Course overview
- Study period
- Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
- Study level
- Undergraduate
- Location
- St Lucia
- Attendance mode
- In Person
- Units
- 2
- Administrative campus
- St Lucia
- Coordinating unit
- Historical & Philosophical Inq
This course explores the cutting edge of recent and contemporary philosophy and how it relates to earlier philosophical traditions. The course will draw from the history of philosophy to address current issues. Topics will be drawn from questions in Epistemology and Metaphysics, Logic, European Philosophy and Moral and Political Philosophy.
This course is arranged around three independent modules each examining the application of philosophical methods or concepts to contemporary problems.
Module 1: This module examines the relationship between autonomy and adaptive preferences, and considers the policy implications of defining adaptive preferences as autonomy impairments. The aim of his module is to develop skills in relating theoretical insights to contemporary political and policy issues.
Module 2: This module uses of the tools of moral and political philosophy to give advice on what sorts of rules and institutions can structure a diverse society.
Module 3: This module considers the relationship between critical and creative thinking, leadership, strategic planning, decision-making, and organisational culture.
Course requirements
Recommended prerequisites
We recommend completing the following courses before enrolling in this one:
Course contact
Course staff
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
Additional timetable information
Students are to attend 2ᅠx 1hr, 50minsᅠlecture each weekᅠover 13 weeks. The first lecture commences in Week 1.
Students are to attend NINE tutorials of 1 x 50 minutesᅠover 12ᅠweeks. Tutorials will be heldᅠinᅠweeks 3-5 and weeks 7-12 (inclusive).ᅠTheyᅠwill normally cover the material of the preceding lectures.
Aims and outcomes
Generally, the course aims to provide students with:
- Discipline specific knowledge of key themes, methods of enquiry, and debates in contemporary philosophy.
- Generic skills in research, critical analysis, and verbal and written communication.
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
Reflect and report on a range of key concepts and debates in contemporary philosophy.
Apply theoretical insights to real-world scenarios.
Demonstrate advanced skills of effective thinking and communication.
Conduct independent philosophical research and inquiry.
Identify, analyze and evaluate complex arguments or points of view.
Develop an appreciation of diverse reasoned perspectives and engage in collaborative reasoning.
Develop skills in strategic approaches to decision-making.
Assessment summary
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Participation/ Student contribution | Tutorial participation and discussion | 10% | |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Essay/ Critique | Short assignment 1 Op-Ed, or Essay | 30% 1300 words |
Module 1 essays are due in week 8 (Monday 9th September @ 4PM) |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Essay/ Critique | Short assignment 2 | 30% 1300 words |
submit to turnitin in Week 11 (Thursday 10th October @ 4PM). |
Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project |
Short Assignment 3
30% 1300 words |
Assignments are due on Monday 11th November. |
Assessment details
Tutorial participation and discussion
- Mode
- Activity/ Performance
- Category
- Participation/ Student contribution
- Weight
- 10%
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07
Task description
There are NINE tutorials, held in Weeks 3 - 5; and 7-12.
Each week, students are required to participate in tutorials, to read required readings, and to actively participate in discussion and debate about those readings.
Your tutorial participation will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Evidence of participation in discussions.
2. Evidence of preparation for the tutorial, most notably through completing the set readings.
3. Quality of contributions to discussions.
4. Fostering of group discussions, through courteous and respectful interactions with staff and students.
5. Attendance is necessary to fulfill the above criteria, as per the course requirements, but marks cannot be awarded for attendance alone.
To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your attendance will be flawless and your participation exceptional. This grade reflects exceptional levels of preparation, mastery of course materials, and very high quality contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions. You should be able to engage with your peers very effectively.
To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84) your attendance will be excellent and your participation very substantial. This grade reflects excellent levels of preparation, knowledge of course materials, and high quality contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions. You should be able to engage with your peers effectively.
To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65 – 74%), your attendance and participation will be good. This grade reflects proficient levels of preparation, good knowledge of course materials, and good quality contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions.
To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50 – 64%) your attendance and participation will be satisfactory. This grade reflects adequate levels of preparation and knowledge of course materials, and an acceptable quality of contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions.
