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Course profile

Professional Practice 2 (NUMW3103)

Study period
Sem 1 2025
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 1, 2025 (17/02/2025 - 14/06/2025)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Nursing, Midwifery & Social Wk

This course prepares undergraduate students for the transition from student to professional nurse/midwife. Professional practice challenges graduates to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired over the duration of their undergraduate program and apply these skills for lifelong learning. The course examines concepts around fulfilling safety and quality in health/maternity care. This includes learning skills around leadership and resilience that will support students in their future practice and will extend their reflective practice to consider personal contributions to their profession. The course also explores the use of health informatics in practice environments and expectations regarding competency as a newly registered practitioner in a range of contexts.

Professional practice requires graduates to draw on the knowledge and skills they have acquired over the duration of their undergraduate program and apply these skills for lifelong learning. The course examines concepts around speaking up for safety and quality in health/maternity care. This includes learning skills associated with leadership and resilience that will support students in their future practice and will extend their reflective practice to consider personal contributions to their profession. The course also explores the use of health informatic technologiesᅠin practice environments, and expectations regarding competency as a newly registered practitioner in a range of contexts.

Course requirements

Assumed background

This is the last theory course in the following programs: Bachelor of Nursing; Bachelor of Midwifery and Bachelor of Nursing/Midwifery. It is expected that all requirements of previous semesters have been met.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

24 units in Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Midwifery or Bachelors of Nursing / Midwifery


Bachelor of Nursing, Bachelor of Midwifery, Bachelors of Nursing / Midwifery

Course contact

Course staff



The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

An introductory lecture session will be given via Zoom at 1200 - 1400 hrs, Thursday ofᅠWeek 1ᅠ(27.02.2025).ᅠThe lecture will be recorded for those students who are unable to attend, and a link of the recording will be provided in the Blackboard course site.ᅠContact sessions will be conducted by the course coordinators during the semester - see the published timetable for the exact date and times.ᅠᅠ

Aims and outcomes

This course aims to prepare you for the transition from student to professional nursing/midwifery practice.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Critically examine the professional, legal and ethical frameworks that apply to professional practice as a beginning practitioner.


Reflect on self-development over the program period and identify learning opportunities for the future.


Examine pathways and develop self-care strategies to support personal transition from student to professional practitioner.


Integrate a safety and quality and person / woman centered approach to practice issues, utilising clinical decision making frameworks that guide professional practice.


Demonstrate understanding of how health informatic technologies are used to improve health outcomes.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Essay/ Critique Written Critical Analysis: Coronial Investigation 50%

4/04/2025 1:00 pm

Presentation Supporting Transition to Practice 50%

16/05/2025 1:00 pm

Assessment details

Written Critical Analysis: Coronial Investigation

Essay/ Critique
Due date

4/04/2025 1:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L04

Task description

The aim of this assessment is to enable students to critically examine one (1) nursing or midwifery Coroner’s Inquest, in order to understand the case findings and how the recommendations enclosed in these inquests promote patient safety and, quality and health outcomes.

Students are required to review the assessment tasksheet and marking rubric located on the course Blackboard site for additional details.

Questions pertaining to this assessment are to be posted to the Course Discussion Board.

Submission guidelines

Students are required to submit their work via Turnitin as a word document only. Documents submitted in any other format (e.g. PDF) will not be accepted and student will be asked to resubmit and may incur a late penalty as a result. Please check the course Blackboard assessment area for specific instructions on this process. A link will be made available in the assessment area of your Blackboard course to allow you to submit your assignment electronically.

The anti plagiarism software TURNITIN is being used at UQ. The electronic version of your assignment will be submitted via Blackboard, using the TURNITIN software. Work submitted may be subjected to a plagiarism detection process. If this process is used then copies of this work would be retained and used as source material for conducting future plagiarism checks. Please refer to ITS help if you experience difficulties in submitting your assignments in Blackboard or using TURNITIN as instructed on the companion website.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Applying for an extension

Extension requests are submitted online via my.UQ. Extension requests received in any other way will not be approved.

Information about applying for an extension can be found on my.UQ .

Extension guidelines

  • Extension requests should be submitted prior to the assessment deadline.
  • Extension requests must state the due date and the due time of the assessment.
  • Requests for extensions received after the assessment item submission due date may not be approved. Late requests must include evidence of the reasons for the late request.
  • The extension granted should be in proportion to the period of illness or disruption caused by the exceptional circumstances and will typically be no more than the specified maximum extension length.
  • Students on a Student Access Plan (SAP) with a clause on extension requests must still adhere to the extensions request policy outlined. Students need to attach the SAP and a note outlining their current situation with the online extension application. A maximum of 7 days will be granted on the basis of an SAP. An extension request beyond 7 days will require additional supporting information as this request will not be considered on the basis of the SAP, but rather additional events (whether they relate to the circumstances of the SAP or not).

Outcome of application

Extension requests are generally processed within 2 working days. Students can see the outcome of their application by logging in to my.UQ.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Supporting Transition to Practice

Due date

16/05/2025 1:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L02, L03, L05

Task description

Students are required to submit a group presentation of a chosen topic through a UQ supported recording platform.

