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Course profile

Independent Study Unit (RELN3001)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Historical & Philosophical Inq

In this course, each student will be paired with an academic advisor to work on a research topic that reflects the student's interests — this is an opportunity to pursue your passion. It is particularly helpful for students planning to pursue Honours or a Higher Degree by Research.

This course allows the student to pursue at some length a topic of interest negotiated with an appropriate supervisor. Students should consult with their advisor early in the semester (before week 1, no later than the end ofᅠor week 1).ᅠ Students can contact and meet with advisors using Zoom or other online conferencing software are not feasible due to COVID-19 restrictions.

Course requirements

Assumed background



You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:


Course contact

Course staff


Student mentor


Additional timetable information

Students will meet as required with their academic advisors. Students should contact the course coordinator as soon as possible to arrange an academic advisor for the semester. Students will be assigned a staff member based on project and availability.ᅠ

Aims and outcomes

The course aims to provide students who have completed the required units in Studies in Religion an opportunity to work independently on a study project.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Have a good grasp of the topic researched both in terms of the topic itself and of the relevant scholarship on it.


To be able to conduct academic research, using appropriate sources.


To be able to produce an independent research paper, on a topic of ones own choosing.


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Paper/ Report/ Annotation Thesis Proposal and Annotated Bibliography 30%

6/09/2024 2:00 pm

Essay/ Critique Final Research Essay 70%

25/10/2024 2:00 pm

Assessment details

Thesis Proposal and Annotated Bibliography

Paper/ Report/ Annotation
Due date

6/09/2024 2:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02

Task description

Once students have determined a project topic, in consultation with their academic advisor, they are required to develop a thesis proposal and an annotated bibliography. The assessment should be ~2000 words in total, and it must include the following sections:

1. Thesis Proposal (~500 words). The thesis proposal should include a thesis statement, which communicates the aim and intention of the proposed project, as well as a clear research question/proposition. The proposal should situate the project within relevant literature. It also should explain what methodology will be used for the project. This proposal should be one or two paragraphs, and approximately 500 words.

2. Annotated bibliography (~1500 words). The annotated bibliography should include annotations of 10 texts that are relevant to your project. Each annotation should be approximately 150 words in length. Please refer to the Blackboard site for articles that provide advice on how to write annotated bibliographies.

Referencing Style: Students are strongly encouraged to use Chicago style for references and bibliographies:

Word Limits: that is within ±10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable. Word count does not include footnotes unless they are discursive. 

AI: This assessment task evaluates the student's abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of artificial intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under under the Student Code of Conduct.


Submission guidelines

Submit via Turnitin on Blackboard.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Final Research Essay

Essay/ Critique
Due date

25/10/2024 2:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03

Task description

Write an essay of 3,500 words (+/- 10% not including citations and the bibliography) on a topic decided in conjunction with your Advisor.  It is very important that you meet with your advisor in either the first or second week of the semester to discuss your approach to your topic. Regular engagement (email and/or in-person) is expected throughout the semester. 


Submission guidelines

Submit via Turnitin on Blackboard

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 24

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 1,�Fails to demonstrate most or all of the basic requirements of the course: � Grade 1, Low Fail (0-24%), is generally awarded in cases where some assessment has been submitted, but it is of wholly unsatisfactory standard or quantity. In work submitted, however, there is no demonstrated evidence of understanding of the concepts of the field of study or basic requirements of the course.</p>

2 (Fail) 25 - 44

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 2, Fail:�Demonstrates clear deficiencies in understanding and applying fundamental concepts; communicates information or ideas in ways that are frequently incomplete or confusing and give little attention to the conventions of the discipline: � Grade 2, Fail (25-44%), is generally awarded to work that exhibits deficiencies in understanding and applying the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study, and as such, does not satisfy the basic requirements of the course. Often, one or more major items of assessment will not have been completed.</p>

3 (Marginal Fail) 45 - 49

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

Course grade description: <p>Grade 3,�Demonstrates superficial or partial or faulty understanding of the fundamental concepts of the field of study and limited ability to apply these concepts; presents undeveloped or inappropriate or unsupported arguments; communicates information or ideas with lack of clarity and inconsistent adherence to the conventions of the discipline: � Grade 3, Marginal Fail (45-49%), is generally awarded if a student has submitted work that attempts to meet the knowledge and skill requirements of the course, but is only able to demonstrate a superficial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. Students will usually have attempted all major pieces of assessment and show that they have an identifiable, emerging ability to apply basic knowledge and skills. -</p>

