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Course profile

Professional Practice 6 (PHTY4409)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (15/07/2024 - 16/08/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Health & Rehab Sci School

Students will develop an ability to integrate the knowledge, physical skills, principles of evidence based practice, clinical reasoning, and ethical & professional behaviours that are necessary to function competently as a physiotherapist. Students in this course will undergo a supervised full-time physiotherapy professional practice immersion. Professional skills & reflective practice will be facilitated in order to prepare the student for challenges in health care service & delivery. Emphasis will be placed on developing student's knowledge & skills to function autonomously as primary contact health care practitioners in a range of contexts (e.g. hospital, community, ambulatory, & primary health care settings).

The course aims to provide students with core competencies in the physiotherapy clinical management of patients presenting in a range of settings and services while demonstrating appropriate professional behaviours. There is an emphasis on the rehabilitation of patients, across the lifespan, presenting with a variety of conditions involving the musculoskeletal, cardiorespiratory and nervous systems. Using contemporary clinical education models, students will develop skills in assessment, critical analysis, clinical reasoning, intervention planning, and evaluation, appropriate to the area of practice. Students are required to integrate foundation biomedical and behavioural knowledge, physical and technical skills, and the applied skills of evidence based practice to allow the development of entry-level physiotherapy competencies while also developing UQ graduate attributes. The course promotes the understanding of appropriate professional ethical and social attitudes, interprofessional roles and facilitates the development of effective and appropriate communication. Course experiences are undertaken during a five week block of supervised fulltime clinical practice in one of a variety of recommended practice settings.

Course requirements

Assumed background

Students are assumed to have a knowledge base derived from previous courses in 1st-3rd years including biomedical and behavioural sciences, pathology and specialist physiotherapy areas. They are assumed to have competent physiotherapy skills in areas of assessment, clinical reasoning and physical management across the range of conditions in core areas and across the lifespan. They should also have developed core communication and handling skills. These skills will have been integrated in clinical activities across the program to date including the standardised patient unit in PHTY4401. Adherence to SHRS requirements for clinical practice is a pre-requisite for each clinical course.ᅠ


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

HRSS3102, PHTY3250, PHTY3260, PHTY3280


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:



BPhty(Hons) students

Course contact

Course staff

Field coordinator


Additional timetable information

Timetables are dependent on the respective clinical immersion and will be provided to the student by the Clinical Education Liaision Managers and the Clinical Educators.

Aims and outcomes

The course aims to:

(1) Develop in students the physiotherapy competencies which reflect entry level standards to the physiotherapy profession.

(2) Integrateᅠfoundation biomedical and behaviouralᅠsciences, attitudes, behaviours and technical learning in the management of a wide range of clinical problems across the lifespan.

(3) Emphasise the involvement of the physiotherapist in the development of effective, comprehensive, management plans for the delivery of competent services to clients in a variety of settings, within a framework of holistic care andᅠ optimisation of health.

(4) Encourage the use of inter-professional learning and multi-professional practice.

(5) Develop student familiarisation with workplace health and safety, emergency procedures and equity policies in that specific workplace during induction.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Demonstrate ethical and professional decision making and behaviour appropriate to physiotherapy while applying knowledge and understanding of standards of physiotherapy practice, relevant codes of conduct, and client rights


Demonstrate a competent level of effective verbal, non-verbal and written communication skills applied to all aspects of practice including interactions with clients, professionals and the community.


Demonstrate a competent understanding of the presentation and management of a wide range of clinical problems across the lifespan while being respectful and sensitive to individual client needs.


Demonstrate a competent ability to appropriately, safely, accurately, systematically and efficiently assess a client to determine and prioritise problems via gathering, integrating and interpreting appropriate data related to the patient.


Demonstrate an appropriate process of clinical reasoning in making decisions related to the client such as developing a hypothesis, determining patient outcomes.


Demonstrate an understanding of the importance of goal-setting with clients and self-management for return of function, work and leisure activities.


Demonstrate to a competent standard of ability to interpret, analyse and integrate the assessment findings in the development of a hypothesis.


Select, develop and implement safe, appropriate and effective physiotherapy and other intervention plan to a competent standard using problem solving skills such as critical thinking and judgement while aiming to achieve client treatment goals.


Develop an integrative and holistic physiotherapy intervention of patients, acknowledging individual differences.


Evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of interventions using appropriate re-evaluation and / or valid and reliable outcome measures.


