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Course profile

Writing: Advanced Project (WRIT3000)

Study period
Sem 2 2024
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person

Course overview

Study period
Semester 2, 2024 (22/07/2024 - 18/11/2024)
Study level
St Lucia
Attendance mode
In Person
Administrative campus
St Lucia
Coordinating unit
Communication & Arts School

In this compulsory capstone course students consolidate and deploy writing skills first encountered in other courses in the major in order to complete a significant short work in a genre of their choice.

Building on theᅠconceptual knowledge andᅠpractical skills that you haveᅠacquired in first- and second-year creative writing and/or professional writingᅠunits, inᅠWRIT3000 Writing: Advanced Projectᅠyou will plan and write an advanced creative writing project, with an emphasis on furthering yourᅠproject managementᅠandᅠcreativeᅠresearchᅠskills.

You will read books and view filmsᅠby leading Australian creatives working in the genres covered by the course.ᅠThere will be lectures and guest talks by leading Australian writers, including authors of the key texts. You will meet in your seminar groups for intensive, sustainedᅠworkshopping sessions with your writing peers, led by an experienced creative writing tutor.ᅠ

The genres available to you areᅠfiction,ᅠcreative non-fiction, andᅠscreenwriting. In the first week of the course you will choose which genre to write in, and you will be placed into the appropriate workshop group.

Your creative work will either be aᅠcomplete, self-contained piece of writing, or anᅠexcerpt from a longer work. A self-contained piece of writing could include:

  • a complete short story
  • a complete creative non-fiction piece
  • a complete short film script
  • a complete experimental work.

An excerpt from a longer work could include:

  • the first chapter of a book (fiction or non-fiction)
  • the first fifteen minutes of a feature film
  • the continuation of a project that you started in a previous Creative Writing class, such as
  • the second chapter of a genre novel (started inᅠWRIT2050: Writing the Genre Novel)
  • the second act of a feature film (started inᅠWRIT2120: Creative Writing: Screenwriting).

In addition to your major creative writing project, you will learn how to write a useful, realisticᅠproject plan. You will also learn how to write documents to help you 'pitch' your projects: theᅠsynopsis, theᅠprecis, theᅠcover letterᅠand more. WRIT3000 Writing: Advanced Projectᅠwill introduce students to a writer’s necessary practices in project management andᅠmanuscript development, creative research, intensive rewriting, revision, structural editing, line-editing, proofreading, and understanding the writing and publishing industry.


This is a hands-on, practicalᅠcourse, with less lecture content and more time dedicated to student writing, discussion and workshopping. As such, your in-personᅠattendanceᅠis critical to your success in this subject.ᅠᅠ

Course requirements

Assumed background

WRIT3000 is the compulsory third-yearᅠcourse (the capstone) for the BA Writing Major.ᅠTo enrol in this course you will need toᅠhave completed 8 credits of advanced-level courses in the BA Writing Major. If you don't have these credits but believe you are qualified enoughᅠto enrol in this course, please email the coordinator to make your case.


You'll need to complete the following courses before enrolling in this one:

8 units of advanced level courses from the Writing major

Course contact

Course staff




The timetable for this course is available on the UQ Public Timetable.

Additional timetable information

Whilst every effort is made to place students in their preferred activity, it is not always possible for a student to be enrolled in their tutorial of choice. If you require assistance, please ensure that you email from your UQ student email with: 

  • Your name 
  • Your student ID 
  • The course code 
  • A list of three tutorial preferences (in order of preference) 
  • Reason for the change – e.g. timetable clash, elite athlete status, SAP 

Teaching staff do not have access to change tutorials or help with timetables; all timetabling changes must be processed through the Timetabling Team. 

Aims and outcomes

Writing: Advanced Project supports you as you develop and completeᅠa substantial piece of writingᅠtoᅠa standard suitable for publication or production. You will study, apply and seek to masterᅠspecificᅠliterary techniques, in a genre of your choice. There is also a focus on project management, research, manuscript development and pitching your work to publishers and/or film production companies.

