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Course profile

Managing Resources in Tourism, Hospitality & Events (TOUR7023)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
Postgraduate Coursework
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Business School

This course focuses on the business systems and processes for planning, organising and controlling resources in tourism, hospitality and event organisations. The course will examine the management of people, finances and risk and the implementation of sustainable and ethical business strategies. This foundation course will develop specialist theoretical and practical knowledge which will be developed further in more advanced tourism, hospitality and event management courses. The course also enhances students' employability by providing opportunities to engage in reflective practice, critical evaluation, and problem-solving in managing tourism, hospitality, and event resources for effective decision-making and communication.

This course focuses on the utilisation of business systems and processes to assist managers toᅠplan, organise and control the available resources of tourism, hospitality and event organisations. As such, the course seeks to develop in students a knowledge of the core concepts and systems that underpin the management of human, financial and other business resources that lead toᅠthe implementation of sustainable and ethical business strategies. This foundation courseᅠthus serves as an introduction to theᅠrequisite business concepts and management principles and practicesᅠwhich are explored in greater depth in the more advanced tourism, hospitality and event management courses of the MTHEM degree program.

Course requirements


Students in the MTHEM(#24) program are not permitted to enrol in this course.

Course contact

Course coordinator

Dr Mireia Guix

Please send an email to arrange a consultation 30 minutes before and after the seminar.

Course staff



The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Timetables are available on theᅠUQ Public Timetable. Please note: Teaching staff doᅠnotᅠhave access to the timetabling system to help with class allocation. Therefore, should you need help with your timetable and/or allocation of classes, please ensure you emailᅠᅠfrom your UQ student email account with the following details:

  • Full name,
  • Student ID, and
  • the Course Code

Aims and outcomes

This courseᅠaims toᅠprovide students with an understanding of the myriadᅠissues that go hand-in-hand with the ethical management of resources of any organisation operating in the global tourism, hospitality and event industry.ᅠIt also seeks toᅠadvance each student's skills in collaborative and independent learning such that they are better prepared for a management career in the industry. The course enhances students' employability by providing opportunities to engage in reflective practice, critical evaluation, and problem-solving in managing tourism, hospitality, and event resources for effective decision-making and communication.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


critically evaluate various types of resources in tourism, hospitality and event operations


identify and reflect on theoretical and practical considerations associated with managing resources in tourism, hospitality and event operations


explain the management process and associated core business concepts related to resource management in the tourism, hospitality and event context


critically analyse a complex tourism, hospitality or event business problem or situation relating to resource management practices


formulate recommendations for strategic and ethical resource management in tourism, hospitality and event operations


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Poster Infographic - External Resource Audit: Destination 45% Individual

30/08/2024 2:00 pm

Essay/ Critique Case Study Report 55% Individual; 2,500 words

25/10/2024 2:00 pm

Assessment details

Infographic - External Resource Audit: Destination

Product/ Artefact/ Multimedia
45% Individual
Due date

30/08/2024 2:00 pm

Task description

Working INDIVIDUALLY, students independently critically evaluate TH&E natural, cultural and support resources of a chosen destination, identify its main management challenges, and provide management strategies for solving (preventing, mitigating, or managing) the issues.

The assessment has two parts:

Part A (Spreadsheet Audit): You are to conduct an external resource audit of a chosen regional destination (in Australia or overseas - see a list of regional destinations on Blackboard) and critically evaluate the natural, cultural, and support resources for the chosen destination. A spreadsheet template is available on Blackboard to guide the audit process. You are to evaluate each resource's appeal, quality and uniqueness critically. You then identify and reflect on the main management challenges and possible strategies to overcome those. Your completed spreadsheet must be submitted as part of this assessment, and completion provides the foundation for you to complete Part B.

Part B (Infographic Poster): Based on your research and resource audit spreadsheet, you will prepare an infographic (using Canva’s or Piktochart's Infographic function, or similar) that addresses several information aspects as listed below. An infographic is a visual representation and should be succinct, entertaining, and eye-catching. Avoid a text-heavy infographic. It should cite the relevant literature and incorporate informative text and engaging images or graphics to explain your findings to your audiences. 

Your infographic should address the following aspects:

  • An overview of the destination (geographical location, types of attractions, visitor segment and statistics etc);
  • A detailed audit highlighting two (2) examples of natural, two (2) examples of cultural, and two (2) examples of support resources available at this destination. This will require you to inform on the i) resource appeal, ii) uniqueness and iii) quality for 2 x natural resources, 2 x cultural resources, and 2 x social resources;
  • Explain the most relevant two (2) resource management challenges for your destination. Evidence-based justification of the identified challenges is necessary. 
  • Address each challenge strategically with one (1) possible management strategy that will overcome the challenge.

