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Course profile

Clinical Psychology Placement 2 (PSYC8302)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
Postgraduate Coursework
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Psychology School

Supervised 250 hours professional experience. Internships conducted largely within the UQ Psychology Clinic, designed to extend skills in psychological assessment, therapy and report writing, and to develop understanding of professional issues.

All postgraduate clinical psychology programs include experiential training in various agencies both within university psychology clinics and in the wider community. Such training has long been seen as essential in order to allow students to put into practice the theoretical knowledge acquired through university-based training. Students are therefore presented with the opportunity to integrate the theoretical/research and clinical components of the scientist-practitioner model taught throughout the course work of the Clinical Program. Placements provide students with the opportunity to apply the scientist-practitioner model in "real world" settings, they also provide students with a structured and supportive environment in which they can deliver clinical services to individuals, couples, and families (who have been referred to the UQ Psychology Clinic for the assessment and treatment of a wide range of psychological, behavioural, and cognitive problems). At times throughout the placement, students may also be afforded the opportunity to complete a portion of their placement in other clinics or services via our Outreach Programs.

Course requirements

Assumed background

Enrolment in this placementᅠassumes enrolment in a postgraduate program in Clinical Psychology.ᅠ All enrolled studentsᅠmustᅠhave registration (provisional or general) with the Psychology Board of Australia. Students are also expected to have theirᅠimmunisationᅠup-to-date as per current UQ Vaccinations and Immunisationᅠpolicy ( In addition, optional outreach program opportunities are available at times. In some instances, these require aᅠpolice checkᅠto have been completed and a copy of the documentation able to be forwarded to the appropriate liaison person.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

PSYC7112, PSYC7191, PSYC7211, PSYC8301 and provisional or full registration as a psychologist with the Psychology Board of Australia.

Recommended companion or co-requisite courses

We recommend completing the following courses at the same time:

PSYC7241, PSYC7251


You can't enrol in this course if you've already completed the following:



MPsychClin, DPsych or with permission of the Director of Clinical Programs

Course contact

Course coordinator

Dr Leander Mitchell

My office is located at Upland Road, within the UQ Psychology Clinic, and accessible via 25 Upland Road. Consultation is by appointment only.

Course staff

Course administrator


Additional timetable information

The UQ Psychology Clinic runs compulsory case presentations (with each clinician presenting on one of their cases) held once a week for either an evening (Tuesday 5:30pm - 7:30pm)ᅠor daytime (Friday 10:00am -ᅠ12:00noon) stream during the placement. Note that you will be allocated to one ofᅠthose streams for the entirety of the placement. While we do our best to take specific requests into account when placing provisional psychologists into a particular stream, these decisions are guided by the availability of supervisors and the need from a scheduling perspective to have roughly half the cohort in each stream.

A more detailed timetable will be sent to the provisional psychologists including the dates of the case presentations early in the semester. It is important to note that attendance is compulsory for these activities as they form part of the requirements of completing a placement at the UQ Psychology Clinic (a community-based private practice clinic) to ensure adequate development of competence. In addition, at times throughout the semester clinicians may also be offered the opportunity to engage in group supervision and training opportunities. These will be advertised when they become available and attendance at these opportunities is voluntary.

Note also that given the ongoing Covid context, some events (possibly also therapy) may necessarily need to occur via the Zoom platform. The Clinic Manager keeps clinicians informed as to the Covid requirements within healthcare settings as and when any changes in those requirements occur.

Aims and outcomes

This placement aims to :

(a) assistᅠprovisional psychologists in developing clinical skills relevant to clinical practice,

(b) provide training in evidence-based psychological treatments for provisional psychologists,

(c) encourage and support the highest standardsᅠofᅠethical and professional practice, and

(d) facilitate the integration of research and clinical practice in the scientist-practitioner tradition.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


demonstrate a range of core clinical competencies required for clinical practice in the scientist-practitioner tradition.


demonstrate familiarity with the provision of evidence-based psychological treatments for clients presenting with a range of emotional, behavioural and psychological problems.


demonstrate familiarity with a range of cognitive assessment methods and the identification of an individual's areas of cognitive strength and weakness, including the feeding back of that information in both written and verbal formats.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Placement, Role play/ Simulation Observation of clinical interaction - minimum of 5
  • Hurdle

15/07/2024 - 15/11/2024

Placement Mid-Semester Review
  • Hurdle

4/10/2024 5:00 pm

Placement End Semester Review
  • Hurdle

15/11/2024 5:00 pm

It is a requirement that all components of the end review process and file closure process are completed before the provisional psychologist moves on to their next placement.

Portfolio Folio of clinical work
  • Hurdle

15/11/2024 5:00 pm

A hurdle is an assessment requirement that must be satisfied in order to receive a specific grade for the course. Check the assessment details for more information about hurdle requirements.

Assessment details

Observation of clinical interaction - minimum of 5

  • Hurdle
Product/ Artefact/ Multimedia
Placement, Role play/ Simulation
Due date

15/07/2024 - 15/11/2024

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03

Task description

At least five recordings of student's clinical sessions with clients is presented to supervisor for analysis. Although the minimum number is five, students are strongly encouraged to present as many recordings as possible to supervisors for feedback on their skills. Video feedback forms are available on the Blackboard site for completion and include: psychoeducation; test administration; therapeutic procedure; case conceptualisation; session termination. Once completed, please send via email to the Course Coordinator.