4 (Pass) 50 - 64

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 4, Pass:�Demonstrates adequate understanding and application of the fundamental concepts of the field of study; develops routine arguments or decisions and provides acceptable justification; communicates information and ideas adequately in terms of the conventions of the discipline: � Grade 4, Pass (50-64%), is generally awarded where all major items of assessment have been submitted. An adequate knowledge of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study should be demonstrated and a functional skill level achieved.</p>

5 (Credit) 65 - 74

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 5, Credit:�Demonstrates substantial understanding of fundamental concepts of the field of study and ability to apply these concepts in a variety of contexts; develops or adapts convincing arguments and provides coherent justification; communicates information and ideas clearly and fluently in terms of the conventions of the discipline: � Grade 5, Credit (65-74%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and a substantial understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course and field of study have been demonstrated.�</p>

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 6, As for 5, with frequent evidence of originality in defining and analysing issues or problems and in creating solutions; uses a level, style and means of communication appropriate to the discipline and the audience: Grade 6, Distinction (75-84%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and substantial knowledge of the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been demonstrated.�</p>

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Course grade description: <p>Grade 7, High Distinction:�As for 6, with consistent evidence of substantial originality and insight in identifying, generating and communicating competing arguments, perspectives or problem solving approaches; critically evaluates problems, their solutions and implications: � Grade 7, High Distinction (85-100%), is generally awarded where all items of assessment have been completed and there is evidence that the deeper and more complex aspects of the course and field of study have been mastered.</p>

Additional course grading information

Thesis Proposal and Annotated Bibliography Assessment Criteria


Your thesis essay proposal and annotated bibliography will be assessed according to the following criteria: 


1.      Concise statement of your research question or problem.

2.      Outline of research approach, strategy and time plan.

3.      Identification of key issues and/or challenges.

4.      Identification of suitable primary sources or original materials (if applicable).

5.      Identification of relevant scholarly literature and secondary sources.

6.      Relevant and insightful annotations identifying key themes and uses of the sources.

7.      Written expression and correct referencing style.


To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your proposal should provide a nuanced and sophisticated statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks should be identified very clearly. Relevant sources should be evaluated with a high level of insightful. Annotations will be sophisticated and very insightful, and demonstrate an exceptional level of understanding of relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression should be very clear and concise, pay strict attention to discipline conventions and have minimal, if any, errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation.


To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75-84%), your proposal should provide an effective statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks will be clearly identified. Relevant sources should be evaluated with insightful. Annotations will be very insightful, demonstrating a very high degree of understanding of relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression will be clear and concise, follow discipline conventions and have few errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation.


To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65 – 74%), your proposal should provide a proficient statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks will be well identified. Relevant sources should be evaluated at a good level of proficiency. Annotations will be capable, demonstrating good understanding of relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression will follow/largely follow discipline conventions, have few/some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively.


To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50 – 64%), your proposal should adequately provide a functional or workable statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks will be adequately identified. Relevant sources should be adequately evaluated. Annotations will be adequate and demonstrate that you have achieved a basic understanding of some relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression, referencing, spelling and grammar will be adequate and shall use some of the discipline conventions to communicate appropriately. 


To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45 – 49%), your proposal will demonstrate developing proficiency but ultimately not result in a workable statement of your research question and/or strategic approach. Project tasks will lack adequate identification or be superficial. Relevant sources will be evaluated inadequately. Annotations will demonstrate little insight and and insufficient understanding of some relevant scholarly issues.The overall written expression, referencing, spelling and grammar will be adequate/poor and your referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent.


To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%), your proposal will fail to provide a workable statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks will be poorly identified. Relevant sources will not have been identified or evaluated. Annotations will demonstrate very little insight and fail to show a basic understanding of some relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression, referencing, spelling and grammar will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent.


To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your proposal will not present a workable statement of your research question and strategic approach. Project tasks will either not be identified or identified insufficiently. Relevant sources will not have been identified and evaluated. Annotations will show no insight and no understanding of relevant scholarly issues. The overall written expression, referencing, spelling and grammar will be an unsatisfactory and the use of discipline conventions will be absent, poor or inappropriate.