Learning outcomes

After successfully completing this course you should be able to:


Demonstrate mastery of key theories and practices in your chosen genre


Develop advanced research and project management skills


Provide robust, constructive peer feedback to classmates


Revise, edit and proofread to a high standard


Understand key principles and emerging trends in the publishing and film production industries


Assessment summary

Category Assessment task Weight Due date
Paper/ Report/ Annotation 1. Project Plan 20% 400 words

19/08/2024 4:00 pm

Essay/ Critique 2. Writing Sample & Synopsis 20% 400 words

6/09/2024 4:00 pm

Participation/ Student contribution, Reflection 3. Workshopping Participation 10% 200 words

18/10/2024 4:00 pm

Project 4. Advanced Writing Project 50% Up to 2,500 words total (or equivalent)

25/10/2024 4:00 pm

Assessment details

1. Project Plan

Paper/ Report/ Annotation
20% 400 words
Due date

19/08/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L05

Task description

A project plan for your advanced writing project. This should include

  • Working title (e.g., 'A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius')
  • Description of genre and sub-genre (e.g., 'Fiction; dark fantasy')
  • Project summary (100 words MAX)
  • Research and self-directed reading plan
  • Writing, revision and editing schedule

400 words (+/- 10%)

A word count that is within ±10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable, e.g 360-440 words. A word count that is less than 360 words, or greater than 440 words, will be penalised through a reduction of 10% of the total mark available for the assessment.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Submit via BlackBoard. For information & assistance on how to use BlackBoard for assignment submissions please refer to student guides found at the library website at this URL:

Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically via Blackboard and using TurnItIn. Before submitting any assignments for this course you must ensure you have completed UQ's compulsory online Academic Integrity Tutorial. 

When you successfully submit your assessment to TurnItIn you will see text confirming your submission is complete, before being redirected to your Assignment inbox. On this page you can: 

  • View the name of the submitted file 
  • View date and time of the upload 
  • Resubmit your paper (if necessary) 
  • Download your submitted paper 
  • Download digital receipt. 

If you cannot see your submission in your Assignment inbox you should regard your submission as unsuccessful. Students are responsible for retaining evidence of submission by the due date for all assessment items, in the required form (e.g. screenshot, email, photo, and an unaltered copy of submitted work). 

If the submission was not successful: 

  • Note the error message (preferably take a screenshot).  
  • Go to your assignment page and see if it is possible to submit again. 
  • If you cannot submit again email your course coordinator immediately with the assignment attached. 

Please visit this webpage for further advice on how to submit your TurnItIn assignment

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

2. Writing Sample & Synopsis

Essay/ Critique
20% 400 words
Due date

6/09/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L04, L05

Task description

A 100-word synopsis of your writing project

A 300-word writing sample, properly formatted

400 words, +/-10%

A word count that is within ±10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable, e.g 360-440 words. A word count that is less than 360 words, or greater than 440 words, will be penalised through a reduction of 10% of the total mark available for the assessment.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Submit via BlackBoard. For information & assistance on how to use BlackBoard for assignment submissions please refer to student guides found at the library website at this URL:

Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically via Blackboard and using TurnItIn. Before submitting any assignments for this course you must ensure you have completed UQ's compulsory online Academic Integrity Tutorial. 

When you successfully submit your assessment to TurnItIn you will see text confirming your submission is complete, before being redirected to your Assignment inbox. On this page you can: 

  • View the name of the submitted file 
  • View date and time of the upload 
  • Resubmit your paper (if necessary) 
  • Download your submitted paper 
  • Download digital receipt. 

If you cannot see your submission in your Assignment inbox you should regard your submission as unsuccessful. Students are responsible for retaining evidence of submission by the due date for all assessment items, in the required form (e.g. screenshot, email, photo, and an unaltered copy of submitted work). 

If the submission was not successful: 

  • Note the error message (preferably take a screenshot).  
  • Go to your assignment page and see if it is possible to submit again. 
  • If you cannot submit again email your course coordinator immediately with the assignment attached. 

Please visit this webpage for further advice on how to submit your TurnItIn assignment

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

3. Workshopping Participation

Participation/ Student contribution, Reflection
10% 200 words
Due date

18/10/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Task description

Students are required to write a short 25- to 50-word author statement, prefacing their workshop draft.

This should take the form of bullet points.

  • Following workshopping, students are required to write a short 25- to 50-word 'next steps' statement, which summarises the key feedback they received, and
  • outlines the next step(s) they will take to develop their writing project.

Students are also required to write a short peer feedback statement, which

  • provides examples of feedback they provided to 3x different classmates in three different weeks across the semester (25-50 words), and
  • reflects on what they learnt from participating in the workshopping process as author and peer reviewer (25-50 words).  

NOTE: to be able to submit this assessment, you will need to 

  1. Workshop your draft in class, in-person, once (minimum)
  2. Provide feedback to classmates in class, in-person, in three different weeks (minimum)

100-200 words, +/-10%

A word count that is within ±10% of the set length (word limit) is acceptable, e.g 90-220 words. A word count that is less than 90 words, or greater than 220 words, will be penalised through a reduction of 10% of the total mark available for the assessment.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically via Blackboard and using TurnItIn. Before submitting any assignments for this course you must ensure you have completed UQ's compulsory online Academic Integrity Tutorial. 