Your research should be based on recent academic sources (published within the past 10 years). Your reference list can be attached to the spreadsheet tap called Reference list APA, following the APA reference guide.

Complex / authentic assessment using AI to support learning

Artificial Intelligence (AI) provides emerging tools that may support students in completing this assessment task. Students may appropriately use AI in completing this assessment task. Students must clearly reference any use of AI in each instance. A failure to reference generative AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Criteria & Marking:

Further details will be provided on the course Blackboard Site.

Submission guidelines

Your assessment (Part A and B) must be submitted to Turnitin, which is accessed from the Blackboard Assessments link.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Case Study Report

Essay/ Critique
55% Individual; 2,500 words
Due date

25/10/2024 2:00 pm

Task description

Working INDIVIDUALLY, you are required to assess ONE of the two provided scenarios critically, identify TH&E resource management issues/problems, and provide informed consideration of the ethical implications. This assessment requires students to independently and critically evaluate a complex issue in managing THEs resources and, through problem-solving and research skills, provide a researched-informed understanding of the issues and strategic, evidenced, and actionable recommendations for meaningful resolutions to the case. Through the assignment, you will need to demonstrate ethical awareness in evaluating and responding to the identified issues.

Prepare a clear and concise 2,500-word case study report. The word limit applies to the content and detail of your report. It EXCLUDES title page, appendices, and reference list.

  1. Choose ONE scenario (selected from the two that will be made available on Blackboard)
  2. Identify the key ethical resource management issues
  3. Discuss the ethical issues, drawing on relevant and current literature to inform the analysis 
  4. Critically analyse the underlying causes and implications of the identified issues (provide evidence-based justification of your reasoning)
  5. Critically assess the consequences from diverse stakeholder perspectives (MORE THAN TWO stakeholders)
  6. Formulate TWO strategic, evidenced and actionable recommendations (ONE preventive and ONE reactive) to address key issues raised through problem-solving
  7. Provide a clear conclusion to the report reflecting on sustainable development

You are required to include at least 10 recent* and relevant academic and non-academic references following the APA style to support your analysis and recommendations.

* Recent references are those published in the last 10 years.

This task has been designed to be challenging, authentic, and complex. Whilst students may use AI technologies, successful completion of assessment in this course will require students to critically engage in specific contexts and tasks for which artificial intelligence will provide only limited support and guidance.

A failure to reference AI use may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct. 

Submission guidelines

It is a course requirement that you submit your case study report via the electronic Turnitin Submission Portal available under the Blackboard Assessment link for this course. Your report should be uploaded in a Word or PDF format and it MUST be successfully submitted prior to the deadline to avoid late submission penalty. Please allow sufficient time to upload your file BEFORE the due hour and date; and ensure you secure a 'receipt' as proof of timely submission.

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 14 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 0 - 29

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

2 (Fail) 30 - 46

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

3 (Marginal Fail) 47 - 49

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

4 (Pass) 50 - 64

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

5 (Credit) 65 - 74

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Additional course grading information

Grades will be allocated according to University-wide standards of criterion-based assessment.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

Learn (Blackboard)
All courses are supported by the UQ Learning Management System, Blackboard Learn, which provides an interactive environment for the students and teachers. This is accessible via PC or Mac or Mobile (Apps) environment.
To log on to Blackboard, go to

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Week 1

Introduction to managing THEs resources

The tourism destination

Week 2
Problem-based learning

Natural Resource Analysis

Critical Evaluation of Tourism Destination Resources

Week 3
Problem-based learning

Social & Cultural Resource Analysis

Critical Evaluation of Tourism Destination Resources

Week 4

Destination Resource Audit

Audit & Marketing Infographic in Practice

Week 5

Organisational Resources Analysis in THEs

Strategic Critical Evaluation of Organisational Environment

Week 6
Case-based learning

Dynamic Change in THEs

Practice for Complex Problem-Solving

Week 7

Managing Human Resources in THEs - Guest Lecturer TBA

Culture & Diversity Reflective Practice

Week 8
Problem-based learning

Management, Leadership & Ethics in THEs

Role Play & Reflective Practice

Week 9
Problem-based learning

Operations & Performance Management in THEs - Guest Lecturer TBA

Role Play Critical Incident Analysis

Mid Sem break
No student involvement (Breaks, information)

In-Semester Break

No classes during the mid-semester break

Week 10
Case-based learning

Technology & Innovation

Practice for Complex Problem-Solving

Week 11
Case-based learning

Managing Risks & Crisis in THEs

Practice for Complex Problem-Solving

Week 12

Climate Change Challenge for THEs Resources

Climate change mitigation and adaptation in tourism

Week 13

Bring it all together

THE's Resource Management for Sustainable Development & Consultations

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.