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Course profile

Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice and Clinical Reasoning (OCTY3208)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (21/10/2024 - 16/11/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Health & Rehab Sci School

Professional practice education is an integral part of the occupational therapy curriculum. Students will be provided with opportunities to build upon their earlier clinical coursework experiences and to expand their professional skills while learning to implement the roles and responsibilities of an occupational therapist within contemporary practice settings. Within these settings, they will also develop critical thinking skills in which students connect their clinical practice experiences to broader occupational therapy knowledge. Student professional practice placements will reflect the diversity of occupational therapy professional practice. Students may be allocated to placements within hospital or community-based services and these services may be in acute or long term settings within government or non-government organisations. During their professional practice placement courses students may work with people of various ages and stages of development across the life span. Students will be required to work in different models of service delivery which may involve direct service provision, case management, consultancy or project management or a mixture of these models of service delivery. Supervised practice education is an integral part of the occupational therapy curriculum. The World Federation of Occupational Therapy requires a minimum of 1000 hours of supervised professional practice education within an occupational therapy program for accreditation.

OCTY3208 provides opportunities for undergraduate students to learn to implement the roles and responsibilities of an occupational therapist within contemporary practice settings. A major component of the course is comprised of 390 hours of professional practice education under the supervision of a registered occupational therapist known as the 'Practice Educator'. This 390 hours is typically done over 10 weeks of full-time placement at 35 hrs per week and includes a range of learning support activities and/or attendance at tutorials presented by the Clinical Education Liaison Managers on designated Friday afternoons.

Professional practice education is an integral part of the occupational therapy curriculum. Students will be provided with opportunities to build upon their earlier clinical coursework experiences and to expand their professional skills. Students will be expected to develop skills in occupational therapy practice and the associated communication and self management skills. OCTY3208 is a prerequisite to CTY4104 - Advanced Occupational Therapy Clinical Practice.

Student professional practice placements will reflect the diversity of occupational therapy professional practice. Students may be allocated to placements within hospital or community-based services and these services may be in acute or long term settings within government or non-government organisations. During their professional practice placement courses students may work with people of various ages and stages of development across the life span. Students will be required to work in different models of service delivery which may involve direct service provision, case management, consultancy, and project management or a mixture of these models of service delivery. Supervised practice education is an integral part of the occupational therapy curriculum. The World Federation of Occupational Therapy requires a minimum of 1000 hours of supervised professional practice education within an occupational therapy program for accreditation.

NOTE: In the process of allocating clinical placements, students' email addresses may be provided to organisations in order to allow for planning and orientation purposes. This will be reviewed in line with UQ privacy policies.

Course requirements

Assumed background

Students should have successfully completed all previous coursework in BOccThy (Hons).


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

OCTY3102, OCTY3103, OCTY3104


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:

OCTY3206, OCTY3207

Course contact

Course staff

Celm (placements)


The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Placements can commence from 24/06/2024 through to 07/10/2024. Placement allocation details can be found in InPlace.

Enrolment in OCTY3208 in Teaching Period 7 is for students commencing their clinical placement from 26/08/2024 onwards.

Placement attendance hours and start dates will vary. Students should check emails or course Learn.UQ (Blackboard) site for updates on clinical placement requirements and or learning activities. Students will participate in 3 online tutorials during their placement. The timetable for the compulsory support tutorials will be posted on the course Learn.UQ (Blackboard) site.ᅠ