To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45 – 49%) your attendance and participation will be unsatisfactory. This grade reflects irregular attendance and/or participation and superficial knowledge of course materials and basic levels of preparation. However, when in attendance, there is evidence of your ability to demonstrate developing achievement in contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions.
To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your attendance and participation will be very unsatisfactory. This grade reflects irregular attendance and/or participation, minimal knowledge of course materials, little evidence of preparation, and mixed to low quality of contributions to, and fostering of, group discussions.
To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your attendance and participation will be unsatisfactory. This grade reflects irregular attendance and/or participation, an no evidence of preparation, and little or no evidence of quality of contributions to, and fostering of, group discussion.
Submission guidelines
Deferral or extension
You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.
Short assignment 1 Op-Ed, or Essay
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Essay/ Critique
- Weight
- 30% 1300 words
- Due date
Module 1 essays are due in week 8 (Monday 9th September @ 4PM)
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07
Task description
Either: 1) Write an Op-Ed for a newspaper or an article for the Conversation ( on a current issue in the media related to the themes of autonomy and paternalism, or autonomy and adaptive preferences. Possible topics to consider might include:
- Can we justify making covid vaccinations mandatory?
- Should the victims of intimate partner violence be prevented from returning to their partners, even if they want to?
The aim of this exercise is to apply the theoretical knowledge you have acquired in Module 1 to a relevant contemporary issue, and to communicate this knowledge in a way that sheds light on the issue.
Your op-ed will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Ability to construct a well-defined, well-reasoned, and persuasive argument.
2. Depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of central issues.
3. Critical engagement with academic sources and evidence.
4. Clear and concise written expression, ability to communicate an argument effectively and in the form of an opinion piece, well presented.
5. Provision of a bibliography using discipline conventions.
To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85–100%), your op-ed should demonstrate that you have an exceptional and nuanced knowledge and understanding of the subject in question. Your argument should be clearly defined, sophisticated, and highly persuasive, demonstrating an exceptional level of critical engagement with primary and secondary source materials. Your writing will be very clear and concise and there will be minimal, if any, errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be highly appropriate for an opinion piece.
To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75–84%), your op-ed should demonstrate that you have an advanced knowledge and understanding of the subject in question. Your argument should be clearly defined and persuasive, demonstrating an advanced level of critical engagement with primary and secondary source materials. Your writing will be clear and concise and have few errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be appropriate for an op-ed piece.
To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65–74%), your op-ed should demonstrate that you have a proficient knowledge and understanding of the subject in question. Your argument should be largely well-defined, demonstrating some critical engagement with primary and secondary source materials. Your writing will be largely clear and concise with few/some errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be largely appropriate for an op-ed piece.
To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50–64%), your op-ed should demonstrate that you have a functional knowledge and understanding of the subject in question. Your argument will be reasonably well-defined, demonstrating a basic level of engagement with primary and secondary source materials. Your writing will be adequate with some errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be adequate for an op-ed piece.
To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45–49%), your op-ed should reflect a developing knowledge and understanding of the subject in question. Your argument, while underdeveloped, will have some definition, and demonstrate a superficial level of engagement with primary and secondary source materials. Your writing will be adequate, perhaps poor, with several errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be poor and/or inappropriate for an op-ed piece.
To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your op-ed will reflect an inadequate knowledge and understanding of concepts fundamental to the subject in question. Your argument will be unsupported and/or inappropriate and lacking in coherency. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate evidence, to identify problems and issues, or to offer insights adequately. You writing will be poor with frequent errors of referencing, expression, grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Your writing style and tone will be inappropriate for an op-ed piece.
To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0–24%), your op-ed will reflect that you have failed to meet the minimum learning requirements and skill acquisition for this course. Your op-ed will demonstrate an absence of research, evaluation of evidence, and lack of argumentation. Written expression and style will be poor or inappropriate.
Or 2) Write a philosophical essay on selected topics.
Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Ability to define the topic or philosophical issue under debate. (Topic definition.)
