assessment (IVA)ᅠwill be through obtainingᅠat least 40% of the available marksᅠin the final exam.
Students must obtain at least 40% in the final exam to receive a passing grade.
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Assessment items submitted using the Turnitin link on the course Blackboard site, will check your work for evidence of plagiarism, collusion, and other forms of academic misconduct.
A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.
Selected readings as well as other supporting material (e.g. course outline and lecture notes) will be made available during semester via Blackboard.
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Week 1 (22 Jul - 28 Jul) |
Lecture |
General Lecture I Introduction to course including course outline, course content, weekly schedules, learning outcomes, assessment, expectations, guidelines and teaching and learning strategy. Systems engineering concepts. Learning outcomes: L10, L11, L12 |
Lecture |
General Lecture II Mine services and infrastructure. Surface vs underground mining method selection. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L07 |
Week 2 (29 Jul - 04 Aug) |
Lecture |
Surface Mining I Open pit mining: Introduction and principles. Open pit mining: Loading and hauling equipment. Learning outcomes: L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial I Bench and open pit slope geometry. Learning outcomes: L01, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08 |
Week 3 (05 Aug - 11 Aug) |
Lecture |
Surface Mining II Strip mining: Introduction and principles. Strip mining: Draglines, bucket wheel excavators, and dozers. Learning outcomes: L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial II Dragline selection and productivity. Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L06 |
Week 4 (12 Aug - 18 Aug) |
Lecture |
Surface Mining III Haul roads and waste dumps. Highwall mining. Learning outcomes: L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial III Truck and shovel selection. Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L13 |
Week 5 (19 Aug - 25 Aug) |
Lecture |
Surface Mining IV Surface miners. Solution mining and other mining methods. Learning outcomes: L05, L06, L07, L08, L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial IV Truck and Shovel Selection using Talpac. Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L13 |
Week 6 (26 Aug - 01 Sep) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining I Underground mine access and development. Underground mine method selection. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Tutorial |
Quiz I First quiz, covering services and infrastructure, surface mining systems, and systems engineering. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L11, L12, L13 |
Week 7 (02 Sep - 08 Sep) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining II Underground coal: Introduction and longwall mining. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L08 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial V Underground mine access: Shaft vs. decline. Learning outcomes: L07, L08, L09 |
Week 8 (09 Sep - 15 Sep) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining IV Underground coal: Thick seam coal mining. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L06, L07, L08, L09, L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial VI Longwall mining Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Week 9 (16 Sep - 22 Sep) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining III Bord (coal) and room (metal) and pillar mining. Underground metal: Cut and fill stoping. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial VII Thick Seam Mining Learning outcomes: L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Week 10 (30 Sep - 06 Oct) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining VI Underground metal: Sublevel stoping. Underground metal: Narrow vein mining. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial VIII Bord and Pillar Mining Learning outcomes: L05, L06, L07, L08, L09 |
Week 11 (07 Oct - 13 Oct) |
Lecture |
Underground Mining V Undergound metal: Caving methods. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L13 |
Tutorial |
Quiz II Second quiz, covering underground mine access and development, and underground mining systems. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07, L08, L09, L10, L13 |
Week 12 (14 Oct - 20 Oct) |
Lecture |
Introduction to Automation in Mining Automation in Mining Learning outcomes: L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial IX Block Caving Learning outcomes: L01, L06, L07, L10, L11, L12, L13 |
Week 13 (21 Oct - 27 Oct) |
Lecture |
Applications of Automation in Mining Applications of Automation in Mining Learning outcomes: L13 |
Tutorial |
Tutorial X- Visit to Virtual Reality Lab Watching Surface and Underground Mine simulations in VR Lab Learning outcomes: L01, L06, L07, L10, L11, L12, L13 |
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