When you successfully submit your assessment to TurnItIn you will see text confirming your submission is complete, before being redirected to your Assignment inbox. On this page you can: 

  • View the name of the submitted file 
  • View date and time of the upload 
  • Resubmit your paper (if necessary) 
  • Download your submitted paper 
  • Download digital receipt. 

If you cannot see your submission in your Assignment inbox you should regard your submission as unsuccessful. Students are responsible for retaining evidence of submission by the due date for all assessment items, in the required form (e.g. screenshot, email, photo, and an unaltered copy of submitted work). 

If the submission was not successful: 

  • Note the error message (preferably take a screenshot).  
  • Go to your assignment page and see if it is possible to submit again. 
  • If you cannot submit again email your course coordinator immediately with the assignment attached. 

Please visit this webpage for further advice on how to submit your TurnItIn assignment

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

4. Advanced Writing Project

50% Up to 2,500 words total (or equivalent)
Due date

25/10/2024 4:00 pm

Learning outcomes
L02, L03, L04

Task description

Advanced Writing Project (50%): Within your chosen genre, write either:

  • one complete, self-contained short text; 
  • the opening of a longer-form text;

For a prose-based work of fiction or non-fiction, this should be between 2,200 and 2,500 words.

For a screenplay, this should be 10-13 pages, properly formatted (equivalent to 2,200 words minimum and 2,500 words maximum).

A wordcount that is more than 2,500 words or less than 2,200 words will be penalised through a reduction of 10% of the total mark available for the assessment. There is no +/- 10% for wordcount for this assignment.

This assessment task evaluates students' abilities, skills and knowledge without the aid of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) or Machine Translation (MT). Students are advised that the use of AI or MT technologies to develop responses is strictly prohibited and may constitute student misconduct under the Student Code of Conduct.

Submission guidelines

Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically via Blackboard and using TurnItIn. Before submitting any assignments for this course you must ensure you have completed UQ's compulsory online Academic Integrity Tutorial. 

When you successfully submit your assessment to TurnItIn you will see text confirming your submission is complete, before being redirected to your Assignment inbox. On this page you can: 

  • View the name of the submitted file 
  • View date and time of the upload 
  • Resubmit your paper (if necessary) 
  • Download your submitted paper 
  • Download digital receipt. 

If you cannot see your submission in your Assignment inbox you should regard your submission as unsuccessful. Students are responsible for retaining evidence of submission by the due date for all assessment items, in the required form (e.g. screenshot, email, photo, and an unaltered copy of submitted work). 

If the submission was not successful: 

  • Note the error message (preferably take a screenshot).  
  • Go to your assignment page and see if it is possible to submit again. 
  • If you cannot submit again email your course coordinator immediately with the assignment attached. 

Please visit this webpage for further advice on how to submit your TurnItIn assignment

Deferral or extension

You may be able to apply for an extension.

The maximum extension allowed is 28 days. Extensions are given in multiples of 24 hours.

Late submission

A penalty of 10% of the maximum possible mark will be deducted per 24 hours from time submission is due for up to 7 days. After 7 days, you will receive a mark of 0.

Course grading

Full criteria for each grade is available in the Assessment Procedure.

Grade Cut off Percent Description
1 (Low Fail) 1 - 24

Absence of evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

2 (Fail) 25 - 44

Minimal evidence of achievement of course learning outcomes.

3 (Marginal Fail) 45 - 49

Demonstrated evidence of developing achievement of course learning outcomes

4 (Pass) 50 - 64

Demonstrated evidence of functional achievement of course learning outcomes.

5 (Credit) 65 - 74

Demonstrated evidence of proficient achievement of course learning outcomes.

6 (Distinction) 75 - 84

Demonstrated evidence of advanced achievement of course learning outcomes.

7 (High Distinction) 85 - 100

Demonstrated evidence of exceptional achievement of course learning outcomes.

Additional course grading information

  • Where fractional marks occur in the calculation of the final grade, a mark of x.5% or greater will be rounded up to (x+1)%. A percentage mark of less than x.5% will be rounded down to x%.  
  • Where no assessable work is received, a Grade of X will apply.

Supplementary assessment

Supplementary assessment is available for this course.