2. Ability to construct a well-reasoned argument for a certain point of view. (Argument and Structure.)
3. Depth and breadth of understanding of the various positions in a philosophical debate. (Scope and Depth of Treatment)
4. Insight and/or originality in interpreting texts or constructing a point of view or argument. (Originality)
5. Capacity to produce a polished, well-written and appropriately referenced article. (Presentation)
To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your essay should reflect an exceptional level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken extensive, high-level research, that you are able to form a very rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is original and creative. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate and organise data and/or evidence in a critical manner and that you have a sophisticated and insightful understanding of problems and issues. Your essay will be very well written, clear and concise, pay strict attention to discipline conventions and have minimal, if any errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 85-100%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your essay should reflect an advanced level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken wide research, that you are able to form a rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is coherent and convincing. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a perceptive manner, and that your understanding of problems and issues is perceptive and insightful. Your essay will be well written, clear and concise, follow discipline conventions and have few errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 75-84%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65 – 74%) your essay should reflect a proficient level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken the expected level of research, that you are able to develop or adapt convincing arguments and justify them adequately, that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a proficient manner, and that you have a good understanding of problems and issues. The presentation and referencing of your essay will largely follow discipline conventions, perhaps have some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 65-74%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50 – 64%) your essay should reflect functional achievement. It should demonstrate that you are able to apply fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research and have the basic ability to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, to offer insights and to develop routine arguments. Your organisation, writing, referencing, spelling and grammar will be adequate and use some of the discipline conventions to communicate appropriately: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 50-64%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45 – 49%), your essay should reflect developing levels of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have a superficial knowledge of fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research, made some attempt to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, and to offer insights. Your arguments, while underdeveloped, show your emerging ability to apply knowledge and skills. Your organisation, writing, spelling and grammar will be adequate, perhaps poor, and your referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 45-49%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%) your essay will reflect deficiencies in skill acquisition and in your understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, or to offer insights adequately. Your arguments will be unsupported and/or inappropriate, your organisation and writing will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 25-44%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria
To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your essay will reflect minimal evidence of achievement, and exhibit deficiencies in skill acquisition and in your understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, and/or to offer insights adequately. Your arguments will be unsupported and/or inappropriate, your organisation and writing will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 1-24%. See assessment components for specific
Grade X. No assessable work received.
Submission guidelines
Submit to Turnitin before 4PM on the due date
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
All extensions require permission before the due date. For information about procedures and forms go to
Late submission
Late submission of assessment will incur a penalty of 10% of the marks available for the assessment item, per calendar day or part-day after the due date, for a maximum of 7 days, after which a mark of zero will be recorded.
Short assignment 2
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Essay/ Critique
- Weight
- 30% 1300 words
- Due date
submit to turnitin in Week 11 (Thursday 10th October @ 4PM).
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07
Task description
Write a mission statement and strategy document for a hospital's attempt to review its ethics code, making of the skills and techniques of social philosophy.
Your mission statement/ essay will be assessed according to the following criteria:
1. Ability to define the topic or philosophical issue under debate. (Topic definition.)
2. Ability to construct a well-reasoned argument for a certain point of view. (Argument and Structure.)
3. Depth and breadth of understanding of the various positions in a philosophical debate. (Scope and Depth of Treatment)
4. Insight and/or originality in interpreting texts or constructing a point of view or argument. (Originality)
5. Capacity to produce a polished, well-written and appropriately referenced essay. (Presentation)
To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your essay should reflect an exceptional level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken extensive, high-level research, that you are able to form a very rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is original and creative. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate and organise data and/or evidence in a critical manner and that you have a sophisticated and insightful understanding of problems and issues. Your essay will be very well written, clear and concise, pay strict attention to discipline conventions and have minimal, if any errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 85-100%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your essay should reflect an advanced level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken wide research, that you are able to form a rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is coherent and convincing. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a perceptive manner, and that your understanding of problems and issues is perceptive and insightful. Your essay will be well written, clear and concise, follow discipline conventions and have few errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 75-84%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65 – 74%) your essay should reflect a proficient level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken the expected level of research, that you are able to develop or adapt convincing arguments and justify them adequately, that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a proficient manner, and that you have a good understanding of problems and issues. The presentation and referencing of your essay will largely follow discipline conventions, perhaps have some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 65-74%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50 – 64%) your essay should reflect functional achievement. It should demonstrate that you are able to apply fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research and have the basic ability to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, to offer insights and to develop routine arguments. Your organisation, writing, referencing, spelling and grammar will be adequate and use some of the discipline conventions to communicate appropriately: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 50-64%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45 – 49%), your essay should reflect developing levels of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have a superficial knowledge of fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research, made some attempt to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, and to offer insights. Your arguments, while underdeveloped, show your emerging ability to apply knowledge and skills. Your organisation, writing, spelling and grammar will be adequate, perhaps poor, and your referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 45-49%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%) your essay will reflect deficiencies in skill acquisition and in your understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, or to offer insights adequately. Your arguments will be unsupported and/or inappropriate, your organisation and writing will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 25-44%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria
To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your essay will reflect minimal evidence of achievement, and exhibit deficiencies in skill acquisition and in your understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, and/or to offer insights adequately. Your arguments will be unsupported and/or inappropriate, your organisation and writing will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent: This grade is assigned for a total (sum of all the assessment components) in the range 1-24%. See assessment components for specific grading criteria.