Demonstrate the ability to provide advice and education relevant to interventions and formulated hypothesis.


Demonstrate accurate and appropriate documentation that meets ethical and legal requirements depending on the context.


Demonstrate the integration of evidence-based practice into the practice setting.


Demonstrate appreciation of the diverse roles and scope of physiotherapy practice in a range of settings eg community, industry, regional/rural, public, private.


Demonstrate an appreciation of the roles of other disciplines and participate as a member of an interdisciplinary/ multi-professional team including delegation to staff under physiotherapy supervision.


Demonstrate an ability to reflect on ones own professional development and physiotherapy practice.


Demonstrate commitment to wellness, health promotion and injury prevention with clients.


Assessment summary

Block 6

Assessment details

Block 6

Professional behaviour, communication on immersion - Continuous assessment: professional performance

Activity/ Performance
30% Compulsory Pass
Other conditions
Work integrated learning.

See the conditions definitions

Task description

Students will assess and provide physiotherapy management for clients over a five week full-time immersion in a variety of settings. Students' performance of their professional behaviour and communication will be assessed on a continuous basis across the immersion using ongoing observation of student/client interactions and assessment of student's knowledge, skills and professional behaviour against the Australian Physiotherapy Council Standards for an Entry-level physiotherapist.

Students are also expected to complete their own self-assessment as per the APP process.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Clinical performance on immersion - Continuous assessment: clinical performance

Activity/ Performance
70% Compulsory Pass
Other conditions
Work integrated learning.

See the conditions definitions

Task description

Students will assess and provide physiotherapy management for clients over a five week full-time immersion in a variety of settings. Students' performance of their ability to to perform assessment, analysis and planning, apply intervention, using an appropriate evidence base and risk management strategies will be assessed on a continuous basis across the immersion using ongoing observation of student/client interactions and assessment of student's knowledge, skills and professional behaviour against the Australian Physiotherapy Council Standards for an Entry-level physiotherapist.

Students are also expected to complete their own self-assessment as per the APP process.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Clinical/professional immersion - Continuous assessment of professional performance

Activity/ Performance
Formative Assessment
Other conditions
Work integrated learning.

See the conditions definitions

Task description

The purpose of formative assessment is to improve the quality of learning by providing information on strengths and weaknesses and to help identify strategies for improvement. Formative assessment is designed to help students understand how they are progressing. This type of assessment typically occurs throughout a clinical immersion and can be in many forms. It may be informal or as part of structured feedback.

During clinical immersions formal formative feedback occurs at the mid immersion point. Students are expected to contribute to this process and engage in dialogue about their current performance and how they could develop their skills further in the remainder of the placement. Feedback is intended to improve learning and subsequent clinical practice. Development of skill will only occur if students incorporate feedback into practice during clinical immersions.

Students are also expected to complete their own self-assessment as per the APP process.

Submission guidelines

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Pass/Fails Description

Course grade description: Students must achieve a passing grade for the clinical immersion. Students who fail an immersion will fail the course overall and will be required to repeat the course in the next semester that it is offered. Refer to the Assessment Process for using the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP)Tool, accompanying Clinical Performance Standards and the Criteria for Passing Grade as defined below. These are available on Blackboard. A score for the immersion is gained by converting the APP score out of 80 to a percentage for allocation of a non-graded pass or fail. In order to pass a clinical immersion the APP final immersion score must record the student has obtained the following: 1. Gain total score of 40/80 or above, and 2. Score 50% or more for the total of items 1-6 (i.e. student must attain a score of 12 or greater out of 24), and 3. Score 50% or more for the total of items 7-20 (i.e. student must attain a score of 28 or greater out of 56), and 4. Obtain Global Rating Score of ADEQUATE or better. Clinical educators will submit their recommended end immersion APP scores on APPLinkup. The FINAL decision regarding the result associated with the relevant clinical course will be made by the course coordinator in consultation with the field coordinators.


Course grade description: Refer to the Assessment Process for using the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP)Tool, accompanying Clinical Performance Standards and the Criteria for Passing Grade as defined below. These are available on Blackboard. A score for the immersion is gained by converting the APP score out of 80 to a percentage for allocation of a non-graded pass or fail. In order to fail a clinical immersion the APP final immersion score must record the student has NOT obtained the following: 1. Gain total score of 40/80 or above, and 2. Score 50% or more for the total of items 1-6 (i.e. student must attain a score of 12 or greater out of 24), and 3. Score 50% or more for the total of items 7-20 (i.e. student must attain a score of 28 or greater out of 56), and 4. Obtain Global Rating Score of ADEQUATE or better.

