Course overview
- Study period
- Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
- Study level
- Undergraduate
- Location
- St Lucia
- Attendance mode
- In Person
- Units
- 2
- Administrative campus
- St Lucia
- Coordinating unit
- Human Movement & Nutrition Sci
This course examines physical preparation strategies for elite athletes. Methods of assessing the demands of a sport & specific strengths and weaknesses of athletes will be discussed. Students will then be able to develop strength & conditioning programs that are specifically tailored to the requirements of individual athletes.
The course will provide students with an understanding of how knowledge from the various sport science sub-disciplines is used to enhance athletic performance. It will require students to analyse the demands of the sport and apply sound theoretical knowledge, along withᅠpracticalᅠfield and laboratory tests, to develop practical strategies for coaches and athletes to enhance sport performance. In addition, it will provide an in-depth understanding of methods to monitor, analyse and ultimately enhance athletic performance.ᅠ
Course requirements
Assumed background
HMST2730 or PHYL2730
You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:
HMST2730 or PHYL2730
Recommended prerequisites
We recommend completing the following courses before enrolling in this one:
HMST3362 or EXMD2362
Course contact
Course staff
The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.
Additional timetable information
Aims and outcomes
To provide students with a thoroughᅠunderstanding of elite athlete development and theᅠimpact of sport science.ᅠ It will allow students to assess the demands of competition, determine the strengths and weaknesses of an athlete and develop appropriate training recommendations for that athlete.ᅠ The course will highlight some of the latest trends in athlete development and future challenges that will need to be overcome through sport science.
Learning outcomes
After successfully completing this course you should be able to:
understand the roles of a sport scientist & strength & conditioning coach within the high performance support team and be able to operate within a team environment.
understand and utilise performance analysis tools to assess the demands of training and competition.
be able to interpret physiological and biomechanical test data to assess the strengths and weaknesses of an athlete
develop optimal training recommendations encompassing all aspects of athletic preparation
understand the importance of recovery and the many factors that contribute to an athlete becoming overtrained
be able to develop and critically defend a periodised training program
be able to critically review academic literature and then apply the findings to a practical sport science setting
Assessment summary
Category | Assessment task | Weight | Due date |
Quiz |
5% |
Online Quiz must be completed through Learn.UQ 09/08/2024 (Week 3) 2:00pm - 3:00pm. |
Examination |
In-semester Examination
30% |
In-semester examination must be completed in-person on 19/09/2024 (Week 9) 6:00pm - 7:00pm. |
Presentation |
Oral Presentation
40% |
8/10/2024 2:00 pm |
Examination |
Final Examination
25% |
End of Semester Exam Period 2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024 |
Assessment details
- Online
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Quiz
- Weight
- 5%
- Due date
Online Quiz must be completed through Learn.UQ 09/08/2024 (Week 3) 2:00pm - 3:00pm.
- Other conditions
- Time limited.
Task description
The Quiz will examine your knowledge and understanding of all materials presented in the preceding lectures, readings and workshops.
The link to the quiz will be made available in the Assessment tab on Learn.UQ site and must be completed during the allocated assessment window.
There will be 10 questions to answer in the Quiz.
The Quiz will be held in Week 3 of semester during the scheduled Quiz time.
Once you begin the quiz, you have 10 minutes to complete it.
Please note that it is relatively common for computer problems to occur on personal systems or with the online system. It can be very difficult to document some problems, which makes it impossible for the us to take these into account. You must complete your quiz during the allocated time - so that you have time to successfully resolve any problems that might occur.
The quiz will consist of Multiple Choice Questions on the content covered in weeks 1 and 2.
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
A link will be provided in the Assessment tab of Learn.UQ
Deferral or extension
You may be able to defer this exam.
Late submission
Exams submitted after the end of the submission time will incur a late penalty.
In-semester Examination
- In-person
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Examination
- Weight
- 30%
- Due date
In-semester examination must be completed in-person on 19/09/2024 (Week 9) 6:00pm - 7:00pm.
- Learning outcomes
- L02, L03
Task description
Students must complete the In-Semester Examination in-person during the scheduled examination time in Week 9.
There will be 60 questions to answer in the In-Semester Examination which will be comprised of 60 Multiple Choice Questions.
The time allowed for the In-Semester Examination is 60 minutes.
The In-Semester Examination will be comprised of multiple choice questions and be based on the materials and readings provided through Weeks 3 to 8 on Learn.UQ.