Hurdle requirements

This assessment must be passed to pass the course

Submission guidelines

Submit an electronic copy of the completed forms via email to the Course Coordinator for PSYC8302.

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Students should discussion their progression on placement with the Course Coordinator

Mid-Semester Review

  • Hurdle
Activity/ Performance
Due date

4/10/2024 5:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03

Task description

Mid-placement review conducted by the provisional psychologist and their supervisor of key clinical skills and overall case management. Provisional psychologists should aim to submit their sections of the review documents completed to their supervisor a week or two prior to the actual due date. Please then submit all completed documents to the course coordinator via email on the due date. Word format is preferred so that the course coordinator can add comments and sign off on the paperwork.

Documents to be completed and emailed include:

Mid-review form

Mid-placement checklist

Hurdle requirements

This assessment must be passed to pass the course

Submission guidelines

Submit an electronic copy of the completed forms via email to the Course Coordinator for PSYC8302.

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Students should discussion their progression on placement with the Course Coordinator

End Semester Review

  • Hurdle
Activity/ Performance
Due date

15/11/2024 5:00 pm

It is a requirement that all components of the end review process and file closure process are completed before the provisional psychologist moves on to their next placement.

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03

Task description

End-placement review conducted by the provisional psychologist and their supervisor of key clinical skills and overall case management. Provisional psychologists should aim to submit their sections of the review documents completed to their supervisor a week or two prior to the actual due date (with the due date for end review documents being the date on which you end the placement at the UQ Psychology Clinic). Please submit all end review documents to the course coordinator via email. Word format is preferred so that the course coordinator can add comments and sign off on the paperwork.

Documents to be completed and emailed include:

End-review form

End-placement checklist

Supervisory relationship questionnaire

Logbooks (client hours, supervision hours, other related hours, and neuro prov psychs to submit their neuro case logbook) - provisional psychologists must keep a record of all their activities during internships. This includes client contact hours, supervision hours, and client-related hours. Forms will be provided to students to ensure they are collating the correct information for each of these categories.

Hurdle requirements

This assessment must be passed to pass the course

Submission guidelines

Submit an electronic copy of the completed forms via email to the Course Coordinator for PSYC8302.

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Students should discussion their progression on placement with the Course Coordinator

Folio of clinical work

  • Hurdle
Product/ Artefact/ Multimedia
Due date

15/11/2024 5:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03

Task description

Folio of clinical work undertaken throughout the internship year (i.e., both internships). Specific requirements can be found detailed in folio marking criteria, available on the Blackboard site. A folio template will also be made available and should be used to complete your folio. In addition, a Q&A session will be held roughly around the timing of the mid-semester review.

You need to submit a copy of your folio to your assigned marker (an alternate supervisor) by the due date (25th November 2024). It is also STRONGLY recommended that you submit a draft of your N=1 case to your clinic supervisor at least 2 weeks prior to the submission date (i.e., 11th November 2024) for the folio so that you can incorporate their feedback prior to submitting the folio for marking.

Once your folio has been passed, an electronic copy of both your folio and the completed marking criteria signed by the marker needs to be emailed to the Course Coordinator.

Hurdle requirements

This assessment must be passed to pass the course

Submission guidelines

Electronic version of the folio (once passed by the supervisor marking the folio), as well as a copy of the completed Form X, to be submitted to the course coordinator via email.

Deferral or extension

You cannot defer or apply for an extension for this assessment.

Students should discussion their progression on placement with the Course Coordinator

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Pass/Fails Description

Course grade description: Pass achieved once the supervisor has completed mid and end reviews of student, reviewed at least three recording examples of the students clinical work, and all administrative requirements for client files has been completed and reviewed by supervisor. A T2 Form provides a checklist of all administrative requirements and must be signed off by student and supervisor before a pass can be given. Student must make satisfactory progress with clinical skills to progress to external placements.


Course grade description: Unsatisfactory progress with clinical and/or administrative and professional skills.

Additional course grading information

All assessment items must be passed to pass the course.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is not available for this course.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

While there are no set texts for this course, all provisional psychologists are expected to conduct independent research on the evidence-base for proposed treatments or assessments for each client seen. This is in combination with resources from other coursework and from supervision.

The Internship Resources shared drive contains a range of resources that, alongside the provisional psychologist's own research, provides a good array of tools relevant to the placement.

Finally, the Professional Resource Centre (or Test Library) has a small collection of books available for loanᅠto provisional psychologists completing their placement.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Multiple weeks

From O-week To Exam week 2
(15 Jul - 17 Nov)



Client work, supervision, and other-related activities associated with working with clients seeking psychological support.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.

You'll also need to be aware of the following policies and procedures while completing this course:

School guidelines

Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course:

Course guidelines

A student who commences, but does not successfully complete a placement through academic withdrawal (W) or receiving a fail grade (X or N), must apply to the Associate Dean (Academic) Faculty of Health and Behavioural Sciencesᅠfor approval to reenrol in that placement in a following semester.ᅠ You must discuss your program of enrolment with the Program Director and Placement Manager/s prior to requesting approval from the Associate Dean.ᅠ Please refer to the program rules for full information on enrolment and placement rule requirements.

Please see the Internship Handbook provided at the start of the internshipᅠfor additional information on Clinic policies and procedures, as well as further information on internship requirements.