Additional assessment information

  • Further information regarding the assessment, including marking criteria and/or marking rubrics are available in the ‘Assessment’ folder in Blackboard for this course. 
  • Marks Cannot Be Changed After Being Released: Marks are not open to negotiation with course staff. If you wish to discuss the feedback you have received, you should make an appointment to speak with the Course Coordinator. 
  • Assessment Re-mark: If you are considering an Assessment Re-mark, please follow the link to important information you should consider before submitting a request. 
  • Integrity Pledge: Assignments for this course will be submitted electronically via Blackboard and using Turnitin. Before submitting any assignments for this course, you must ensure you have completed UQ's compulsory online Academic Integrity Modules.ᅠIn uploading an assignment via Turnitin you are certifying that it is your original work, that it has not been copied in whole or part from another person or source except where this is properly acknowledged, and that it has not in whole or part been previously submitted for assessment in any other course at this or any other university. 
  • Withholding marks prior to finalisation of grades: Per UQ Assessment Procedures – Release of Assessment Item Marks and Grades: The final assessment item and the marks for the assessment item are to be released only after the final grade for the course has been released. 

Learning resources

You'll need the following resources to successfully complete the course. We've indicated below if you need a personal copy of the reading materials or your own item.

Library resources

Find the required and recommended resources for this course on the UQ Library website.

Additional learning resources information

We ask that youᅠactively investigate the WRIT3000 Blackboard site (log in at, which you will gain access to when you enrol. You need to be able to download, print off, and read Portable Document Format (.pdf), Word document format (.doc), and rich-text format (.rtf) files from the WRIT3000 Blackboard site in advance of the weekly lectures and tutorials.ᅠYou must ensure that you have reliable access to your UQᅠemail account, and you will need to check your UQ email account regularly for messages.ᅠ

Learning activities

The learning activities for this course are outlined below. Learn more about the learning outcomes that apply to this course.

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Learning period Activity type Topic
Week 1

(22 Jul - 28 Jul)


Week 1 Seminar: Introduction

Course introduction; assignments, allocating tute groups & workshopping weeks

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05

Week 2

(29 Jul - 04 Aug)


Week 2 Seminar: Project Planning

Project planning, writing exercises

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L05

Week 3

(05 Aug - 11 Aug)


Week 3 Seminar: Research

How to research for your work. Workshopping begins

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03

Week 4

(12 Aug - 18 Aug)

Not Timetabled

Week 4: Self-directed learning

Work on Project Plan. No seminar due to Ekka.

Week 5

(19 Aug - 25 Aug)


Week 5: Writing Pitches & Synopses

How to write a pitch, and how to write a synopsis. Guest lecture from Sarah Klenbort and Shayne Armstrong.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L05

Week 6

(26 Aug - 01 Sep)


Week 6: Guest Author - Mirandi Riwoe

Mirandi Riwoe talking about Sunbirds - guest fiction author Q&A; workshopping

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04, L05

Week 7

(02 Sep - 08 Sep)


Week 7: Screenwriting

Shayne Armstrong guest lecturer (screenwriting); workshopping

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L04, L05

Week 8

(09 Sep - 15 Sep)


Week 8: Guest Author - Yen-Rong Wong

Guest creative non-fiction author Q&A, Workshopping

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L04, L05

Week 9

(16 Sep - 22 Sep)


Week 9: Essential Structural Editing

Don't miss this hands-on approach to structural editing - step-by-step advice on how to become a pro'

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04

Week 10

(30 Sep - 06 Oct)


Week 10: Workshopping & Editing Blitz with Guest Speaker from Ludo Studio

How to take your writing to the next level thanks to revising/editing. Guest Lecture from the Publishing Manager of publishing phenomenon Ludo Studio, home of Bluey. Workshopping.

Learning outcomes: L01, L02, L03, L04

Week 11

(07 Oct - 13 Oct)

Not Timetabled

Week 11: Self Directed Learning

No seminar due to King's Birthday Public Holiday. Work on advanced writing project.

Week 12

(14 Oct - 20 Oct)


Week 12: Guest Speakers from UQP; Tutor Feedback

UQP staff - publishing industry Q&A; peer and tutor review of final project; workshopping

Learning outcomes: L02, L03, L04, L05

Week 13

(21 Oct - 27 Oct)

Not Timetabled

Week 13: Self Directed Learning

Finalise Writing Projects ready for submission.

Policies and procedures

University policies and procedures apply to all aspects of student life. As a UQ student, you must comply with University-wide and program-specific requirements, including the:

Learn more about UQ policies on my.UQ and the Policy and Procedure Library.