The use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of Generative AI may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Exam details
Planning time | no planning time minutes |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Calculator options | No calculators permitted |
Open/closed book | Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted |
Materials | Pen, pencil and eraser |
Exam platform | Paper based |
Invigilation | Invigilated in person |
Submission guidelines
Deferral or extension
You may be able to defer this exam.
Late submission
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Oral Presentation
- Online
- Mode
- Oral
- Category
- Presentation
- Weight
- 40%
- Due date
8/10/2024 2:00 pm
- Other conditions
- Time limited.
Task description
Students will be required to develop a training program and present an critical analysis that contextualises their decisions.
Students must complete this assignment individually.
Students must present for between 9 – 10 minutes recorded and submitted through Learn.UQ in video format.
Student must be clearly visible throughout the entire Oral Presentation in their recorded video.
Students are not permitted to edit their presentation and instead required to film their presentation in a single take.
Students can use a slide show to aid their presentation.
Student are discouraged from relying on notes during their presentation.
This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI). Students are advised that the use of AI technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Submission guidelines
Submit through the link provided in the Assessment tab of Learn.UQ. Oral Presentations must be submitted in video format with no editing and the sound clear. The use of presentation slides is recommended to aid the presentation.
Deferral or extension
You may be able to apply for an extension.
Late submission
A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.
Final Examination
- In-person
- Mode
- Written
- Category
- Examination
- Weight
- 25%
- Due date
End of Semester Exam Period
2/11/2024 - 16/11/2024
- Learning outcomes
- L05
Task description
Students must complete the Final Examination in-person during the scheduled End of Semester Examination period.
There will be 50 questions to answer in the Final Examination which will be comprised of 50 Multiple Choice Questions.
The time allowed for the Final Examination is 60 minutes.
The Final Examination will be comprised of multiple choice questions and be based on the content covered through Weeks 9 to 13.
The use of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools will not be permitted. Any attempted use of Generative AI may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.
Exam details
Planning time | 10 minutes |
Duration | 60 minutes |
Calculator options | No calculators permitted |
Open/closed book | Closed Book examination - no written materials permitted |
Materials | Pen, pencil and eraser |
Exam platform | Paper based |
Invigilation | Invigilated in person |
Submission guidelines
Deferral or extension
You may be able to defer this exam.
Late submission
You will receive a mark of 0 if this assessment is submitted late.
Course grading
Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.
Grade | Cut off Percent | Description |
1 (Low Fail) | 0 - 24 |
Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: The student fails to demonstrate any relevant knowledge or understanding of the underlying concepts. In addition, the student has only completed one assessment item. |
2 (Fail) | 25 - 44 |
Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: The student fails to demonstrate any relevant knowledge or understanding of the underlying concepts. |
3 (Marginal Fail) | 45 - 49 |
Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes Course grade description: Some relevant knowledge is evident in the answer, but one of the following applies: there is no understanding of the underlying concept/s or the quality of the written response is poor (eg., poor spelling, grammar etc.). |
4 (Pass) | 50 - 64 |
Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: A reasonable amount of knowledge is demonstrated, partial understanding of the underlying concepts exists and the quality of written communication is adequate. |
5 (Credit) | 65 - 74 |
Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: As for a mark of 4 but with a more substantial understanding of the underlying concepts that is supported by references to the literature. |
6 (Distinction) | 75 - 84 |
Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: As for a mark of 5 but with evidence of due consideration to differences reported in the literature and reference to material beyond that which has been recommended for reading and shows signs of critical evaluation. |
7 (High Distinction) | 85 - 100 |
Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes. Course grade description: As for a mark of 6 but with evidence of sound opinion supported by the literature and synthesis of material beyond that which has been recommended for reading. Awareness of limitations in some published papers (eg., flawed research designs, erroneous conclusions etc.). Demonstrates critical evaluation skills. |
Additional course grading information
A final percentage mark will be rounded to the nearest whole number (e.g. 64.50 and above will be rounded to 65 and 64.49 and below will be rounded down to 64.)
Supplementary assessment
Supplementary assessment is available for this course.
Additional assessment information
Students are expected to attend the practicals for SPCG3343.
What is TurnitIn?ᅠTurnitin is an electronic assignment submission tool. The tool provides your Course Coordinator with:
- a record of the exact submission time of an assignment
- an originality report indicating the percentage of your work that is an exact match of existing materials within the Turnitin database.