Grade X: No assessable work received.
Submission guidelines
Submit to turnitin before 4PM on the due date.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
All extensions require permission before the due date. For information about procedures and forms go to
Late submission
Late submission of assessment will incur a penalty of 10% of the marks available for the assessment item, per calendar day or part-day after the due date, for a maximum of 7 days, after which a mark of zero will be recorded.
Short Assignment 3
- Team or group-based
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Paper/ Report/ Annotation, Project
- Weight
- 30% 1300 words
- Due date
Assignments are due on Monday 11th November.
- Learning outcomes
- L01, L02, L03, L04, L05, L06, L07
Task description
It's 2035 and the world is facing another pandemic. In your groups, identify two 'uncertainties' and conduct a scenario planning exercise to construct 4 plausible scenarios describing how the pandemic might play out relative to those uncertainties in Australia given the broader geopolitical context. Draw on megatrends and other data sources in constructing your scenarios. Collectively formulate a strategy for preparing now to chart a course to a preferred outcome among the set of plausible future outcomes.
Note: This is a team assignment as befitting strategic planning in organisational contexts, but teams will be required to delegate tasks to individual members and document individual contributions.
Submission guidelines
Submit to Turnitin before 4PM on the due date.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.
All extensions require permission before the due date. For information about procedures and forms go to
Late submission
Late submission of assessment will incur a penalty of 10% of the marks available for the assessment item, per calendar day or part-day after the due date, for a maximum of 7 days, after which a mark of zero will be recorded.
Course grading
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Grade | Description |
1 (Low Fail) |
Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 1, Low Fail (0-24%), is generally awarded in cases where some assessment has been submitted, but it is of wholly unsatisfactory standard or quantity. In work submitted, however, there is no demonstrated evidence of understanding of the concepts of the field of study or basic requirements of the course.</p> |
2 (Fail) |
Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 2, Fail (25-44%), is generally awarded to work that exhibits deficiencies in understanding and applying the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study, and as such, does not satisfy the basic requirements of the course. Often, one or more major items of assessment will not have been completed.</p> |
3 (Marginal Fail) |
Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes Course grade description: <p>Grade 3, Marginal Fail (45-49%), is generally awarded if a student has submitted work that attempts to meet the knowledge and skill requirements of the course, but is only able to demonstrate a superficial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. Students will usually have attempted all major pieces of assessment and show that they have an identifiable, emerging ability to apply basic knowledge and skills.</p> |
4 (Pass) |
Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 4, Pass (50-64%), is generally awarded where all major items of assessment have been submitted. An adequate knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study should be demonstrated and a functional skill level achieved.</p> |
5 (Credit) |
Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 5, Credit (65-74%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and a substantial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study have been demonstrated. Students must show that�they are capable of doing more than drawing together the�ideas of others; they must demonstrate some analytical skills and research initiative.�</p> |
6 (Distinction) |
Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 6, Distinction (75-84%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and substantial knowledge of the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been demonstrated. Students should also be able to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge and skills extensively and show their capacity for original evaluation and interpretation.�</p> |
7 (High Distinction) |
Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: <p>Grade 7, High Distinction (85-100%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and there is evidence that the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been mastered. Students should also be able to demonstrate that they can apply their knowledge and skills with originality and sophistication.</p> |
Additional course grading information
Grade X
No Assessable Work
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
45 – 49%
Grade 4
50 – 64%
Grade 5
65 – 74%
Grade 6
75 – 84%
Grade 7
85 – 100%
ᅠSupplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Additional assessment information
- Failure to submit all major assessment items (those worth 15% and above) will result in a maximum grade of 2 (Fail).