Additional course grading information

Students must achieve aᅠpassing gradeᅠfor the clinical immersion. Students who fail an immersion will fail the course overall and will be required to repeat the course in the next semester that it is offered.

Refer to the Assessment Process for using the Assessment of Physiotherapy Practice (APP)Tool, accompanying Clinical Performance Standards and the Criteria for Passing Grade as defined below. These are availableᅠon Blackboard. A score for the immersion is gained by converting theᅠAPP score out of 80 to a percentage for allocation of a grade as above.

In order to pass a clinical immersion the APP final immersion score must record the student has obtained the following:

  1.  Gain total score of 40/80 or above, and
  2. Score 50% or more for the total of items 1-6ᅠ(i.e. student must attain a score of 12 or greater out of 24), and
  3. Score 50% or more for the total ofᅠitems 7-20ᅠ(i.e. student must attain a score of 28 or greater out of 56), and
  4. Obtain Global Rating Score of ADEQUATE or better.ᅠ

Clinical educators will submit their recommended end immersion APP scores on APPLinkup. The FINAL decision regarding the result associated with the relevant clinical course will be made by the course coordinator in consultation with the field coordinators.

Final marks falling between whole percentages will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage. Tie-breaking will be conducted using the round half up method whereby half-way values are always rounded up, meaning, for example, that 89.5% and above will be rounded to 90% and 89.49% and below will be rounded down to 89%.


Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is not available for this course.

Additional assessment information

Resubmission/Resit of Assessment Items: A resit or resubmission of assessment items is not available for this course.

Failure to Attend: Failure to attend an allocated clinical placement session may result in a failing grade for the associated course. Students are referred to the ECP Section 6, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Guidelines - Failure to attend single / multiple clinical placement sessions for further information. 

Use of Generative AI in Student Placements 

Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Large Language Models (e.g., ChatGPT, Microsoft Copilot) are increasingly used in society. In terms of clinical placements, students are not permitted to use AI unless explicitly indicated by the provider that this use is permitted, and the parameters of use are clear. If these are not explicit, students are expected to consult with their practice educators before implementation to determine the acceptability of generative AI use and ensure that any potential risks associated with the intended use are addressed. AI is not a replacement of, or substitute for, professional reasoning or clinical skills. Human oversight is essential in its use, and to employ generative AI effectively and responsibly, students must understand how AI works, including its functions, data storage methods, and its impact on adherence to professional codes of conduct. 

If used on placement, students are responsible for any outputs generated by AI, such as clinical notes and reports, and will be held accountable for the actions of any AI that is used in clinical practice. This responsibility includes ensuring adherence to the relevant profession's code of conduct and ethical standards. Transparency about generative AI use is essential in placement environments. Students must follow the relevant policies and procedures of their placement provider. Students are reminded that they need to demonstrate their ability to meet the inherent requirements of the relevant profession, operate within its scope of practice, and ensure that client/patient privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all times. Under no circumstances should identifiable clinical information be uploaded to open or external AI platforms, as it is unethical and irresponsible. 

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

It is necessary to have read the relevant risk assessments for clinical placements, which can be found in the UQ Risk Management Database.

#4360: SHRS-CELM-Clinical Placements (International-Developed Countries)

#4359: SHRS-CELM-Clinical Placements (International-Developing Countries)

#4358: SHRS-CELM-Clinical Placements (Domestic-Metropolitan Region)

#4357: SHRS-CELM-Clinical Placements (Domestic-Rural, Remote and Interstate)

Students are also referred to the OHS Risk Management website for information and guidance on how to use and navigate the database.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

All student activities

Learning period Activity type Topic
Multiple weeks

Full-time Physiotherapy Practice Immersion

Professional Practice: Students will experience a five week full-time immersion in an appropriate physiotherapy workplace setting under the supervision of a clinical educator. They will assess, develop management plans, deliver interventions and continually re-assess clients in the setting. They will develop and integrate knowledge, skills and professional physiotherapy behaviours required to function as an entry-level physiotherapist.

Additional learning activity information

Learning in clinical and professional experiences is experiential in nature requiring mandatory attendance. Students will be encouraged to take responsibility for their learning and use adult learning methods. Self-reflection related to clinical reasoning and professional development is encouraged and expected.

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.