The aim of this assessment is for students to develop an understanding of the challenges faced by new graduates and prospective graduates when transitioning to professional practice. This assessment also aims for students to identify and explain possible evidence based solutions that can support transition into professional practice.

Students are required to review the assessment tasksheet and marking rubric located on the course Blackboard site for additional details.

Questions pertaining to this assessment are to be posted to the Course Discussion Board.

Submission guidelines

Students to access the Blackboard course site for instructions on submission.

The anti plagiarism software TURNITIN is being used at UQ. The electronic version of your assignment will be submitted via Blackboard, using the TURNITIN software. Work submitted may be subjected to a plagiarism detection process. If this process is used then copies of this work would be retained and used as source material for conducting future plagiarism checks. Please refer to ITS help if you experience difficulties in submitting your assignments in Blackboard or using TURNITIN as instructed on the companion website.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Please note. As this is a group assessment, an approved extension would apply to the whole group if one student is sick or has other valid grounds as per the guidelines below.  

Applying for an extension

Extension requests are submitted online via my.UQ. Extension requests received in any other way will not be approved.

Information about applying for an extension can be found on my.UQ .

Extension guidelines

  • Extension requests should be submitted prior to the assessment deadline.
  • Extension requests must state the due date and the due time of the assessment.
  • Requests for extensions received after the assessment item submission due date may not be approved. Late requests must include evidence of the reasons for the late request.
  • The extension granted should be in proportion to the period of illness or disruption caused by the exceptional circumstances and will typically be no more than the specified maximum extension length.
  • Students on a Student Access Plan (SAP) with a clause on extension requests must still adhere to the extensions request policy outlined. Students need to attach the SAP and a note outlining their current situation with the online extension application. A maximum of 7 days will be granted on the basis of an SAP. An extension request beyond 7 days will require additional supporting information as this request will not be considered on the basis of the SAP, but rather additional events (whether they relate to the circumstances of the SAP or not).

Outcome of application

Extension requests are generally processed within 2 working days. Students can see the outcome of their application by logging in to my.UQ.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 29.9

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Fails to demonstrate most or all of the basic requirements of the course

2 (Fail) 30 - 46.

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Demonstrates clear deficiencies in understanding and applying fundamental concepts; communicates information or ideas in ways that are frequently incomplete or confusing and give little attention to the conventions of the discipline.

3 (Marginal Fail) 47 - 49.9

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

Course grade description: Demonstrates superficial or partial or faulty understanding of the fundamental concepts of the field of study and limited ability to apply these concepts; presents undeveloped or inappropriate or unsupported arguments; communicates information or ideas with lack of clarity and inconsistent adherence to the conventions of the discipline.

4 (Pass) 50 - 64.49

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Demonstrates adequate understanding and application of the fundamental concepts of the field of study; develops routine arguments or decisions and provides acceptable justification; communicates information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions of the discipline.

5 (Credit) 64.5 - 74.49

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: Demonstrates substantial understanding of fundamental concepts of the field of study and ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts; develops or adapts convincing arguments and provides coherent justification; communicates information and ideas clearly and fluently in terms of the conventions of the discipline.

6 (Distinction) 74.5 - 84.49

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: As for 5, with frequent evidence of originality in defining and analysing issues or problems and in creating solutions; uses a level, style and means of communication appropriate to the discipline and the audience.

7 (High Distinction) 84.5 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: As for 6, with consistent evidence of substantial originality and insight in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem solving approaches; critically evaluates problems, their solutions and implications.

Additional course grading information

All items of assessment must be undertaken, and submitted, for students to pass the course.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Additional assessment information

For Assessment 1 (Written assessment): A word count that is within 10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable. A word count that is outside these 10% will be penalised through a reduction of 10% of the total mark available for the assessment.

For Assessment 2 (Video presentation assessment) :ᅠGroups who are over or under the 20-minute time limit by more than 10% (2 minutes) will receive a 10% deduction of the available marks for the assessment.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Multiple weeks

From Week 1 To Week 13
(24 Feb - 01 Jun)

Not Timetabled

Online Learning

There is an expectation to spend approximately seven (7) hours per week of independent online learning for this course. This includes working through the module material provided.

  • Module 1: Safety & Quality in Health (Weeks 1, 2, 3)
  • Module 2: Transition into Practice (Weeks 4, 5, 6)
  • Module 3: Clinical Teacher and Learning Opportunities (Weeks 7, 8, 9)
  • Module 4: Self-Development and Self-Care (Weeks 10 & 11)
  • Module 5: Health Informatics (Weeks 12 & 13)

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Week 1

(24 Feb - 02 Mar)


Introductory Course Information Session

Welcome and orientation to the course requirements and expectations. Online via Zoom - please see Blackboard and Timetable for details.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02

Multiple weeks

From Week 2 To Week 2
(03 Mar - 09 Mar)


Course Progress and Contact Sessions

These online discussions will provide students with the opportunity to discuss progress and application of modules during the semester relating to professional practice. Online via Zoom - please see Blackboard and Timetable for details.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.