- By submitting work through Turnitin you are deemed to have accepted the following declaration: ‘I certify that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted, either previously or concurrently, in whole or in part, to this University or any other educational institution, for marking or assessment’.
- All students must ensure that they receive their Turnitin receipt on every submission of assessment items. YOU MUST CHECK THAT THE RECEIPT CONFIRMS THAT SUBMISSION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
- A valid Turnitin receipt will be the only evidence accepted if assessments are missing.
- Without evidence, the assessment will receive the standard late penalty, or after ten calendar days, will receive zero.
- In the case of a Blackboard outage, please contact the Course Coordinator as soon as possible so that they can confirm the outage with ITS.
- It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are submitting assessment items on a device that is capable of the task, and that appropriate internet bandwidth and speed is available.
- If you cannot be sure that your device or internet will enable you to complete or submit an assessment task, you must come onto campus and use one of the University Computers in the Library or Computer Labs.
- Plagiarism, and asking or paying someone else to do your work is cheating and constitutes academic misconduct. See ECP Section 6.1
- NOTE: Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. please see task speciic conditions for the use of generative AI in this course.
- Feedback against the assessment criteria in the form of comments on your script will be provided through Turnitin or on your script directly.
- For information on assessment remarks see:
Learning resources
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Library resources
Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.
Additional learning resources information
The course has a Blackboard site which you will need to access weekly for readings, PowerPoint slides for lectures and announcements. Theᅠslidesᅠpresentedᅠduring lectures will normally be available on Blackboard at the end of each lecture.
ᅠFor general resources, see: UQ Libraryᅠ
Learning activities
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Please select
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Lecture |
Week 1: Introduction A brief introduction to the course, including an overview of each separate course module and assessment requirements. Introduction to module 1 key themes and concepts. Learning outcomes: L01, L05, L06 |
Lecture |
Week 2 Autonomy and Adaptive preferences Overview and introduction to the debate. Introduces different conceptions of autonomy and defines adaptive preferences. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06 |
Lecture |
Week 3 Autonomy and Adaptive preferences A critical review of the case for understanding adaptive preferences as autonomy impairments. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06 |
Lecture |
Week 4: Autonomy and Adaptive preferences A critical review of the case against understanding adaptive preferences as autonomy impairments. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Lecture |
Week 5: Autonomy and Adaptive preferences An examination of case studies. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Lecture |
Week 6: Public Reason Examination of the history and the basic ideas of public reason in political philosophy. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Lecture |
Week 7: Consensus v Convergence Two competing approaches to public reason: searching for common ground; searching for conclusions which can be reached from a wide range of different perspectives. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06 |
Lecture |
Week 8: Two Problems of Modelling Democracy v Unanimatarianism v Epistocracy; Who is the community? Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Lecture |
Week 9: Solutions A range of solutions which could be of use in writing up the assessment piece. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Workshop |
Week 10: Discursive Leadership This workshop introduces students to types of leadership with a particular focus on how the use of language and collaborative reasoning techniques can drive an organisation in a positive direction. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Workshop |
Week 11: Strategic Thinking and Decision-Making This workshop considers the relationship between critical thinking, systems thinking, and strategic thinking as well as strategic approaches to decision-making. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Workshop |
Week 12: Scenario Planning In this workshop students learn techniques in scenario planning and how argument mapping and research techniques can be applied in an organisational setting. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Workshop |
Week 13: Design thinking In this workshop, students learn the fundamentals of design thinking and apply it to a problem of practice that becomes the foundation of their last assessment piece for this course. Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05, L06, L07 |
Policies and procedures
University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:
- Student Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure
- Assessment Procedure
- Examinations Procedure
- Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and Procedure
Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.