Essay Assessment Criteria (History, Ancient History and Classics, Studies in Religion) 

Your essay will be assessed according to the following criteria: 

1.              Ability to construct a well-reasoned argument.

2.              Depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of central issues.

3.              Ability to form a well-structured essay. 

4.              Engagement with academic sources and evidence. 

5.              Insight and/or creativity in interpreting texts or constructing a point of view or argument.

6.              Capacity to produce a coherent and well-written essay using correct grammar and syntax.

7.              Appropriately referenced, as per discipline conventions. 

To achieve a grade of 7 (High Distinction, 85-100%), your essay should reflect an exceptional level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken extensive, high-level research, that you are able to form a very rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is original and creative. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate and organise data and/or evidence in a critical manner and that you have a sophisticated and insightful understanding of problems and issues. Your essay should be very well written, clear and concise, pay strict attention to discipline conventions and have minimal, if any errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

To achieve a grade of 6 (Distinction, 75 – 84%), your essay should reflect an advanced level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken wide research, that you are able to form a rigorous, well-organised argument, and that your discussion is coherent and convincing. It should also demonstrate that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a perceptive manner, and that your understanding of problems and issues is perceptive and insightful. Your essay should be well written, clear and concise, follow discipline conventions and have few errors in referencing, expression, grammar, spelling and punctuation.

To achieve a grade of 5 (Credit, 65 – 74%) your essay should reflect a proficient level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have undertaken the expected level of research, that you are able to develop or adapt convincing arguments and justify them adequately, that you are able to evaluate data and/or evidence in a proficient manner, and that you have a proficient understanding of problems and issues. The presentation and referencing of your essay will largely follow discipline conventions, perhaps have some errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation, and demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively.

To achieve a grade of 4 (Pass, 50 – 64%) your essay should reflect a functional level of achievement. It should demonstrate that you are able to apply fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research and have the basic ability to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, to offer insights and to develop routine arguments. Your organisation, writing, referencing, spelling and grammar will be adequate and use some of the discipline conventions to communicate appropriately. 

To achieve a grade of 3 (Marginal Fail, 45 – 49%) your essay should reflect developing levels of achievement. It should demonstrate that you have a superficial level of knowledge of fundamental concepts and skills, that you have undertaken a basic level of research, made some attempt to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, and to offer some insights. Your arguments, while underdeveloped, show your emerging ability to apply knowledge and skills. Your organisation, writing, spelling and grammar will be adequate, perhaps poor, and your referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent.

To achieve a grade of 2 (Fail, 25-44%) your essay will reflect deficiencies in skill acquisition and in your understanding of the fundamental concepts of the course. It will demonstrate that you have not undertaken adequate research, that you are unable to evaluate data and/or evidence, to identify problems and issues, or to offer insights adequately. Your arguments will be unsupported and/or inappropriate, your organisation and writing will be poor and/or inappropriate, and referencing and use of discipline conventions poor/and or inconsistent.

To achieve a grade of 1 (Low Fail, 0-24%), your essay will reflect that you have failed to meet the minimum learning requirements and skill acquisition for this course. Your essay will demonstrate an absence of research, evaluation of data and/or evidence, and lack argumentation. Use of discipline conventions will be absent, poor or inappropriate, and written expression poor or inappropriate

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Additional assessment information

  • Failure to submit all major assessment items (those worth 15% and above) will result in a maximum grade of 2 (Fail).
  • By submitting work through Turnitin you are deemed to have accepted the following declaration: ‘I certify that this assignment is my own work and has not been submitted, either previously or concurrently, in whole or in part, to this University or any other educational institution, for marking or assessment’.
  • All students must ensure that they receive their Turnitin receipt on every submission of assessment items. YOU MUST CHECK THAT THE RECEIPT CONFIRMS THAT SUBMISSION HAS BEEN SUCCESSFUL.
  • A valid Turnitin receipt will be the only evidence accepted if assessments are missing.

Without evidence, the assessment will receive the standard late penalty, or after ten calendar days, will receive zero.

In the case of a Blackboard outage, please contact the Course Coordinator as soon as possible so that they can confirm the outage with ITS.

  • It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are submitting assessment items on a device that is capable of the task, and that appropriate internet bandwidth and speed is available.

If you cannot be sure that your device or internet will enable you to complete or submit an assessment task, you must come onto campus and use one of the University Computers in the Library or Computer Labs.

Word Count Limits: A word count that is within ±10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable. Word count does not include footnotes; however, discursive footnotes are included in the word count. A word count that is outside these 10% will receive a proportionate penalty and will be graded against the grading criteria.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

You are encouraged to read as widely as possible and to access information and opinions wherever you find them. It is important that you critically evaluate the data and opinions, no matter what the source, but be especially careful of non-refereed sources.

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Not scheduled
Not Timetabled


To work on an essay in consultation with an advisor

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03

Multiple weeks

From Week 1 To Week 13
(22 Jul - 27 Oct)

General contact hours

Meetings with Supervisor

It is expected that students meet with their supervisors throughout the semester to discuss their progress. Students should make time in their schedules to meet with supervisor, regardless of non-university work demands. That is, non-university work is not a valid excuse for failing to meet your supervisor.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.