Instructions on how to submit an assignment using Turnitin are located on the UQ Library websiteᅠSubmit your Turnitin assignment - Library Guide
When submitting, to check that you have chosen the correct file on theᅠPreview Submissionᅠpage and click on theᅠSubmit to Turnitinᅠbutton. ᅠ
Remember to download yourᅠdigital receiptᅠin yourᅠAssignment inboxᅠto confirm successful submission.
If a submission cannot be successfully completed, email a copy of the assessment task to the Course Administrator. For contact details refer to section 3 of the course profile.
Students who are enrolled in theᅠcourseᅠare required to meet the following standards of professional behaviour:
- Attendance
Attendance at all practical sessions and tutorials is expected.
- Punctuality
Punctuality for practical sessions and tutorials is expected at all times (unless otherwise approved)
- Preparation
Students are expected to prepare thoroughly, particularly for practical learning activities.
- Participation
Students are expected to actively engage in all learning experiences.
- Initiative
Effective practical learning activities require students to demonstrate initiative and enthusiasm. It is acknowledged that even the most thoroughly planned sessions don't always go as planned, so when this occurs students should show appropriate adaptability and independence in order to find a solution.
- Interactions with others
Students should establish and maintain respectful relations with all staff, fellow-students, clients and members of the public. Your behaviour, language and sentiment should not offend, discriminate, harass, vilify or victimize others. The UQ Handbook of University Policy and Procedures sets out your rights and responsibilities in regard to this (PPL1.70.06 Discrimination and Harassment). This extends to formal and informal communication in both written and oral form.
- Scope of practice
In professional settings students should always ensure that any activities they conduct - assessment, prescription and programming or other procedures - are commensurate with the academic requirements of the course they are enrolled in and the instructions they have been given. Students who do not follow the guidelines and act in a cavalier fashion to place themselves and others at risk this is unacceptable. Students who are uncertain about differentiating appropriate and inappropriate activities should consult with a member of staff or their supervisor.
Learning resources
You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.
Library resources
Library resources are available on the UQ Library website.
Additional learning resources information
A number of selected readings and learning resources will be made available through the course. These can be downloaded as pdf files throughᅠBlackboard (Learn.UQ). These readings are assessable for all assessment items.ᅠ
Learning activities
The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.
Filter activity type by
Please select
Learning period | Activity type | Topic |
Week 1 (22 Jul - 28 Jul) |
Lecture |
Dimensions of athlete preparation |
Week 2 (29 Jul - 04 Aug) |
Lecture |
Strength and Power Learning outcomes: L06, L07 |
Week 3 (05 Aug - 11 Aug) |
Lecture |
Speed, Agilty and Endurance Learning outcomes: L06, L07 |
Week 4 (12 Aug - 18 Aug) |
Lecture |
Periodisation for maximum performance Learning outcomes: L04, L06, L07 |
Week 5 (19 Aug - 25 Aug) |
Lecture |
Tapering and peaking Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L06, L07 |
Week 6 (26 Aug - 01 Sep) |
Lecture |
Athlete Monitoring Learning outcomes: L04, L05, L06, L07 |
Week 7 (02 Sep - 08 Sep) |
Lecture |
Performance Analysis & Analytics Learning outcomes: L02, L03, L06, L07 |
Week 8 (09 Sep - 15 Sep) |
Lecture |
Skill Acquisition Learning outcomes: L03, L06, L07 |
Week 9 (16 Sep - 22 Sep) |
Lecture |
Training elite Paralympic athletes Learning outcomes: L03, L04, L06, L07 |
Week 10 (30 Sep - 06 Oct) |
Lecture |
Sports Psychology Tools Learning outcomes: L04, L06, L07 |
Week 11 (07 Oct - 13 Oct) |
Lecture |
Mindset for Athletic Performance Learning outcomes: L04, L06, L07 |
Week 12 (14 Oct - 20 Oct) |
Lecture |
Nutrition for Sports Performance Learning outcomes: L04, L06, L07 |
Week 13 (21 Oct - 27 Oct) |
Lecture |
Mentoring in high performance sport |
Additional learning activity information
Face-to-Face tutorials will occur in Weeks 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 and will align with learning from online lecture material.
Independent reading allocation occurs in Weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13 where students are expected to complete course readings provided through Learn.UQ.
Policies and procedures
University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:
- Student Code of Conduct Policy
- Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy and Procedure
- Assessment Procedure
- Examinations Procedure
- Reasonable Adjustments - Students Policy and Procedure
Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.
School guidelines
Your school has additional guidelines you'll need to follow for this course: